Han Zhe just wanted to leave with a few people, Ibaka and other teammates came over, and after Han Zhe introduced everyone to each other, Walker said: "Eat here at noon, you have to play here in the afternoon anyway." "

The organizers have arranged food and accommodation, of course, not everyone has a share, but team members and contestants like Han Zhe have already received notices and invitations.

Han Zhezheng was a little hesitant, and Vaughn also came over and spoke, "Let's eat here, it's not good for you to leave." "

Han Zhe turned his head to look at Liu Yan, Li Tingting and the others, and seeing that they were all nodding and no longer pretentious, a large group of them walked towards the restaurant behind the stadium.

When Han Zhe first walked near the passage, he suddenly paused, because he found that a little girl was looking at him angrily.

"Kolo, when did you come? Didn't you say that the family didn't agree with you coming out?" Han Zhe was very surprised, he didn't expect this little girl to be there.

"Hmph! I can come if I like it, I want you to take care of it!"

Kolo's tone was so impulsive, Han Zhe was a little confused for a while, and he didn't know what the situation was.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Walker and the others said very unjustly that they had left in advance and slipped away.

Just when Han Zhe was a little embarrassed, Li Tingting broke the deadlock: "Ah, you are Sister Kolo, Han Zheke often mentions you, I didn't expect to finally see you today, by the way, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Li Tingting, and I am his cousin." "

Although Li Tingting's spoken language is a little jerky, communication is still completely fine.

Kolo was a little surprised when she heard this, she didn't expect Li Tingting to be his relative, she thought it was a vixen, she misunderstood...

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Chloe Moretz, I've heard Han mention you, I didn't expect you to be so beautiful. Chloe turned cloudy and smiled.

Then Liu Yan and Kolo also got to know each other, and then the three women chatted and walked away, leaving Guo Allen and Han Zhe to look at each other.

Han Zhe really didn't know what the situation was, and he didn't know what kind of trouble this little girl was making when it was cold and hot for a while.

"Brother Zhe, this Kolo is your rumored girlfriend?" Guo Allen reacted and became gossipy, after all, Han Zhe and Kolo had a scandal for a while, and it was also reported in China.

Han Zhe was about to speak, but Guo Allen said again: "But I think a woman like Liu Yan has some taste, or take both of them!"

Guo Allen is not a fool, and he also found that the relationship between Liu Yan and Han Zhe seems to be a little special, so he took such a sentence.

As soon as Guo Allen finished speaking, Han Zhe gave him a slap on the back of the head, "One is Lori, and the other is my eldest sister, don't talk nonsense, you kid!"

"Yes, yes... I don't say!"

The two then went while arguing.

After arriving at the restaurant, Han Zhe found that it was very lively, it was a place to eat, but it was more like a place to socialize, there were not only many players here, but also very stars, it seemed that they were all invited.

"Han! here, here!"

Han Zhe and the two walked a few steps before they found that Ibaka was greeting them, and when they walked over, they saw that the magic players and coaches were all here, and Li Tingting and the three daughters were also sitting and chatting next to them.

"Why didn't you wait for me, how did you come in?" Han Zheke knew that there was an invitation here.

As soon as Han Zhe's voice fell, Kolo raised the invitation letter in his hand and said proudly: "Don't think that only you can come in, I also have an invitation, hum." "

In fact, this kind of scene is relatively new only Li Tingting alone, she has never been to such a place where big names gather, and she has been broadcast live again.

But no one else has any special feelings, whether it is Liu Yan or Guo Allen, they often have the opportunity to attend such occasions in China.

However, whether it is Guo Allen or Liu Yan, both of them are still a little excited, because there are indeed too many celebrities and celebrities seen today, and some people take the initiative to come over to greet them from time to time, of course, they are basically looking at Han Zhe's face.

Next, Han Zhe was a little embarrassed, because the three women of Kolo and the three of them ignored Han Zhe for their own chat, and Walker and the others saw that Guo Allen was interested in many NBA players, so they took him to the door to say hello.

In the end, Han Zhe could only chat with Coach Vaughn without a word.

Seeing Liu Yan and Li Tingting talking about those big names, Koloe rolled his eyes and enthusiastically pulled Liu Yan and Li Tingting to socialize.

Han Zhe frequently looked over there, because he found that Liu Yan seemed to be very popular, and after they passed, many of them, whether they were football stars or Hollywood stars, came to make friends, and these foreigners seemed to like Liu Yan's outstanding figure.

"Chloe is a goblin!"

Vaughn suddenly came out with such a sentence, which made Han Zhe, who had just taken a sip of red wine, almost squirt.

Han Zhe is not stupid, he was a little confused before, but now he has reacted, Kolo is starting to be unhappy and seems to be a little jealous, and now it is estimated that it is not good to take the two of them around, and he always brings Liu Yan to those handsome guys to chat a few meanings, they are bystanders!

However, Han Zhe also laughed it off, not to mention what kind of relationship he and Liu Yan had, he was still more relieved of Liu Yan, Liu Yan was not a person who had never seen the world, and he should not be picked away by others in a few words.

Vaughn added: "It's not convenient for me to say much about you young people, but you should pay attention to your private life, and those reporters are everywhere. "

"Coach, what do you think about in a day, am I that kind of person, Kolo and I are innocent, and I and Liu Yan have nothing to do!" Han Zhe felt that his personality had been insulted.

"Oh.... It turns out that I really have something to do with Liu, but this Liu is really spicy, and I've been young too, so I understand..."

Han Zhe: "..."

After a while, Liu Yan said that she was a little tired, and sat next to Han Zhe under Kolo's somewhat regretful eyes.

Li Tingting looked at the two of them and secretly laughed in her heart, women are sensitive to these things, she felt that she had found something interesting, and when she came back, she secretly squeezed her eyebrows at Han Zhe, and she was in a good mood.

Later, Guo Allen and several people also came back, and after everyone had a simple meal, they set off towards the stadium again, although there was no highlight in the afternoon, there would be some entertainment performances, including singers singing.

The group played until nine o'clock in the evening, and then they went back to the hotel to eat and rest, Han Zhe was also greatly relieved, he was so tired today..._

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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