When the referee was watching the video, many people's hearts were hanging, and the audience of the Celestial Empire was even more so.

"This ball isn't going to be blown up, is it?"

"It's hard to say, the TV is still slowing down, but I don't seem to have a good look, and I didn't find out if the ball came first or the whistle sounded first. "

"This goal was so explosive that it was blown ~ It's too unreasonable. "

"I don't really care if I win or lose in the East, but I don't want to see such a wonderful goal invalidated. -"


The audience at the scene was also a noisy referee to exert pressure, and Han Zhe's supporters were almost so excited that they stood up, if the referee said that the ball was invalid, I don't know if it would be beaten by the angry crowd.

Not only was the referee watching the slow motion, but it was being replayed almost all over the world.

The strange thing is that many professional commentators look confused and don't know how to count this ball.

The reason is very simple, through slow motion, it can be seen that Han Zhe's hand almost just got on the hoop and the timer returned to zero.

If it's a long-range shot, it's easy to say, the NBA's special rule is that as long as the ball leaves the hand before the time reaches zero, it is valid.

But Han Zhe is now dunking, and there is no such thing as the ball pressing the whistle out of his hand.

"What do you think of this ball?" the referee asked the referee.

The answer is not uniform.

"It was definitely invalid, and even though the player's hand was on the hoop at zero time, the ball wasn't fully in at that time. "

"I don't think so, Han Hand will definitely get rid of the hoop ball when he touches it, and in the NBA, the ball will definitely be effective. "

'It's okay to count any kind of ball, but I think we should encourage attack. "

The referee also has a bit of a headache, after all, this rarely happens in the NBA, and the key game is still an all-star with a lot of global attention, no matter how it is judged, the referee has to come up with an explanation.

The players sat on the pitch chatting and waiting, their game was over, and now the referee could only make the final decision.

This decision is still very important, it is a matter of winning or losing the two teams, and if the goal is valid, then the East will come back from 162-161 to win.

Invalid is a 161-160 win in the West.

The wait was long, even though it was only a minute or two, and everyone seemed to have been waiting for a long time.


Referee Crawford stepped up in the limelight.

When Crawford made the gesture to score effectively, the whole stadium erupted into two extreme voices.

One is the boos.

First, there was thunderous cheering.

Of course, no matter how he judges, this is the result in the end.

Effectiveness and ineffectiveness will make many people dissatisfied.

"yes!" Han Zhe jumped up and won!

Owen and Anthony are also grinning, praising the referee's good eye, of course, this kind of ball must be counted.

James had the most mixed feelings, they won, but unfortunately it was not him who was the protagonist.

Reporters flocked to the top, but this time the first target was not his son James, nor Han Zhe, who won the limelight today, but Crawford on the sidelines.

"Mr. Crawford, is it a lot of pressure to do this?"

"What is the basis for your decision, we all watched the replay, this ball is not easy to judge, right?"

"Western fans say that your penalty is unfair, what do you think?"

"Was it a decision made by the higher-ups or was it a private decision?

"We just saw that the referee team also had a dispute, do you disagree?"

Crawford is a bit flattered, and as a referee, there are very few times when he is in the limelight.

Normally, referees don't pay much attention to the media, but this time Crawford pondered and spoke.

"I made this decision for three reasons. "

"Number one, the All-Star Weekend entertainment game is an offense that we encourage. "

"Secondly, there were some disagreements in our refereeing team, but in the end most people agreed that the goal should be valid. "

"Thirdly, and most importantly, I love basketball and I can't blow off such a great goal myself, that's a crime!"

Crawford picked up the basketball and turned to leave.

After a brief silence among the reporters, there was a round of applause.

Although Crawford's decision this time has a certain subjective idea, it is not unreasonable, the league encourages offense, especially this kind of entertainment game hopes that the two sides will play an offensive battle, so there is nothing wrong with the penalty in favor of the offense.

Of course, his last sentence was the key to winning applause.

Oh, yes!

Regardless of the rules, this goal is indeed impeccable, it is a goal that can be put in the basketball museum, who wants to blow such a great goal!

Next, of course, Han Zhe and others were also besieged by reporters, and Han Zhe was the one who was asked the most.

0······· Asking for flowers0···

"Han, was that ball accidental or was it carefully calculated?"

"In the end, how could you choose such a risky behavior, wouldn't it be safer to drag it into overtime?"

"Han, your stats should be good today, do you think you have a chance to compete for MVP?"

"A lot of people have a lot of opinions about the final decision, what do you think?"

There are a lot of questions, but fortunately, Han Zhe is in a good mood after winning, and said: "It doesn't matter what others think, the important thing is that the referee said that the ball is effective, as for whether the ball is accidental or planned, think about it yourself, why do you have to work hard to play overtime if you can kill the game? "


After Han Zhe finished speaking, he smiled and walked towards the Kolo girls.

"James, it seems that Han's statistics are more gorgeous today, do you have any confidence in competing for MVP?"

"Why did you choose to pass the last ball to Han, was it because there was too much pressure and I didn't have confidence in myself?"

"What do you think of the referee's decision on the last goal?"

James ignored the reporter and went to rest on his own.

The most painful thing is the Griffin who is lying on the gun.

Who is the worst person today?

It's not Durant who was overturned and lost the chance to compete for MVP.

It's not James who was suppressed by Han Zhe.

It's not Curry who is happy for nothing.

It's Griffin, who has been humiliated by his crotch.

Griffin almost wanted to vomit blood, God knows how many times that ball was put over and over again, and he naturally showed his face as a background, and the most pitiful thing was that his background was under the crotch.

He has been a proud player since he joined the NBA, when has he ever suffered such a blow.

The most hateful thing is that this ball is called great by many people, so you can imagine how popular this video will be on Facebook and YouTube.

Listening to the questions of many reporters, Griffin had a feeling that he had nothing to love.

What's it like to be crossed?

Proud to be a part of such a great goal?

What do you think about the ball?

Will you like this video on YouTube?


If it weren't for his teammates, Griffin would have praised the faces of these reporters.

Falling into the well, deceiving people too much!_

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