As soon as Han Zhe lay down after washing, his mother's phone came, and the two of them chatted for more than half an hour, and after hanging up the phone, Han Zhe looked confused, because his mother was a little abnormal today and said something in a fog.

After thinking about it for a while, Han Zhe patted his head and understood a little, he forgot that his mother is already an Internet expert now, and it seems that the Internet is very lively today, and there are a lot of comments on his Weibo to discuss, among which Liu Yan and Kolo are the most talked.

There are many idle people on the Internet, and the relationship between Han Zhe and the two women has naturally become one of the hot topics, and even the camp of good deeds has been pulled up, some support Liu Yan, some support Kolo, of course, more support Han Zhe and the two have all been accepted.

What's this all about?

No wonder my mother wants to call and chat for a long time, she is most concerned about her son's personal problems now, of course she noticed that the Internet is so lively, so this is a call to probe the wind, I want to know who my son is close to...

In fact, she harassed Li Tingting before calling Han Zhe, she knew that Li Tingting was here, so she naturally wanted to ask her about the situation.

However, Li Tingting is clever, she doesn't know much about her cousin's personal problems, of course she won't talk nonsense, if she makes a mistake, it will be a disagreeable thing, so she pretended to be stupid and coaxed to pass.


Han Zhe and the others got up early, and after breakfast, the group came to the stadium again.

After asking Da Yao to take care of Li Tingting and them, Han Zhe and a few teammates left first, because today the members of their All-Star Game also had to train nominally, and they had to go.

When Han Zhe and his party arrived, the scene was quiet, because Han Zhe and their full appearance was too eye-catching, and almost all of the main forces of the Magic were selected for the All-Star Game, which is too much.

"Hey, Han, your lineup is really too much!" Baby-faced Anthony was the first to come over and complain.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, it's just going through the motions!" Han Zhe also responded with a smile.

Everyone knows the players here, except for a few who are not very good, they can talk a few words, Walker, Ibaka and they also went to say hello to their acquaintances.

"Han, the players, the five of you are together, even the Eastern coach is your Magic's Vaughn, this is sincere and doesn't give us a way to live!" Owen and Han Zhe have a good relationship, and they also came up and said half-jokingly and half-complaining.

Han Zhe glanced at James, Wade and Bosh who were standing aside and chatting, and said with a smile: "You see that the three giants of the Heat are not all together, and they were full of three last year, so it is appropriate for you to say this to them." "

Owen rolled his eyes and didn't want to say anything, he felt that his life was hard, he participated in the All-Star Game for the first time, and he encountered this kind of cheating situation, what a tragic word.

The Wizards' Wall was also elected as an All-Star for the first time, and he also had a loveless expression, the Magic and the Heat took away more than half of the Eastern seats, and the number of votes is still very high.

"It's good that we're in the West, and if I'm in the East, I'll definitely lose this class!" Griffin almost didn't laugh out loud as he looked at the East lineup.

Curry also smiled wryly, if he is an Eastern player, it is estimated that the main starter will not have his share.

Harden also said hello to Durant, an old teammate, and then said unhappily: "The league is really messy, and it's a joke that so many people for the Magic are elected." "

Durant smiled and asked, "Then who do you think the Magic is not qualified to be an All-Star?"

As soon as Durant's voice fell, Harden was stunned, and the other Western players listening to the two were also stunned.

But aside from other factors, just looking at the strength and fame of the Magic players, no one really dares to say that they are not qualified.

Ibaka, Walker, and Vucevic are all popular students, and their strength is obvious to all, although they have moisture in the election process, but you really can't say that others are not qualified!

People are qualified.

It can be seen from here that in fact, Celestial Empire fans are not completely blind, at least the newcomer Leonard and the average Harklesss were not sent to the All-Star by them.

Another more eye-catching is Kobe, who is the old-timer of most people here, and he is still an All-Star this time, but at the moment he is wearing a suit and chatting with acquaintances on the sidelines.

Although Kobe Bryant was elected this time, he will be absent because he is recuperating with a knee injury, of course, he can't play, in fact, this is also an opportunity for other players, and his absence will give him an extra playing spot and a lot of playing time.

That opportunity fell to Davis, who was right behind Kobe Bryant, so he would start in place of Kobe.

Paul was also affected by an injury during the vote, and was overtaken by the popular student Curry in the third round and missed the All-Star start, which is the first time Paul failed to start.

The coaches of the two teams also arrived, with Magic coach Vaughn in the East and Thunder coach Brooks in the west.

After the coaches of the two teams let the players gather, they briefly talked about the precautions of the game, and let the players play, the people here know a lot about the All-Star Game, and they don't need to ink too much.

After a while, a reporter asked everyone to take a group photo, and asked the players to wear the short-sleeved jerseys that the league is promoting.

After about an hour of training, the coaches of both teams announced the disbandment of the players, because there are several major tournaments today, and many of them are involved, and they have to do some preparation.

Han Zhe also has a three-point contest and a slam dunk contest to participate in today, but he is not in a hurry at all, it is still early to leave the game, and he is still confident in these two games, so he doesn't need to be nervous.

After the disbandment, Han Zhe went to join Li Tingting and them, he was the host, and he couldn't leave them alone. _

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