When the Magic players left the court, there was a little friction, that is, when they entered the players' tunnel, some fans lay on their stomachs in the tunnel and threw debris from above to the bottom and scolded and provoked.

The Magic players were already on fire today, and Walker, who had some popcorn thrown on his head, was about to jump up and hit people while pointing at the fans and yelling.

Vucevic was also spilled with beer and couldn't bear to do it, but fortunately, the team staff pulled the two in time to keep things from getting worse.

Han Zhe sat in the lounge watching the live broadcast, and was relieved to see Walker and others being controlled to push through the passage, scolding fans and hitting fans is not the same concept, if Walker and they start beating fans, then this matter is really broken.

"Fake! I really want to beat this bunch of garbage to death!" After entering the lounge, Walker still scolded indignantly, it was really hot today.

Vucevic and others also opened their mouths to echo it, they were already angry when they played, and they were provoked and humiliated by the fans, and there were people who killed people.

"Enough! Shut up for me, "813", don't you think you didn't make enough trouble today, the game is like shit, and now you're still competing with the fans, are you here to play or to beat people?"

Looking at the messy locker room, Vaughn couldn't help but be furious, he had a headache when he thought about the next mess, the boss would inevitably talk to him, the league would also greet him as a head coach, and the fly-like media would naturally not make him feel better, which aspect was not easy to deal with!

After the players had calmed down, Vaughn continued: "The boss has explained, you all take care of your mouths and don't talk nonsense. "

When Vaughn said this, he also deliberately glanced at Han Zhe, who had been watching, the biggest thorn in the team was Han Zhe, he was afraid that Han Zhe would talk nonsense to the media again, and the best way for magic now is to downplay the negative impact.

Han Zhe frowned, turned around noncommittally and packed his luggage.

At the post-match press conference, the coaches of both teams tacitly agreed not to bring the players to the meeting, and they all went to the meeting alone.

Seeing the two of them at the scene, the reporters were excited and began to scramble to ask questions, and the press officer instructed the security guards to work for a while to stabilize the order of the scene and let them line up to ask questions.

In the past, reporters mostly asked questions about the outcome of the game and the performance of the players, but today it is clear that no one is paying attention to the result.

"Coach Vaughn, what do you think about Han insulting the fans and making insulting gestures to the fans?"

Vaughn didn't expect the first question to be so sharp, but fortunately he had a certain psychological preparation, and said in a deep voice: "Han's approach is definitely not right, but most young people have the bad problem of impulsiveness, Han is also a young man, and doing irrational things is just hot-headed, and there is one more point please don't ignore, that is, why is Han angry?"

As you can see today, the Pacers fans are very angry and unreasonable, they insult our players unscrupulously, and they also throw garbage and debris into the court, this is simply hooliganism, I think the league should punish it severely, the Pacers are not qualified to host a game at all!"

The reporters began to record excitedly, but they didn't expect Vaughn to be angry at the walkers as soon as he opened his mouth!

Pacers coach Frank Vogel next to him suddenly turned black, he knew that Vaughn wanted to divert his focus and reduce pressure, but if you transfer, you can transfer, and it would be unkind to take our Pacers as a pot!

When the reporter asked Vogel about this matter, Vogel said seriously: "I understand Coach Vaughan's feelings, but it doesn't mean that I agree with his opinion, today's incident is completely demonic, if you want to talk about hooliganism, Han deserves it, I have never seen such a reckless player, his behavior deeply hurt me, I will file a complaint against the league!"

"Complaints? What complaints do you Pacers have, today's incident is completely caused by your hooligan fans, I only knew that there were football hooligans before, but I didn't expect that there were basketball hooligans in our NBA, whose fault do you think everyone can't see, Vogel, I'm telling you, this thing is not over!"

Of course, those who can be coaches must have a good mouth, and Eun immediately opened his mouth to refute it.

Vogel was angry, "You're not done, we're not done, let's go."

After Volcker finished speaking, he got up and slapped the table and left, not even saying goodbye to etiquette.

Vaughn also got up and left in a rage!

The reporters looked at each other, but they didn't expect the coaches of both sides to tear up when they opened their mouths, and they both flashed without saying a few words.

Then the reporters' faces changed, and they scolded the old fox in their hearts, what a deal, the two old guys seem to be golden cicadas out of their shells, but in fact, they slipped away without saying anything!

That's true, how could the two of them have the tension just now, they both shook hands with a wry smile and said goodbye, that's right, they just fooled the reporter, and the two have no deep hatred, not to mention that they both eat with salaries, there is no need to make the relationship too difficult.

They just tacitly cooperated with each other to get out, and neither of them wanted to say anything more to reporters, after all, it was wrong to say more.

It's just that both of them are really worried, the Magic side is not having a good time, the Pacers are the same, and the team can't stay out of the mess caused by their fans, not to mention that the players of both teams are very rough today, and there will definitely be a bad impact.

Han Zhe and the others went back to the hotel first, and as soon as they arrived at the door, they were blocked by a group of squatting reporters, but no one was in the mood to say anything, and squeezed in directly with the cooperation of the hotel security guards0........

"Han, what do you think the alliance will do?" A few teammates who had the best relationship with Han Zhe gathered in Han Zhe's room, and Guo Allen also showed concern on the side.

Han Zhe spread his hands and said: "Who doesn't know the league's set, the suspension is fined, it's a big deal to expel me from the NBA.

Everyone rolled their eyes, of course they knew that Han Zhe was joking, although Han Zhe's matter was more serious, it was definitely not to the point of being removed, and Han Zhe's popularity has risen now, and it is impossible for the alliance to throw away such a cash cow.

"Come on, Brother Zhe, if you are really swept away, you local tyrant will probably have to declare bankruptcy in an instant!" Guo Allen also said.

Han Zhe also smiled, of course he knew what Guo Allen meant, if he was named by the NBA for his personal reasons, then he really had to file for bankruptcy, because he definitely couldn't afford the huge liquidated damages from the major endorsements!

While everyone was chatting, Walker answered the phone and motioned for everyone to shut down, and then handed the phone to Han Zhe, revealing a gloating look!

As soon as Han Zhe picked up the phone and fed it, he couldn't help but hold the phone far away from his ears.

The others were originally about to ask Walker who was fighting, but now they don't need to ask, they can hear the sound of Han Zhe being sprayed from afar, and it is obvious that it was the boss who called.

Han Zhe turned off the phone, and Devos called Walker directly to find someone.

At first, everyone was still gloating and watching jokes, but gradually their faces changed, because Han Zhe seemed to have quarreled with bo0.4ss.

In the end, Han Zhe hung up the phone and threw away the phone directly.

Walker wanted to cry without tears, and said in his heart, boss, I have no problem with you throwing away your phone, but especially if you throw your own, this is a new mobile phone that has just been replaced!

Ignoring Walker, who was heartbroken and holding mobile phone parts, Vucevic walked up to Han Zhe and frowned, "Han, why did you quarrel with the boss?"

Han Zhe opened his mouth and burst into foul language." Damn the capitalists really don't have a good thing, Fake! This guy actually asked me to hold a press conference to apologize to the public and beg for forgiveness!"


Everyone is silent, the boss's request is actually not wrong, many players use this trick to fool the public when they make mistakes, the main thing is to eliminate the negative impact, know the mistake and change it is still a good comrade, you can make it again, and apologize if you make a mistake or a good comrade!

However, who of them is not clear about Han Zhe's personality?

Do you want Han Zhe to show off his mistakes in tears?

Think too much, wash and sleep!_

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