In the second half, Han Zhe did not rest, and still played to stabilize the situation, but replaced Walker with Afflalo, and the most abundant reserves of the Magic at present are defenders, who can be switched at will.

Leonard also stayed on the court, and he played very well when he came on the court, especially in the rebounding and blocking areas, which put a lot of pressure on the Lakers, and for the current Magic, Leonard can contribute on the defensive end is qualified.

As for the Lakers, they replaced Famar with the veteran Nash, and Nash received warm applause from the fans when he came on the court, which is the glory that the veteran deserves, not to mention that Nash has vaguely said on many occasions that this will be his last season, and the legend is about to end.

The Lakers didn't stop there, replacing Williams with power forward Hill, and Meeks was replaced by Nick Young.

"Didn't you say that the last few minutes of the second quarter were finals, why did you come up again!" Han Zhe owed a lot to tease Kobe Bryant again.

Kobe Bryant turned around and walked away, saying... He couldn't take it!

I thought that if I entered the Zone, I would at least be able to overtake the Magic and take the lead, but I didn't know that Han Zhe was also slammed down, although he was a little closer to the score, but he still fell behind, which made his desire to rest frustrated, a little embarrassing!

The key is that everyone attaches too much importance to this Christmas war, and will go all out, no less intense than in the playoffs, or even worse, before the score has no advantage, Kobe Bryant, who has a strong sense of victory, will definitely not want to play hastily!

Magic kick-off attack, Han Zhe was caught by Nick Young and Kobe Bryant as soon as he arrived on the outside, this kind of positive package is rare in Kobe's entire career, it is not difficult to see his thirst for this victory!

"Don't you want to be so ruthless!" Han Zhe complained while protecting the ball, are you a big guy, and you don't want to lose face!

Fortunately, Han Zhe was not alone, and when he saw Avlalo's timely support, he immediately chose to divide the ball.

After receiving the ball, Afflaro took two big strides around Nick Young, who was about to make up for the defense, and made a quick stop jump shot, but it is estimated that he was a little cold when he first came on the court, and the basket jumped out.

The nervous Magic fans just let out a sigh of regret, which immediately turned into a sound of surprise because Leonard managed to grab a point to make a supplementary shot.

The Lakers kicked off the baseline, Nash organized the offense, and after arriving in the frontcourt, Afraro stepped forward to interfere, but Nash dribbled + suddenly changed direction and shook Afraro to the left wing.

Leonard just came out to make up for the defense, Nick Young took the first step to block successfully, such an opportunity Nash certainly did not hesitate, three-point shot and hit.


Lakers fans immediately applauded, Jiang is still old and spicy, although Nash is not fast, but very efficient, completely using experience to beat Afralo and then pull out a three-point shot, in one go.

"It's really careless about these old guys!" Afflalo smiled bitterly, and of course he was mainly responsible for conceding the goal.

But everyone didn't speak, and this can't be blamed on teammates for not being strong, the only thing that can limit Nash is injuries and age, and his skills are still there.

Lakers fans were still excited, and when they were discussing whether he could turn things around, Han Zhe had already rushed to the three-point line, and after Afflaro blocked Kobe, he shook Nick Young and hit a three-point shot!

"That's what Han Zhe does, he can always stand up and score to stabilize the situation when he is needed, and the Magic players have formed a good tacit understanding with each other, and Afflalo is very good at this time. "

As soon as Su Qun finished speaking, Zhang Li said: "I don't know if you have paid attention, although Han Zhe's three points are now taken care of, but if the Lakers score three points, Han Zhe will always use his color, as if telling the other party that outside the three-point line is his territory, and no one wants to steal the limelight!"

"When I think about it, it's really domineering, but I can also keep the score gap from narrowing, but we all know that three points are not so easy to shoot, not to mention being targeted..."

After playing for a few more minutes, Han Zhe glanced at Kobe Bryant unexpectedly, and the shock in his eyes was self-evident, not that Kobe Bryant was mad and reversed the game, but that he finally knew why Kobe Bryant could score 81 points in a single game.

Han Zhe used to think, even if the whole team helps him make the ball, but it has to be able to shoot, the normal shooting rate of ordinary players is 50%-60%, even if it is very awesome, how many balls does Kobe Bryant have to shoot with 81 points, if he opens the zone to improve the shooting rate, it will be fine, but he can zone the whole game?

The body can't bear it!

Now Han Zhe has finally discovered the secret, this guy can switch the Zone state at will, or enter the Zone intermittently, and the former NBA person really deserves his name.

James's zone he's seen, although it seems like he can enter it at any time, but it's only a few minutes, and as for Durant, it's still a little close, and he needs to be stimulated to excite the state.

"If it weren't for Kobe Bryant's age and physical incapacity, he would still be a person in the NBA!" this is Han Zhe's conclusion.

That's right, although Kobe Bryant can still switch now, his physical limitations are too great, and he has not entered the zone for much time in this game, but according to Han Zhe's observation, he is already exhausted and can't resist for long.

The next game made the audience smack, Han Zhe began to scold Kobe Bryant frequently, and it was basically a physical forced confrontation, which was a collision of physical strength and strength!

Before the third quarter was over, the Lakers asked for a substitution, Kobe Bryant, and Meeks came on the court again.

The audience was in an uproar, you must know that everyone can see that the Lakers can bite the Magic is that Kobe Bryant has a trend of exploding today, and this section is also crazy to cut points, how to say it, although Nash has strong scoring and organizational skills, but the impact and Kobe Bryant can't be compared, they don't understand.

Some people also think that Kobe Bryant's physical fitness is not good, but judging from the past games, although Kobe Bryant is old, his physical fitness is maintained well, and it should not be a big problem to insist on playing the whole game!

"I'm sorry, I don't want to lose this game!" Han Zhe said abruptly to Kobe Bryant, who was about to leave the court.

I thought that Kobe Bryant might scold himself for being shameless or something, because he knew too well the reason for Kobe's departure, and when he got closer, he could see Kobe sweating like rain and his legs were trembling slightly, which was the result of his forced physical confrontation to make the opponent's physical overdraft, and he dragged Kobe down physically.

Who knew that Kobe Bryant suddenly laughed and patted Han Zhe on the shoulder: "Youth is capital, and physical confrontation is also part of basketball, if you can't use your advantages reasonably, I will look down on you, Han, you are only 21 years old... It's terrible..."

The last word, Kobe Bryant's voice was very soft, Han Zhe didn't hear it clearly, but Kobe Bryant had already turned around and left after speaking.

"Kobe Bryant is really old. James sighed when he saw Kobe Bryant, he had played with Kobe Bryant too many times at his peak, he knew Kobe very well, Kobe Bryant was a physical monster, under normal circumstances, even if he drove the zone for a few minutes, Han Zhe's physical fitness would be crushed by him, how could he be slammed by Han Zhe with his body!

Then James's eyes shone again, staring at the back of Magic No. 10, although Kobe Bryant is close to the end, the NBA will never lack strong people!

He is still passionate, and will protect or strengthen his "crown"

There was no suspense in the next game, although Han Zhe was only halfway through the final quarter and was physically exhausted, but the Magic still controlled the situation of the game, and finally defeated the Lakers 113-105, making this wonderful Christmas battle a perfect end.

This is the withering of an era, but also the bloom of an era!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [Mao Zai] for tipping 100 points. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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