When the Magic arrived near the arena, they were shocked by the scene in front of them, not that they hadn't played the Christmas game, but they hadn't played in the Lakers' back garden, and now there was only one feeling, and there were too many people.

Several streets near the stadium were blocked with people, and countless police and security guards cleared a road for cars to pass, and there were long cordons on both sides of the road to stop the flow of people outside, and the scene was quite spectacular!

When the magic bus came to the gate of the stadium, the dazzling flash almost blinded Han Zhe and the others.

"I'm going... When did we become such a big name, not to mention the fans, the reporters alone have to be hundreds!" Walker said as he posed for the media to take pictures.

As soon as Walker's words fell, Han Zhe pointed to Johnny Depp, who had just gotten off the car next to him, and many people were suddenly stunned.

There are not only fans here today, but also countless fans, and reporters are not only here for them and the Lakers, you must know that Hollywood is next to it, and there are many stars who are usually available in the Lakers game, and today Christmas, there are more stars present, Han Zhe They stayed for a short time, and there were several popular stars passing by, and today it is simply a small Oscar scene, and it is not surprising that there are so many people.

After Han Zhe and the others asked the reporter to take a few photos, they also hurriedly entered the stadium, otherwise they would have to block the road with a large group of people standing here!

When entering the stadium, there are many celebrities who greet Han Zhe and them, and sports athletes and entertainment stars here in the United States often meet in some social occasions, and it is normal to be familiar with each other.

"Damn, I don't know, I thought we were attending the Oscars today!" Ibaka couldn't help but complain.

Vucevic nodded and said: "It is estimated that half of the Hollywood stars are here today, I don't know if they are watching the game or showing off!"

Han Zhe also laughed, Staples Arena is indeed star-studded today, these people estimate that watching football is secondary, most of them have already regarded this place as a social place, and they all know that there are huge numbers of media here today, and it is good to be able to show your face and expose it, this is free hype.

When Han Zhe and the others came out of the lounge to put their things away, Han Zhe heard someone calling him, this voice was too familiar, and when he turned his head, it was really little Lori Colo sitting in the front row and waving to him. Han Zhe walked over and said helplessly: "You are not afraid of making headlines again tomorrow!"

Kolo pouted, "That matter has long passed, and I'm not a big star, they just fry for two days, how can they have time to stare at me every day!"

"You're not, but I'm yes, don't you know that buddy has become popular all over the world, and now I don't know how many cameras are staring at me!" Han Zhe snorted very angrily.

Chloe rolled his eyes and showed a disdainful look, knowing that Han Zhe was joking, but he also knew that Han Zhe was actually okay with what he said, Han Zhe was much more popular than her now, and there were a lot of Hollywood giants present, but Han Zhe's attraction was no worse than those superstars, since the two began talking, many media have focused here.

But both of them are relatively "tiger" personalities, and there have been scandals, but now that they have cooled down, no one cares, and they just fry cold rice.

"Today's game is a concern, if you lose, you will be embarrassed and embarrassed!" Kolo began to hit Han Zhe.

Kolo's words are true, although the Lakers and Magic are no longer the top teams in the NBA, the audience here is the biggest name, and this game is indeed the most watched and watched the most.

"You're still worried about the Lakers, these old guys are going to cry today!"

Then Han Zhe shook hands with Robert and Johnny Depp next to Chloe and said hello, they had met and chatted at a charity event before, and they knew each other.

In fact, there are a lot of charity and public welfare activities of celebrities here in the United States, and everyone is also very active, not that everyone here has love, but participating in charitable donations can reasonably avoid taxes, these Han Zhe doesn't understand very well, anyway, they are all arranged by Luther, and there is also a team of professional lawyers in taxation to help him maximize his interests!

Then Han Zhe walked to a few yellow-skinned and black-haired Asians and chatted, these are some celebrities from China, some have met, some have chatted on Weibo, Han Zhe said hello one by one, which made them a little flattered.

These people may be considered a wrist in China, but they are not fart here, and there is no comparison with Han Zhe at all, Han Zhe chatted with them, and they were naked, because many domestic and foreign media cameras followed Han Zhe, and they also showed a big face.

After the entertainment, Han Zhe returned to their rest place to change clothes and prepare to warm up.

"Steve, is the foot injury healed?" Han Zhe was the first to say hello to Nash, who has been a bit back this season and has been plagued by injuries for a long time.

Nash sighed, "It's almost better, but I'm not as fit as I used to be now, I'm getting injured, I've already figured it out, this is my last season, I'll retire when I'm done, and I'll be able to focus on watching you play at home." "

Han Zhe opened his mouth and didn't know what to say, he could see that Nash was serious, but he wasn't joking, so persuade him to continue fighting, but Nash is forty years old, this is already an NBA legend, not to mention that he is often injured now, and it is really not a good choice to continue playing.

"It's nothing, I'm very satisfied with being able to fight so far, and it's good to be able to rest, lest my wife and children say that they won't accompany them every day!" Nash said with a big smile.

Han Zhe didn't know what the player's mood was when he was facing retirement, but it was conceivable that he was definitely not so free and easy on the surface, but Han Zhe didn't continue to say anything, nodded and blessed Nash and began to warm up.

He is not familiar with the other players of the Lakers, as for Kobe, Han Zhe doesn't have much to say, that guy is a stuffy gourd to people who are not very familiar!

After the warm-up, the players of the two teams officially appeared in the spotlight after a short rest, and the screams on the scene came one after another, and I don't know if it was for them or for the Hollywood stars who watched the game.

After Han Zhe glanced at it, he called the team members together, and only said one sentence, "Today's limelight can't be robbed by this group of guys who take advantage of the heat!"

Many players of the Magic believe that this is the Christmas war, and the protagonists must be them!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [beileile] for tipping 1000 points. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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