As soon as the game ended, the Lakers fans left the court with a curse, the home team lost such an important Christmas battle, and it was a home defeat, their mood can be imagined, it is estimated that eating turkey today is like wax.

On the contrary, there were about three or four thousand fans singing and dancing in celebration who did not want to leave, they were naturally Magic fans, and this Christmas was simply amazing for them, not only to watch the wonderful Christmas battle, but also to win the home team, and the mood was beautiful!

"Han, you're lucky, you actually won the Lakers, lucky guy!" Kolo likes to go against Han Zhe anyway, and when he saw Han Zhe coming, he immediately said a word, completely forgetting his excitement when the magic won just now.

Han Zhe has long been accustomed to this little girl's character, and pouted: "This is called strength or not, and it is also appropriate for us to suppress the Lakers to win the whole game, forget it, you can't understand the ball anyway, and it will be useless to talk to you!"

"Hmph, who can't read the ball, I'm an old fan..."

Seeing that the reporters began to come around, Han Zhe was afraid that they would talk about himself and Kolo again, and after agreeing to meet Kolo later, Han Zhe flashed.

However, just as he was about to enter the player's tunnel, he was stopped by a person, "Han, hello, can you get to know me!"

Before Han Zhe could speak, Walker and Ibaka not far away rushed over with bright eyes, "Hey, Kardashian, Han is not such a good appointment, I think otherwise you would have made an appointment with us, you see, I am stronger than Han!"

After Ibaka finished speaking, he also showed off his muscles, his muscles and size did look much stronger than Han Zhe.

"Ibaka, Walker, you two boys still want to mess up, you dare to rob Han's sister, let's go, I will punish you on behalf of the organization!" Vucevic came out of nowhere, and dragged them aside with one in his arms.

The three of them were actually joking, Ibaka dared to face the wall because she knew that Han Zhe didn't seem to be interested in a woman like Kardashian, and they had tested it when they were partying before.

"Why are you pulling me, I've been greedy for this Kardashian for a long time, I still keep his precious videos, anyway, Han doesn't like Kardashian, hehe!" Ibaka said vigorously.

Kardashian is a famous courtesan in the entertainment industry, and there are indeed many people who covet her, the key is that she is easier to get started, I don't know how many people she has fought with over the years, and there are small videos outflowing, which makes Dumas like Ibaka salivate for a long time, the key is that in terms of their aesthetics, Kardashian has big breasts and big butts, and the obvious contours of her facial features are big beauties!

"Come on, Kardashian can see you as a ghost, she is more popular now, and her net worth has also risen, I heard that she just opened her own innovative brand store, which is more profitable, there are a few girls over there who seem to be good, let's go and see!"

After Vucevic finished speaking, he took the two of them towards a large number of people, these are some stars who haven't left after watching the game, big stars are not good for them, small stars they are still very attractive, NBA players are more loved by actresses in the entertainment industry, the reason is very simple, strong, high appearance rate, can make them follow the fire, and a little famous players generally have high salaries!

Of course, Han Zhe knows that this is Kardashian, it's not that the two know each other, but Kardashian has a high appearance rate, and she is often reported to magazines, she is a famous courtesan, and she has also appeared on the cover of Playboy, especially the oversized buttocks, which makes many people flock to her.

However, Han Zhe doesn't like her type, it looks too awkward and weird, and Han Zhe thinks she doesn't look good.

It's not the first time Han Zhe has faced this situation, he coped with it easily, shook hands with Kardashian very enthusiastically and exchanged a few words, and cooperated with Kardashian to pose for reporters to take a few photos.

What Han Zhe didn't know was that someone's mouth in the distance was already bulging like a small balloon, and he was thinking in pieces, "Stinky and shameless, just take pictures, people are about to climb on others." "

Although it could be seen that Han Zhe was a little coping with himself, Kardashian still didn't give up, secretly stuffed something in Han Zhe's trouser pocket, and then whispered: "This is a room card, with the hotel and room address on it, let's have a good chat at night, I like to watch the ball very much!"

After Kardashian finished speaking, she threw a wink at Han Zhe and twisted her waist and left.

Han Zhe was stunned for a moment, and could only sigh, this Kardashian is really... Direct!

Then Han Zhe casually answered a few reporters' questions, and hurriedly walked into the players' tunnel, he made an appointment with Kolo for a while to invite her to dinner for Christmas, and he would definitely have to be complained about for a long time if he was late, as for the Kardashian appointment, forget it, Han Zhe didn't have that interest, and slept with that girl, Han Zhe felt that the green light on his head could illuminate half the sky, which was the difference in values at home and abroad.

Soon after entering the passage, Han Zhe found that many of his teammates were here, and of course they were not idle and bored, but were being interviewed.

Han Zhe knew at a glance that this was TNT as a roadblock here, Barkley's big bald head was too conspicuous, he could see it from afar, and the only one who could enter here to find business was TNT TV, the official partner of the alliance.

"Han, congratulations on your victory in the Christmas War, by the way, can you tell me what you and Kardashian were talking about just now, it seems to be very pleasant?"

Barkley's question was quirky and very casual, he didn't answer Han Zhe after asking, and his teammates whistled when he coaxed, what kind of urine sex Kardashian does they don't know, what else can they do except find Han Zhe to date.

Han Zhe seemed to think seriously for a while, and said slowly: "If I say that we are discussing some academic issues, believe it or not!"


As soon as Han Zhe's voice fell, everyone couldn't help laughing, even the camera shook a few times, obviously the photographer was also happy, this is probably the funniest joke they have ever heard!

TNT is not an entertainment tabloid after all, so he didn't stare at this question, and then began to ask professional questions about the game, and Han Zhe answered them one by one.

Finally Barkley asked, "What do you think of Kobe?"

This time, Han Zhe was not perfunctory, and after thinking about it, he said: "Kobe Bryant is still Kobe, his performance before is obvious to everyone, in terms of basketball perception, it is not an exaggeration to call him the first person in the NBA, and his attitude towards basketball is also worth learning." "

Barkley nodded first, and then asked a tricky question, "Do you think Kobe Bryant is the first in basketball, so in terms of overall strength, who do you think is the first in the NBA now." "

The Magic players were chatting, and they all fell silent when they heard this question, they were very curious about how Han Zhe would answer, you must know that this question is not easy to say, no matter who it says, it can make a big fuss, and it is very easy to offend people.

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