Han Zhe and Kolo were tired of playing all the way, but they didn't know that a plump woman in cool clothes in a hotel was waiting for a long time and no one was coming, and she was looking forward to a question mark.

I thought that Han Zhe was delayed, but when he didn't see anyone at ten o'clock, he finally understood that he seemed to have been released into a pigeon.

This is an extremely rare thing for Kardashian, she has absolute confidence in her face and figure, which of those men used to be like flies around her, I didn't expect Han Zhe, a little broken child, to be so puzzled!

Originally, Kardashian really had feelings for Han Zhe, the other party had handsome facial features, a strong body, and a growing reputation, she didn't just want to have a one-night stand, but she was ready to develop it, but she didn't expect this plan to be yellow before it started!

After Kardashian threw two pillows, she calmed down and narrowed her eyes, "Is it because of Chloe's little brat? I don't know where it's okay to have no breasts or no ass? Hmph! Wait, you can't escape from the palm of my hand, the man I Kardashian wants, I haven't missed it yet!"

Of course, Han Zhe didn't know that someone was talking about himself, he had already put this matter aside, since he became popular, this kind of thing happened from time to time, there are often beautiful women who invite him to talk about life at night, there are fans, and there are also some Hollywood stars, in his opinion, Kardashian is no real difference from these people.

After shopping until more than 11 o'clock, Han Zhe took the somewhat unfinished Kolo back to rest, of course they didn't live together, the hotel where Kolo stayed was not far from them, Han Zhe first sent her over, and then went back to report 140 Dao himself.

Of course, there are also many reporters squatting here, and they also took photos of Han Zhe and Kolo returning together, but this is not big news, they all know that the two are good friends, and they don't deliberately avoid anything, but they are not very easy to hype, the key is that the two went to different hotels, which is the point.

After Han Zhe went back, most of his teammates came back, many of them were already resting, Han Zhe didn't bother others, he went back to the room to take a bath, he was treated better than ordinary players, that is, he was a single suite, and everyone else was one room for two or three people.

Han Zhe didn't go to bed for the first time after washing, but went online to watch the highlights of the next two Christmas battles, as for the score, I already knew, the Rockets defeated the Spurs 111-98, and the Warriors beat the Clippers 105-103, I heard that they all played very exciting.

When Han Zhe was about to go to bed, he heard the sound of the door opening and closing next to him, and knew that it was Walker and Ibaka's room, and immediately reacted that they had also gone out to play.

Not long after, I heard a knock on the door next to me, as if someone had entered, and secretly opened the door and listened for a while, and then quickly closed the door, which was for fear of being harmed by the pond fish, because Vaughn was scolding the two of them next door.

"You deserve it! Play until you come back quickly, and dare to turn off the phone, only if you don't get scolded, you can only have a ghost!" Han Zhe was obviously a little gloating, completely forgetting that he was the first to slip away, and his phone was also turned off before...

Han Zhe went to bed after three seconds of silence for the next door, after all, he was tired for a day and had no energy. (bfed)


The next day, early in the morning, Han Zhe and others took the bus to the airport to board the plane back to Orlando, originally Han Zhe wanted to chat a few words, but found that many teammates next to him seemed to be sleep-deprived, and fell asleep on the plane, he didn't bother, took the Walkman and began to listen to songs, and it didn't take long for him to fall asleep.

More than five hours later, the plane arrived in Orlando, to Han Zhe's great surprise, there were many fans who came to pick up the plane, when you saw the banner they were holding, it was clear that celebrating the victory of the Christmas war was only secondary, the main thing was that the team made history and won ten consecutive victories.

This history may seem a bit shabby to other teams, but Magic fans are already excited, and at least this is breaking the curse of the longest nine-game winning streak and making a fresh start.

Escorted by airport security, there were even louder cheers as soon as they came out, and everyone looked up, and it turned out that there were more reporters and fans outside, estimated to be two or three thousand, and they didn't think that Magic would win the finals.

Some fans of other teams at the airport who are ready to board the plane see this, and many fans are dirt buns, and they are embarrassed to celebrate with nine consecutive wins?

But Magic fans are so happy that many have even driven the team all the way to the club.

After the Magic players got out of the car, Vaughn also cooperated with the fans who came with him, and the autographs and group photos were all satisfied, and it seemed that he was in a very good mood today.

In fact, it is understandable that the team has made history, and he, the head coach, will naturally add a glorious stroke to the seniority book, and he is in a beautiful mood!

After dealing with the fans and reporters, the Magic all gathered at the arena, not to train, this Christmas game was the perfect curtain call, the team also broke through history, they won themselves a rare two-day vacation, the reason why the boss wanted to meet them.

It's a good fulfillment of the pre-race promise, and there are rewards!

It didn't take long for the owner Devos to come on the stage with a smile on his face, first complimenting the team's performance, and then without much ink, he began to pay bonuses on hard dishes.

The boss is as generous as ever, the main force is 50,000, the substitute is 20,000, and Han Zhe still has special treatment, 20,000 more than the main force.

The players were all smiling, with the exception of two people, Ibaka and Walker, because they seemed to have been forgotten and they didn't get the prize money.

Seeing the blank eyes of the two, Devos took out a roll of newspaper and slapped it in their hands, and turned to leave without saying anything.

Han Zhe and other teammates were curious to surround him, I don't know what the situation is, when he saw the newspaper that Ibaka and Walker entered a small hotel with a beautiful woman in their arms, Han Zhe sneered and laughed, no wonder the two of them didn't have a bonus, this was punished.

Han Zhe is very harmful to the potential of friends, not only did not comfort the depressed two, but ridiculed: "A reporter asked you if you had a romantic affair yesterday night, and you still didn't admit it with righteous words, this time people will get the stolen goods, and you won't wipe your mouth clean when you steal food, you should!"

After Walker reacted, he scolded the paparazzi a few words, and then said indignantly: "These reporters are so full that they have nothing to do, and we are not the only ones who have done this kind of thing, why should we give us a big picture, and all the dollars that Lao Tzu got have flew, it's too bastard!"

"Also, Han, didn't you report it the same, why didn't the boss punish you!" Walker was extremely unbalanced.

Han Zhe flipped through the newspaper, there was really a photo of himself and Kolo when they were eating in the restaurant, but Han Zhe suddenly smiled, "I didn't do anything when I ate with Kolo in the restaurant, my friends just had a dinner, why punish me?"

Walker Stopper!

Everyone then found out that something was wrong, and it turned out that Ibaka, one of the parties involved, had not said anything.

Han Zhe immediately patted Ibaka and praised: "Walker, do you see, Ibaka has the style of a general, this is a real man who is not shocked by honor and disgrace." "

How do you know that it's okay if Han Zhe doesn't say it, at this mention, Ibaka is about to cry, and his eyes are godless: "It's over... I don't dare to go back, Han, can I go to your house to sleep today?"

Everyone was stunned, and then laughed, they remembered, Ibaka is now a family man, he only got engaged to singer Kelly Hilson in June this year, and he is ready to get married soon, and Kelly is currently living with him, which is embarrassing as soon as it comes out!

"I don't have a hobby of living with men, let's go home and kneel by myself, haha!" Han Zhe decisively refused, he didn't want Kelly to find his house to make trouble, it was very scary for women to go crazy.

They were ready to disband, and Ibaka didn't say anything more, picking up her bag and flashing it in a hurry, looking like she was ready to go back and clean up the mess.

As soon as he left, everyone couldn't laugh, and even the person in question, Walker, didn't laugh heartlessly, and then Olapodi suddenly came out with a sentence, "What is Ibaka afraid of, isn't her girlfriend the same as her legs, or such an ugly Harden, no one cares about anyone!"

As soon as these words came out, they instantly became cold.

After Han Zhe reacted, he raised his hand and slapped Olapodi on the back of the head, "Don't talk nonsense, it's good that Ibaka is gone, otherwise he will definitely beat you kid to death!"

Olapodi sneered and didn't answer, and he probably found it too brainy.

Han Zhe then instructed everyone that no one should mention this matter in the future, and the players all nodded and dispersed.

Han Zhe is also clear about this, when Ibaka was still in the Thunder, his girlfriend Kelly and Harden were exposed to a scandal, that is, the two split their legs, many people said that this is the reason why Harden left the Thunder at that time, after all, it is taboo to mess with the wife of a teammate, who dares to be friends with you, it is easy to cause chaos in the locker room, and the top management will never allow it.

Of course, who can tell right from wrong, how it may be that only the person concerned knows best, but Han Zhe will never allow his teammates to talk about this issue, because no man can stand it, and if Ibaka knows that he will definitely not spare Olapodi, he doesn't want the team to be messed up.


PS: Thanks to the boss of [eddylijack] for tipping 100 points.

Thanks to the boss of [Cangli] for rewarding 100 points. _

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