As soon as Han Zhe drove to the gate, he found that it was very lively, a large group of reporters were standing on the side of the road and shouting something indignantly, Han Zhe opened the car window and asked the doorman, and finally knew that they were suffocating at Ibaka and Walker.

Ibaka and the two have just made such a big noise, of course the reporter wants to know more about it, but the two are not in the mood to make a scandal, so they treat these reporters very unfriendly, Ibaka even opened the window and gave a middle finger, he hates these reporters to death now.

Han Zhe was also speechless after hearing this, he didn't think he had enough of it!

Seeing Han Zhe's luxury car come out, the reporter immediately put aside the unhappiness just now and ran over.

"Han, are you claiming to be the best player in the NBA right now?"

"James fans have been furious and said you're a grandiose clown, what do you think about that?"

"Congratulations on your 10-game winning streak, do the Magic have the confidence to continue to set records?"

"Wade has already spoken on social networks, saying that you are too arrogant, how are you going to respond?"

Faced with a lot of questions, Han Zhe's answer was that as soon as the car window was closed, he rushed out with one foot on the accelerator, and these reporters were so angry that they all scolded, saying that the magic players are like birds!

After returning home, Han Zhe called Ibaka, and after finding out that the phone was turned off, he called Walker again, the joke was a joke, as the captain and friend, he still had to - care.

Fortunately, Walker didn't turn off the phone, and it was quickly connected, and the first thing he said was, "Han, you've made a lot of money today, are you going to invite me to go somewhere?"

Han Zhe had a black line, and he really wanted to dig out his head to see if there was nothing else in it except for women.

"Kemba, don't pull me if you want to die, I don't know how many eyes are staring at you now. "

"Han, you think too much, this kind of thing is very common in the circle, it's not a big deal, and no one will care about it in a few days. "

Han Zhe then said, "Be careful, you were looking for a prostitute yesterday?"

Walker immediately snorted: "You underestimate us too much, it didn't cost anything, the two girls were voluntary!"

"Didn't spend any money? This kind of grass is more dangerous!" Han Zhe frowned when he heard this, now Walker and Ibaka are both stars, especially since this matter has been stirred up, it is difficult to guarantee that the two women have no ideas, to be honest, ordinary prostitutes are still principled, and you are willing to do things with money.

If for the sake of fame or money, many women are unreliable, for example, now those two women have jumped out to sue them for what the strong girl is doing, even if they can prove their innocence in the end, it will be troublesome, this kind of thing has not happened.

After Han Zhe expressed his worries, Wo laughed instead, saying that he was thinking too much and that they couldn't be so unlucky.

Seeing him like this, Han Zhe didn't bother to say it, and he hoped that such a thing would really happen.

Han Zhe didn't rest today, and after waiting for a while, Lu Dengmen was gone, and then the two drove to a resort villa not far from the holiday park.

Han Zhe is going to look at the house, he has entrusted Luthor to help him buy a villa three months ago, and now that it has been renovated, he will go to visit the new home.

Originally, Luthor planned to help him buy it at or next to Universal Studios, because this is a prosperous area in Orlando, but Han Zhe refused when he heard it, there are too many tourists there, and there is a lot of traffic every day, and he likes to be cleaner.

Later, Luthor found this resort, Han Zhe looked at it, very satisfied, here are all single-family villas, the greening is also very good, there is a big lake in front of the villa, you can enjoy the lake view, he likes this kind of elegant place, not to mention that it is only twenty minutes away from the stadium, he fell in love at a glance.

Although it cost almost five million dollars to add decoration, Han Zhe still endured it, he already had more than 20 million US dollars in his account, not to mention the endorsement, his salary was more than 10 million every year, so he was completely acceptable to a villa at this price.

Of course, he reported this to his family, Han Zhe meant that after the renovation was completed, his parents should simply move over, after all, it was difficult for him to have time to go back now.

But when the parents heard it, they refused, saying that they had time to stay for a few days as a tourist, but they didn't have to do it for a long time, saying that they were unfamiliar with the people here, and there was no one who spoke, and they didn't know English, so they might not be able to buy food when they went out!

Han Zhe also told a little lie, telling his parents that he only spent a million US dollars, and he was scolded as a loser, you must know that they bought a good house in the city for less than 1 million RMB, but Han Zhe bought it for more than 6 million, if he knew that Han Zhe spent more than 30 million to buy a house, I don't know if he would come and smoke him immediately!

····· Asking for flowers...

After the two arrived at the place, they parked the car in the garage and Han Zhe looked at it one by one, the front yard was a lawn enclosed by a wooden fence, with some tropical trees planted on the edge, and not far away was a lake and mountains, which was close to the park, and you could go to the park for a walk or something when you came back in the future.

The backyard is a bit of a local tyrant's sense of déjà vu, it is a yard enclosed by a wall, covering an area of hundreds of square meters, and there is a large swimming pool in the middle, but there is no water yet.

In addition to the beautiful trees next to it, there is also a lot of space to move, so if you want to have a party or something, you can hold it here.


As for the villa, the shape is not peculiar, it is a typical European-style two-storey building with a high middle and a little lower on both sides.

After entering the door to observe a circle, although there are not many characteristics, Han Zhe is still relatively satisfied, he told Luthor the preliminary idea, Luthor found someone to decorate, the effect is good, it is simple and generous.

Han Zhe originally wanted to talk about some feelings, the Chinese style of the whole small bridge and flowing water, and the house also did some landscape calligraphy and painting, but then I thought about it, this villa is a typical European and American architecture, he is so nondescript, or good to follow the local customs, and the living room corridor also hung a few oil paintings as a façade.

The gym that Han Zhe is most concerned about, walked in and looked at it and was very satisfied, the large room has all the equipment, and half of the space is made into a unilateral basketball court, which is specially requested by Han Zhe, and he can practice if he has nothing to do in the future.

Han Zhe looked at all this and was still quite emotional, he couldn't think of this kind of indoor room that could repair a basketball court before, but he didn't expect to be able to experience the feeling of a local tyrant after coming to the United States for two years.

I went upstairs to the room to take a look, and it was already very in place, and now I need to settle in the daily necessities.

But Han Zhe is not in a hurry, now the decoration smell is still relatively heavy, and it has to be allowed to volatilize for a while, at least for a month or two before it can be lived.

The two then found a coffee shop and chatted, they were naturally talking about work, and now Luthor is also very busy, but he doesn't have time to send a key mountain to Han Zhe. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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