Han Zhe stood on the free throw line and attracted everyone's attention like a black hole.

This free throw will determine the outcome of the game, if Han Zhe hit all three free throws, it should be overtime, and the West wants to score in 1.8 seconds is very unlikely.

Of course, if Han Zhe can't hit all three penalties, it basically means that the east will be off.

"You must enter!" Liu Yan clenched her small fist.

Kolo couldn't help but stand up and be anxious, although she often quarreled with Han Zhe, but she definitely hoped that Han Zhe could win.

Li Tingting didn't care about the live broadcast anymore, all her attention was focused on Han Zhe, she didn't expect that she could be so excited to watch the game, you must know that she was not very interested in basketball before.

James is also very complicated in his heart, he wants Han Zhe to score, but he doesn't want him to score.

James is a player with a strong desire to win, and the reason why he chose to pass the ball just now is naturally because he knows that Han Zhe's three-point ability is much stronger than himself, and the chance of tying is relatively high.

However, now he regrets it a little, feeling that he seems to be making a wedding dress for others, and the key is still half an "enemy"!

Another person who is more tangled is Durant, if Han Zhe makes a mistake and the West wins, then the MVP should only be born between him and Griffin, and he is also performing well today, and the chance should be greater than Griffin.

The referee came over to throw the ball and signaled that Han Zhe could start.

Han Zhe picked up the ball and turned it upside down, adjusted his breathing, and then made a quick shot.

At the same time as Han Zhe made a move, the western fans behind the basket desperately shook various inflatable sticks to interfere, hoping to make a little contribution to the team.


The first free throw was hit.

The supporters in the east immediately cheered, and Han Zhe made a good start, at least without the first penalty to dash hope.

In the second ball, Han Zhe aimed a little, but he still shot quickly.

After a perfect parabola, the ball goes into the basket again.

Hit both free throws.

The western players sighed in their hearts when they saw this, it seems that they have to play overtime, because Han Zhe's free throws are too stable, and the two goals just now can show that Han Zhe's psychological quality is excellent, and there is no tension at all.

Is it difficult for Han Zhe, who is not nervous, to score another one?

"Beautiful! Han Zhe withstood the pressure and hit both free throws, I hope he will continue to work hard, if the last goal is scored, it will definitely drag the game into overtime, then the two teams will return to the same running line, and the winners and losers will be half!"

Su Qun spoke quickly, it seemed that Han Zhe was not nervous, but he, a bystander, was a little nervous.

Zhang Weiping said: "Just now the east is obviously a deliberate three-point foul tactic, in that case this is the most reasonable method, now it only depends on whether Han Zhe can seize the opportunity." "

Some viewers asked: "Is it so exaggerated, isn't there still 1.8 seconds, even if Han Zhe misses the shot, there will be a chance to make up the basket, right?"

"You know the ball, the defense has an advantage in the position when making free throws, and if you want to get a rebound, you first have to judge the landing point, and then grab the position to jump, and the key is the interference of Western players, and if you want to grab the board and make up for the basket in 1.8 seconds, it is tantamount to a myth!"

"Upstairs is the right solution, grabbing rebounds is not realistic, whether you can come back to life depends on Han Zhe's last penalty. "

"Come on, Han Zhe, kill James!"

"It's to kill the West!"

"It's all the same, all killed, you are electricity, you are light, you are the only myth!"

"Don't be foolish, I'm going to vote!"

Han Zhe slapped the ball twice, and his expression was much more cautious than the previous two penalties, and he raised the ball and aimed twice, but he didn't throw it.

Seeing this, the supporters in the west all thought that Han Zhe must have been too stressed and hesitant, so they didn't mind adding fuel to the fire, and they all began to coax.

If you don't know how to fall into such an opportunity, you don't know how to call the fans?

The inflatable stick trick-or-treating team after the rebound also came harder.

Truth be told, if you're new to this kind of game, just the noisy atmosphere and dazzling enemy fans are enough to make a rookie collapse.

However, after Han Zhe adjusted his breathing again, he pushed with both hands and threw the ball out.


As soon as Han Zhe made a shot, many players with good eyesight knew that Han Zhe seemed to have made a mistake, because the ball was thrown too fast, and this kind of ball should not be able to score.

Everyone's first reaction was that the fans' interference worked, and Han Zhe had a psychological problem and his hands were shaking?

"Rebound!" Durant reacted and yelled, the first to rush to the basket.

Howard was not slow to react, squeezing past Bosh with one step to grab the best position under the basket.

James also knew that Huang was yellow when he saw Han Zhe's move, and he didn't know what it was like in his heart, rejoicing?


Anyway, James also rushed to the basket after Han Zhe made a shot.

The pot of losing has nothing to do with him, if he can get a rebound and turn the tide into a victory, then, hehe...

The basketball flew to the basket at great speed.


As everyone expected, the ball was ironed.

But what they didn't expect was that the ball didn't bounce up, but hit the top of the arc of the basket and bounced back diagonally upward.

When grabbing rebounds, everyone is used to rushing to the basket as soon as possible, and no one expected the ball to go back.

Only Griffin was happy, he didn't go over to join in the fun when he saw a bunch of people crowded under the basket, but he didn't expect the ball to bounce right on his head.

Griffin had just bent his leg to take off and confiscate the rebound, announcing the end of the game.

A strong gust of wind and shadows blew over his head, and then there was a "bang".

When I looked up, I saw someone hanging from the violently shaking basket.

Almost at the same time, a long beep came from the timing plate, and the two voices were almost indistinguishable from each other, and it was difficult to judge who came first and who came after.

What's the situation?

Griffin looked confused, completely unaware of what was going on.

The players on the scene seemed to have been immobilized, maintaining their previous pushing and scrambling movements, staring at the back hanging from the basket.

The audience also fell into an eerie silence, and it turned from whispering to noise after a while.


It wasn't until Han Zhe let go of his hand and landed that the players recovered and looked at each other.

Many of them, like Griffin, don't know what's going on, didn't Han Zhe miss the shot, why is he hanging on the basket now, it seems that he still dunked, this is teleportation?

"Did you miss the dunk on purpose?" James broke the silence.

Han Zhesao slammed his waist, "Nonsense, how can I not throw this kind of ball, buddy is not a draw that can be passed, there is no need for overtime or anything!"

"You're running out of time!" Curry said, pointing to the timer that was showing zero.

"No! Han just scored and the timer went off!" Owen immediately retorted.

"It's obviously an invalid ball, I can see it clearly!" someone bounced.

"Fart, it's a whistle ball, I can see it clearly!"

Come on, Han Zhe tore up before he could speak.

Han Zhe stopped laughing after being stunned, because he couldn't figure out the ball, anyway, when he dunked it, it seemed that the end sound was just loud, and he didn't know if the ball was effective or not.

When I looked up and saw that the scoreboard had not changed, I felt a sigh in my heart, and when I thought I was busy in vain, I found that the referee signaled them to wait, and the referee was watching the video, obviously the referee didn't know whether the ball was counted or not.

The fans were also buzzing now, with Eastern supporters shouting "Goal Valid" and Western supporters waving desperately to indicate that it was an invalid ball.

James fans were very entangled, didn't know which side to support, and finally simply remained silent!

Various live streaming platforms are also discussing this ball.

On TNT's side, they were not discussing whether the goal was effective or not, but simply discussing Han Zhe's goal.

They certainly saw it better than the players on the pitch and knew what was going on.

After Han Zhe made the last free throw, the person almost rushed out with the ball.

When the ball bounced off the basket, Han Zhe had already jumped.

Han Chul and the ball came to Griffin's head at about the same time.

Han Zhe crossed Griffin in the air and violently blew up the basket with momentum.

After watching the replay again, O'Neal was also amazed, "It's too exaggerated, this prediction and this bounce are simply inhuman, poor Griffin, he used to dunk in a flying car, and now he has become the background of being a leap, and he is still on the all-stars in the world." "

Barkley shook his head: "NO!NO!NO!

Smith: "You mean Han deliberately missed and then leaped to make up the dunk?"

Barkley: "Of course! You can see that Han Qiu has already rushed out as soon as he shot, which is obviously prepared, it seems that the overtime cannot satisfy Han's appetite, he just scored four points to end the game." "

O'Neal interjected: "How is it possible? You mean Han He deliberately shot the basket outside the hyun, and you have to calculate the timing and angle of the rebound, how is this possible?"

"Just because you can't do it doesn't mean Han can't do it, believe it or not, that's the way it is!" Barkley was adamant.

After discussing it for a while, a few people motioned for the director to play slow motion, and they didn't know if the ball was counted or not.

But, no matter what, this is a great dunk, and the best dunk in today's game, even if it doesn't work, it can't erase its value!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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