Luthor told Han Zhe that his desk was now almost full of signing intentions from major brands, which was painful and happy for him.

His own signed player, Luther, is naturally happy, but despite the support of the team, he is still busy at the helm.

After Luthor finished telling Han Zhe about a few big projects that he was more optimistic about, Han Zhe drank coffee and thought for a long time before saying, "Their current offer has not reached my ideal price, and the signing time is too long." "

Luther smiled wryly after hearing this, "You're right, I also think that the price they are offering now is not in line with your identity, you can hold it off for a while, and we can take a few short-term small contracts and negotiate the renewal first." "

Hearing the small contract, Han Zhe "Eighty-Sixty-Three" originally wanted to veto it, but after thinking about it, he nodded and agreed, he can not care about money, but don't forget that he has a team now.

He doesn't make money, others drink the northwest wind, you can't just think about yourself, as an agent, Luthor is already very qualified, and he has never let him rush to run the contract, which he knows in his heart.

Han Zhe knows that some harsh agents squeeze players very badly, and almost any free time is making money!

When it comes to contract renewal, Han Zhe currently only has two relatively large contracts, one is sneakers, and the other is a car.

"What about Li Ning's contract renewal offer?" Han Zhe asked.

"They wanted to sign a six-year contract, they approached me a few times, the offer kept going up, but they didn't make a new offer in the past two days, and I think the last offer was almost their bottom line. "

Seeing Han Zhe motioning for him to continue, Luthor said again: "They put forward an offer of 35 million for a total of 6 years of contract extension, as well as a 5 million signing fee. "

Luthor stopped when he said this, he didn't interfere with Han Zhe's judgment, Luthor is not a small agent in the past, now his vision and pattern are much higher, knowing that Han Zhe is no longer what it used to be, but he has not been blinded by Li Ning, and it is relatively flat to talk about this offer.

Although Han Zhe was also shocked by this price, you must know that 30 million US dollars is almost 200 million RMB, even if there is more than half of it after excluding taxes, not to mention the 5 million signing fee, this money is very exaggerated!

Han Zhe tapped his fingers on the table and thought about it, but did not agree or deny, but asked: "What price does James currently endorse for sneakers?" "

As a qualified broker, Luthor is very clear about these quotes: "The contract he just signed with NIKE in 2003 was 7 years and 93 million US dollars, and I didn't know it after the merger, because NIKE did a very good job of confidentiality, and I couldn't inquire about any news, and it was certain that it was a big contract of more than 100 million yuan." "

Han Zhe frowned, Jaime's endorsement was so much higher than himself!

Han Zhe didn't deliberately compare, he also knew that James and his fan base were much larger than himself, and the price was naturally higher than his own, but he still couldn't accept this gap, and his performance rose very sharply after his endorsement.

Not only is the domestic market selling hot, but also selling well in the overseas market, and now this offer seems to be a bit picky, and it can be said that I don't know before, but the profits I bring to them are now visible.

The most angry thing is that he is not as valuable as James ten years ago?

Or even half lower?

There is also the fact that this contract is not only as simple as it seems, many brands that want to find Han Zhe's endorsement are waiting and seeing, if Li Ning and Han Zhe renew the contract successfully, then this price may be the reference price of others, and it is difficult to have more room for growth.

Han Zhe will not be stupid enough to think that NIKE will keep James' contract secret Li Ning will also keep it secret for himself, NIKE is to let James get a sky-high contract, and after it is exposed, other players will shout to raise the price, and the price of other signings will rise in the future.

Han Zhe is different, this price is not high, and in the future, Li Ning can sign contracts with other athletes and say: "You see the price of Han Zhecai, how much do you want?"

Therefore, this is not only a business problem, but also has a great impact on Han Zhe's subsequent development...

It was precisely because of this that Lu Thor did not persuade Han Zhe to renew the contract with Li Ning at all, the key is that Han Zhe's value is still rising, and now he may lose a lot if he signs a contract, not to mention that Li Ning's offer is really difficult for them to accept.

Han Zhe finally made a decision: "Now both the endorsement fee and the player's salary are rising very fast, Li Ning's contract is not sincere, and the average annual endorsement fee is only one-third of my salary, if they still have this attitude, they can directly PSAA." "

Although Han Zhe also wants to support domestic production, you must at least show sincerity, you can't treat yourself as a fool who has never seen money, if there are other shoe manufacturers whose prices far exceed Li Ning, it is impossible for him to hang himself on a tree, if he goes to the shopping mall to talk about feelings, it is really stupid, he is willing Luthor will not agree.

Luthor nodded, "Actually, major international brands such as NIKE and Adidas have already contacted me and expressed their intention to sign a contract, but no clear offer has been made yet, and our contract with Li Ning has not expired so soon, and there is still time to select, it depends on how Li Ning 4.1 chooses." "

Things are almost here, and Luthor also has something to do, you must know that after Han Zhe became popular, his business has improved a lot, and now there are a few more small stars under his umbrella, although the main focus is on Han Zhe, other places can't be left behind.

In fact, agents rarely rely on only one player to eat, after all, if Han Zhe has some accident and is invalidated, or he breaks down with him, where will he cry, so he will generally train a few more players to come out, which can be regarded as leaving a way back for himself.

After Luthor left, Han Zhe did not rush back, but familiarized himself with the environment nearby, and then walked around the park not far away, although he was occasionally recognized and asked to take a group photo, but there were not many people here, but it did not disturb his interest. _

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