Barkley's question is obviously a pitfall, and the best way to deal with it is, of course, to avoid it without answering it directly.

Barkley originally asked casually, and he didn't expect Han Zhezhen to answer, but what they didn't expect was that Han Zhe really opened his mouth to answer.

"I'm no worse than anyone now, and not in the future. "

Barkley's eyes lit up and he continued: "You mean you're the current NBA No. 1 and the No. 1 man in the future?"

"Whatever you want to understand!" Han Zhe finished speaking and went to the locker room with his teammates.

"Wow, Han, we've all heard, you're so cool!" shouted Walker as they entered the door.

"What did you hear?" asked Han Zhe as he undressed.

Ibaka said: "You still want to pretend to be with us! In the TNT interview just now, you said that you are too hung in the NBA at present, and we fully agree with this, Kobe Bryant is old, Durant feels average, James is not better than you, and there is nothing wrong with you calling the first person at all." "

Han Zhe only wore a pair of shorts, walked to the bathroom door with a towel and turned around: "I didn't say that I was the first, I just thought that I was no worse than anyone else, how others understood it was none of my business, and who was the first said it didn't count, time will give us the answer." "

"What does Han mean by this, do you admit it or deny it?"

Han Zhe went to take a shower, but a bunch of teammates started to discuss.

"Han is already strong, what does it matter if he admits it or not, who dares to pat his chest now and say that he can win Han alone?"

"I know, I know! Han means he said that he wasn't the strongest, but he didn't find anyone stronger than him anyway!"

"Kind of makes sense!"

"Tomorrow's media looks like it's going to be lively again. "

"By the way, if you win the Christmas war, how much reward do you say the boss will give?"

"The boss is not a stingy person, it is indispensable, anyway, you will know when you go back~!"

After a group of people chatted for a while, they all began to take a shower and change their clothes.

When everyone was ready, Vaughn began to lead the team back to the hotel, and at Vaughn's behalf, everyone rested together after watching the next two Christmas battles in the hotel.

However, after returning to the hotel, Han Zhe sneaked to Vaughn's room to ask for leave, and Kolo came all the way to spend Christmas with him, and there was no reason to ignore others.

Vaughn didn't embarrass Han Zhe, just asked him to come back early in the evening, and be sure to pay attention to safety, today's Christmas Los Angeles is very lively.

Han Zhe nodded and said that he stole it after he knew.

"I knew that this guy Han was not righteous, you see, Guo went to pick up girls, I don't know if it's Kardashian or Klo!"

Han Zhe didn't know that his every move was under the noses of the two sneaky guys at the end of the hallway.

"Hey, hey... Walker, you're right, aren't we also going to sneak away, let's go, hurry up and ask for leave, don't let those two girls wait!"

The two of them also went into Vaughan's room, and soon the two of them came out in unison, and it seemed that they had been approved.

After a while, Vucevic went to call Han Zhe and Walker to get ready to watch the game, but they were instantly angry, "These bastards actually ran away secretly, and they didn't take me with them!"

Vucevic then went to Vaughn to ask for leave, everyone went out to wave, how could he be in the mood to watch the game stupidly!

Seeing that Vucevic also came to ask for leave, Vaughn suddenly had a black line, and there was no end, I originally wanted them to stay honest, but when I thought about it, I had already let the three guys out, and it was not good to treat them differently, and today is Christmas, everyone wants to relax and understand.

Vaughn figured it out and simply waved his hand and asked Vucevic to pass the word, and everyone who wanted to get out of the way should hurry up, but he had to pay attention to safety and must come back before midnight.

Han Zhe didn't know that his teammates had run away one after another, and now he was sitting with Kolo in an Italian restaurant.

"Hmph! I thought you and someone were going to roll the sheets. Chloe looked disdainful.

"Thinking too much, I'm tired like a dog just after playing, how can I have the energy to roll the sheets. "

After Han Zhe finished speaking, he signed a name for a little girl with a blank eye next to him, neither of them was disguised, so they were naturally recognized by many people, but there was no mess, although Han Zhe was already very popular, but this is Los Angeles, which can be said to be one of the most frequent places for celebrities, and everyone is immune.

"Yo! I mean, if you have energy, you'll go!" Chloe clung to the topic.

Han Zhe immediately scolded, "Kardashian is so ugly, if she wants to roll the sheets, she will roll the sheets with you." "

Kolo was not embarrassed by Han Zhe's teasing, but provoked with a small chest: "Okay, get out of the evening today!"

"Okay, as long as you're not afraid of being live. After Han Zhe finished speaking, he glanced out the window, where a few paparazzi were taking pictures.

Chloe stuck out his tongue, finally not continuing the topic.

Han Zhe breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, don't look at the surface he is not good, in fact, he is still a little nervous, he has been with Kolo for so long, it would be self-deceptive to say that he didn't feel a little bit, and Kolo can also feel his feelings, and if he continues to talk about this topic, he may have to go off.

Han Zhe is not Yanagishita Hui, the reason why he did not develop further, the scandal exposure is secondary, he is not afraid, the key is that he feels that Kolo is still a little younger...

The two did not stop during the meal, and bickering was already a daily routine for the two.

"What Italian food do you have to eat, this macaroni is sweet and weird, so what's delicious?"

"It's delicious, are you deliberately finding fault!"

"I (Zhao De's) asked the waiter if there were any spicy noodles. "

"Don't be so embarrassed, okay, this is not a roadside stall in the Celestial Empire. "

"Yo, there is growth, and I know the roadside stalls..."

It was already dark after the two of them finished eating, but Chloe was in high spirits and took him to Los Angeles, today is Christmas, the streets are bustling, there are men and women wearing Santa hats everywhere, and there are a lot of trinkets sold, Chloe is happy to walk around.

Looking at the smiling Kolo Han Zhe felt a little sorry in his heart, he rarely had such free time to accompany Kolo shopping, and every time he was free, Kolo came to him.

Next, Han Zhe and Kolo also bought two Santa hats and large-framed glasses to bring on, which was originally fun, but they didn't expect that there was an unexpected joy, that is, it had a camouflage effect, and if they didn't look carefully, they couldn't recognize them cold.

The paparazzi who have been lost behind him are proof of this!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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