After a short break, at 15 o'clock in the afternoon local time, the second game of the Christmas game started, and this one was also star-studded, and the sense of expectation was no less than that of the Heat playing the Nets.

This is the Thunder vs. the Knicks, the two teams are full of big names, and their clash is naturally full of highlights.

Han Zhe is also very interested in this game, he thinks that the strength of the two teams is more balanced than the first game, and it should be better to play.

"I hope these two teams don't play ugly like the first game!" Vucevic couldn't help but complain, watching the game is of course different from playing by himself, when watching the game, he naturally hopes that others will play smoothly and excitingly, and it is best to play a high score to enjoy it.

After the opening, the baby-faced Anthony took the lead and opened the situation with a domineering dunk, and the momentum was not lost to the Thunder at all, but Wei Shao seemed to have a good hand today, and hit the first three-point shot and overtook the score.

In the next round, Chandler was slapped away by Perkins on a breakaway layup, and then Durant received the ball and scored an easy basketball.

The two teams have a fast rhythm of attack and defense, and the fans at the scene are very happy, and the cheers come and go, which is a bit of a Christmas war.

Halfway through the first quarter, although the difference between the two teams was not large, Han Zhe frowned and muttered: "The Knicks are a little incomprehensible in their playing style today, do you want to play small ball with the Thunder?"

The so-called small ball is to speed up in an all-round way, speed up the rhythm of attack and defense, and the offense is also dominated by medium and long-range shooting, and the fight is physical fitness and hit rate.

"It should be, otherwise the Knicks are looking for death when they play three guards. Walker thinks the same way, the Knicks now have three guards on the court, and their rebounding and interior defense are hardly enough to be a threat to the Thunder.

There must be benefits for the Knicks to play like this, if the shooting percentage is high, they may soon be able to beat the opponent into doubt, but if the shooting rate can't go up, it is estimated that the opponent will soon be beaten into doubt.

Han Zhe had also played small-ball tactics a few times before, but that was forced to stop when he was a Bobcat, because the overall strength of the team was too poor, so he could only win by surprise.

But Han Zhe thinks that the Knicks don't need to fight like this with the Thunder, their lineup is not bad, and it is clear that the horses will not necessarily lose.

The Knicks played well in the first quarter, leading by three points at 26-23, which also strengthened their coach's confidence, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with this tactic, and if this global Christmas game wins, his coach who uses risky tactics will definitely be able to make a big difference.

Woodson was fantasizing about the glory after winning, but he was quickly slapped in the face by reality, and as soon as the second quarter began, Durant began to use his power frequently, not to mention technology, it was difficult for the opponent to fight just physically, and he didn't play too well.

Durant was still second, and the Knicks' shooting percentage was not high, and the score was quickly reversed by the Thunder.

Seeing that Woodson still hadn't adjusted his tactics, Zhe shook his head and said, "Durant is cool this game!"

The rest of the players felt the same way, Durant is now a tiger, and the Knicks' interior is completely useless to him, and he can score almost with the ball.

Wei Shao's physical fitness is also excellent, and now the number of breakthrough layups has increased significantly, with a clear purpose, that is, to catch your empty inside line and beat it hard!

It seems that Woodson is also a bit of a stubborn coach, although the team is completely suppressed, he still sticks to the established tactics and does not make any changes, perhaps he thinks that the players have the ability to turn the tide.

In fact, Woodson is not blindly stubborn, the Knicks' state is a bit sluggish during this time, and he may not have enough confidence in the regular tactics to play the Thunder, so it will change.

After the second quarter, the score became 52-47 for the Thunder, and it can't be said that the Knicks didn't play well in this quarter, but the Thunder played too well, and the Thunder scored 29 points in a single quarter!

At the beginning of the second half, although both sides made substitutions, they were changed in inconsequential positions, and the overall tactics did not change.

Halfway through the third quarter, I saw that the Knicks finally made tactical adjustments, and the next guard was replaced by a big forward, but Han Zhe directly asserted, "It's night, the Knicks are out of play!"

Now that the Thunder score has led by double digits, Wei Shao and Durant's state has also been completely stimulated, and their morale is like a rainbow, Han Zhe doesn't think that the Knicks can turn the tables.

As a result, the game ended with the Thunder beating the Knicks 123-94 to get a big victory.

"Haha... The Knicks may have to spend this Christmas in tears!" Seeing Anthony and the others end up dejected, Ibaka couldn't help but laugh.

"It's so miserable, the Christmas war was actually thrown away by more than 30 points, and the Thunder really didn't have any affection at all!" Vucevic also laughed.

Walker also said: "Westbrook and Durant are both crazy today, it's not surprising that there is such a point difference!"

Soon the technical statistics came out, Durant slashed 41 points today, Wei Shao also scored 29 points, these two scored more than half of the team's scores, no wonder the Knicks were beaten badly.

Of course, after the game, the biggest bearer of the Knicks must not be Anthony, but their coach Woodson, this is the result of gambling tactics, if he wins, he will definitely praise him for his proper tactics, surprising victory, and famous handsome demeanor, but unfortunately he has lost now, and he has lost very badly, then this is a blind JB fight!

"Alright, it's time for us to go, come on, everyone!"

Seeing Vaughn push the door in, Han Zhe knew that it was time for the team to go, so he greeted his teammates and prepared to leave for Staples Arena, where it was time for their game against the Lakers.

This ball, everyone is bound to win!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [Returning to the Moon Night Soul] for rewarding 1000 points. _

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