Han Zhe's operation made the scene explode suddenly, and the players of all teams chattered endlessly, after all, there had never been such a hanging player in the previous three-point competition, and he was promoted after playing.

"What are your predictions for the championship now?" Smith asked with a smile.

O'Neill spread his hands, "I think this competition is meaningless, the league should explicitly prohibit Han from participating in the three-point contest in the future, otherwise other players can only participate in the second place competition!"

"If you say so, the dunk contest has to be canceled!" Barkley snapped.

The words of several people immediately amused everyone, but after thinking about it carefully, their complaints are not unreasonable, with Han Zhe's three-point strength and dunking ability, these two awards are really tailor-made for him.

After a short break, the final finally began.

Belinelli took the lead with the encouragement and cheering of his Spurs teammates.

The host picked up the microphone and said: "Congratulations on representing the Western Army in the finals, do you have the confidence to defeat Han and take the trophy home?"

Belinelli took the microphone and first greeted the audience, and then said with a wry smile: "I can only say that I did my best, Han's three-point shooting rate is terrible, and such an opponent puts me under a lot of pressure!"

The audience laughed after hearing this, some of the participating players actually said the same thing in the past, which was humble and respectful of the opponent, but today everyone can feel that Belinelli should be telling the truth, and any shooter is definitely under pressure to face Han Zhe.

Belinelli then officially opened his pitch to the cheers of his supporters.

CCTV naturally commented the whole process: "Belinelli seems to be in very good shape today, he scored 5 points in the first point of five shots, he started to shoot the second point, and there is ..."

After Belinelli finished shooting the third point, the audience burst into warm applause, and today Belinelli was quite violent, and he actually scored 18 points in three points, and the shooting rate was quite impressive.

Han Zhe was also specially given a close-up of his face at the scene, but to everyone's disappointment, Han Zhe did not have any special expression, but was still smiling and applauding Belinelli.

"Why is this Belinelli so powerful?" Liu Yan said to Da Yao next to her with a little worry.

Yao Ming was very calm and replied: "Shooters have ups and downs, Belinelli is obviously in good shape today, but don't worry, Han Zhe's three points have always been very stable, and there is a good chance of winning the championship." "

Guo Allen also said: "Brother Yao is right, I have a lot of confidence in Brother Zhe, and you can see that Walker is also very calm, which proves that they are also full of confidence!"

When Liu Yan asked, Li Tingting was also listening with her ears pricked up, and she was relieved to see that they were all full of confidence that Han Zhe could win, not to mention that the fans in her live broadcast room were also full of confidence in Han Zhe, it seems that everyone firmly believes in Han Zhe winning the championship!

Kolo's performance is very calm, among the girls, she is the only one who knows the most about basketball, and she also knows Han Zhe's skills the most, although she often finds fault and ridicules Han Zhe when they meet, but she knows in her heart that Han Zhe is not good.

Belinelli really played extraordinarily today, and he was so excited after throwing five points that he waved his fist hard to celebrate, because he threw a total of 27 points in five points, which is already very awesome, and under normal circumstances, it is completely a score that can win the championship.

Belinelli came off the pitch excitedly and hugged his teammates

"Well done, man!" Parker complimented him by patting him on the shoulder.

Other players have also praised it, and even some players are already saying that Neribery is very likely to win the championship, although they know that Han Zhe is powerful, but being powerful does not mean 100% stable, Curry is not also very good, but he can't make it to the finals, and it is still very important to play.

Spurs fans cheered too, and Belinelli's excellent performance gave them hope of victory.

Even Su Qun lamented that Belinelli was bloody today, saying that Han Zhe is facing a huge challenge, yes, Su Qun is not sure that Han Zhe can win the championship 100%.

Domestic fans are also discussing:

"It's unreasonable for a role player to shoot like this!"

"Han Zhe is pretending to be forced to be retributed, it seems that it is hanging today!"

"Don't worry about it, Han Zhe's three-point king is not called in vain, the champion can't run!"

"Don't talk too much, Han Zhe is a human being, not a machine after all, and if he is a human, he may make mistakes!"

"Curry is so awesome that he only scored 17 points, and Han Zhe is estimated to have been planted!"

"Don't compare elementary school students Curry and me to Zhebi, it's not a grade at all!"

"Don't make trouble, Han Zhe is talking!"

Han Zhe stood on the field, and the host also began a routine interview, "Han, Belinelli has already thrown a high score, do you have the confidence to beat him to win the championship?"

Han Zhe said with a smile: "The NBA is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger, it is really getting worse and worse, I was full of confidence before, but now I feel that the whole person is not good!"

Han Zhe's words caused the audience to laugh, they were all kind, they knew that Han Zhe was saving face for Neberinelli, if they wanted to say that Han Zhe was really scared, the whole world didn't believe it.

The Spurs responded with laughter and applause.

After a few more laughs, Han Zhe officially went into battle.

This time he placed the five suited balls at the first point, which is the zero angle.

Many people think that Han Zhe is a bit too big, because they all know that zero angle is actually the most difficult to throw, Han Zhe is too casual here, and he didn't put the first point at all in the last round, it can be seen that this product is completely playing at random.

Han Zhe is indeed playing, but playing does not mean that he will lose, as long as he does not deliberately shoot blindly in a state of no interference, it is difficult to think of it.

After the timer started, Han Zhe raised his hand and threw it, hit... Hit... Or a hit...

The suit balls were all hit, the second point continued to hit all, and when the third point was still all hit, the scene screamed continuously, especially many Celestial Dynasty fans who came to support Han Zhe couldn't help but stand up and cheer.

After Han Zhe also hit all the fourth points, Belinelli also shook his head and applauded with a wry smile, for him, the game was over, and Han Zhe had already scored 28 points in all four points to win the championship.

"How can it be so accurate, it's too exaggerated!" Owen's eyes widened in disbelief.

Curry also shook his head speechlessly, he was also accurate when he was crazy at three points, but he couldn't compare with Han Zhe.

Barkley had already stood up and yelled that Han Zhe might be about to break the record again.

As soon as Barkley's words fell, he jumped up again, because Han Zhe had already thrown the last point with a quick shot, and he was still all hit!

"OH!God is incredible, I don't need to say who the champion is, Han won the championship again with an incredible 25 goals, and the time was only 38 seconds, this speed and accuracy are unbelievable!" Smith roared with excitement as he held his head.

O'Neill also laughed and said: "Congratulations to Han, he successfully refreshed his record of 30 points last season, and now the latest record in the three-point contest is Han's 34, and this record will never be broken unless the rules are changed again!"

"The amazing Han, not only won the championship in two consecutive three-point competitions, but also won it in the form of a perfect record, Han's projection ability simply made other shooters desperate, he deserved to be the three-point king!"

CCTV is naturally excited, Han Zhe won the championship for a second time, and won the championship again with a full score, which is the pride of the Chinese people!

The domestic audience was naturally excited and screamed, in the past, they could almost only watch the All-Star Single Competition, but since Han Zhe joined, the All-Star not only has its own players, but also can win the championship, so proud!_

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