After Han Zhe won the championship again, his Magic teammates rushed forward and excitedly celebrated, and their teammates were also honored to win the championship!

The scene also gave the team owner Devos a shot, you can see that Devos is also very satisfied with a smile, seeing that the camera swept to himself, he also deliberately got up and waved to the surrounding audience.

"Champion! See! My cousin won the championship, I'll just say it's superfluous for you to worry, my cousin is serious about shooting three-point shots!" Li Tingting jumped up and began to shout at her phone.

This made her fans complain, she didn't know who was worried just now, but now she had an expression that she knew it was like this, do you want Bilian!

"Brother Zhe's championship is really easy!" Guo Allen looked envious, he also looked forward to the day when he could stand on such a big stage and be admired by thousands of people, but this goal seems a bit far away!

Han Zhe lived up to expectations and won the title of three-point king for a second time, and once again added a very important personal trophy for himself, not only won the honor, but also a rich reward. "

"That's right, as far as we know, Li Ning and Mercedes-Benz have this kind of generous bonus for the champion of the individual race, and Han Zhe has a lot of other endorsements, so there must be a lot of bonuses in the account. "

The audience also has all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred when they hear it:

"Anyway, I know that a three-point king Li Ning seems to be a reward of 500,000 US dollars, and Mercedes-Benz must be a lot more. "

"I'll go!" means that Han Zhe can just throw a few balls to buy a suite in the second ring of the capital?"

"It's easy to say, there's a kind of you going to cast a few random to try, I really think it's easy!"

"No wonder those celebrities like to play with football stars, Nima's family makes money faster than robbing a bank!"

"Don't eat it, there is only one Han Zhe in the whole country, or only one in the world, I can't envy it!"

"I Zhe has won glory for the country again, I don't know if I can be on the news broadcast today!"

"I could do it last year, and it should be okay this year, if the next slam dunk contest continues to win the championship, it is estimated that it will be stable!"

"Is there anything difficult about being on the simulcast? Isn't it the same often for the men's football team to lose every day?"

"I... Well, speechless!"

Han Zhe's parents were naturally watching the whole game, and they were naturally overjoyed to see that they had won the championship again.

"Our son has a few millions?" Han's mother is still more sensitive to the amount of money.

Han's father smiled faintly: "It's millions, and it's dollars, my son said before, if you win the championship in the three-point competition, the total prize money will be almost 3 million dollars."

Although Han's father was calm on the surface, he was actually very excited in his heart, and in just 38 seconds, he got almost 20 million RMB, which was too exaggerated and unimaginable for them.

In the past, the family opened a commissary and had tens of thousands of profits a year to steal fun, but now it's good, my son is millions and tens of millions at every turn, and the speed of money is terrifying.

Not to mention Han Zhe, Li Tingting is also very popular on the Internet now, I heard that there are hundreds of thousands of income in January, and now some brands want to invite Li Tingting to advertise, and there is even news that the film and television industry has begun to throw olive branches to her.

The old couple also discussed this matter, and the conclusion was that now how people have become stupid, Li Tingting has also watched the live broadcast, so they chattered, sang and danced, and as a result, others were stupid and threw money, and they all felt sorry for others when they looked at it!

Han Zhe's uncle often has insomnia now, and the more money his daughter makes, the more unsteady he becomes, and he always feels that the money is coming from the wrong place.


After Han Zhe won a trophy again, he watched the energetic song and dance performance with everyone, especially the sexy cheerleaders who always attracted everyone's attention, and they howled wolf one by one.

After a break of about half an hour, Han Zhe put on his armor again, and the next thing is the highlight of the day, and it is also the most popular single event, that is, the slam dunk contest.

This year's slam dunk contest is also different from the past, that is, it is divided into east and west confrontations, and the three players in the east and west can cooperate with their teammates on each ball.

This competition is a team competition, and the judges in the first two rounds also scored according to the overall performance of the team.

Han Zhe, the last slam dunk king, competed as the captain of the Eastern team.

However, with the change of the rules of this year, the fishing boat before the game was basically full of comments, and some people even predicted that this year's slam dunk contest would be a disaster.

Because everyone in the slam dunk contest wants to see the players' individual shows, and even the PK between one-on-one masters, now it is a team game, which is naturally good and bad, and in terms of ornamentation, there is indeed a lot less passion.

The players played in turn, representing Han Zhe, Wall and Ross in the East.

Representing the West are Barnes, Lillard and McClymer.

The host interviewed the participating players in turn, and everyone seemed full of energy and confidence, especially the supporters of the East were even more imposing, Han Zhe and Rose were both talented dunks, they had proven themselves, and Wall was not to be underestimated, and the bounce was very good.

As for the west, in fact, the strength on the table is inferior, of course, this is the same as shooting, it depends on the on-the-spot performance.

"I really don't know what the alliance officials think, this confrontation is shit!" Big-mouthed Barkley didn't open the door at all, and opened his mouth to spray.

However, Barkley's words were agreed by most of the audience this time, the rules were good before, I don't know if the league is overwhelmed, and it has to be changed in a mess.

O'Neal rarely stood on the same side as Barkley, and also shook his head and complained: "The league may think that Han is too powerful and wants to use team battles to limit Han, but I think it is enough to send Han alone in the east, and it should be better to play three in one hit!"

Wall and Rose fans almost didn't greet O'Neill's ancestors for the eighteenth generation, doesn't this mean that Wall and Rose were deliberately sent by the alliance to drag Han Zhe back!

Of course, Han Zhe fans applauded O'Neal, yes, they think these two are lagging behind, although Wall and Rose are very strong, but there is obviously still a gap with Han Zhe.

Not to mention other aspects, as far as dunking is concerned, whether you like Han Zhe or not, in fact, he is the identity of the NBA dunk general, and Li Ning's advertisement alone can be said to be unprecedented, unparalleled!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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