
Early in the morning, the entrance of the Magic Club was crowded with reporters from all walks of life, and although the Magic officials told them that the press conference would be held at noon, the reporters still came early to see if they could get some other news.

Han Zhe is on fire again now, and although it is negative, he is indeed hot.

All kinds of news sections are his news, and many covers are screenshots of his middle finger, which is very chic and handsome!

The sports and entertainment sectors are all dominated by Han Zhe, and even James, who just got a triple-double, can only be relegated to the second place, and there is enough grievance.

The team knew that the media would be flooding today, so they canceled the training routine for fear that some big-mouthed players would escalate the situation.

Han Zhe sat on the sofa and watched with a stack of newspapers.

"This one is good, this one is okay, what the hell is this, the angle is too bad, this photographer should deduct his salary..."

Everyone knows that Han Zhe should be anxious at home now, but no, Han Zhe still maintains a heartless and optimistic attitude, he is not shocked when he reads the newspaper, and he is even in the mood to comment on his cover.

To Han Zhe's surprise, the newspaper was not one-sided criticism, and some media actually stood on Han Zhe's side and fought back against the Pacers' home fans.

And the newspaper also published interviews with some stars, and there were mixed reviews of the Han Zhe incident, some thought that Han Zhe was right, it was the fans who provoked the incident, and some people bluntly said that the fans were God, and Han Zhe's behavior went too far.

When I was watching with relish, a bell rang, and when I walked over to look, it turned out that someone was visiting, and the security guard confirmed it.

Seeing that it was Luthor in the video, Han Zhe of course signaled to the security guards to release him.

After Lu Thor entered the door, he saw Han Zhe with a relaxed face, and couldn't help but complain: "You are leisurely, my phone is about to be blown up, are you ready for the press conference in a while?"

Seeing Han Zhe nodded, Luthor said with satisfaction: "That's right, Hannigan called me just now to communicate, he said that the league has also expressed its position, as long as you admit your mistakes and be sincere, the league will consider reducing the punishment, in fact, the NBA is like this, there are many players who make mistakes, as long as you have a press conference and go through the motions, uh... What kind of eyes are you? "

Seeing Han Zhe looking at him with a strange expression, Luthor couldn't say any more.

Han Zhe said: "You think too much, Luthor, don't you know me? Do you think that when others scold my parents and family, I will apologize and admit my mistakes?"

"Han, calm down, I understand your feelings, but the general environment is like this, we must..."

"Stop... I'm calm now, you don't need to persuade me anymore, I've already thought about it, I would rather not play than apologize to those bastards, the league loves to punish how to punish, and the team is the same. "

Luther was one head and two big, "Han, you must know that this will not only offend the league, but the team will also be very unhappy!"

Han Zhe sneered, "I'm still very upset if the team doesn't, to be honest, if the team had discussed with me before announcing the media, I might have considered it, and as a result, the order would have made me apologize to the public?

Luthor also scolded Devos in his heart, no, Han Zhe's personality, you still have to talk to him, but using this oppressive way to force him to submit can only be counterproductive.

Devos is still using the concept of dealing with ordinary players against Han Zhe, but now Han Zhe is no longer an ordinary player who has no right to speak.

Devos's idea is actually not wrong, I am the boss, you are the worker, so you have to do whatever I ask you to do.

Han Zhe's idea is also simple, I play with a salary, and the performance on the court is worthy of this salary, why are you dry in other aspects, you are not the only one on the NBA board, Lao Tzu is a big deal!

One is a capitalist thinker, and the other is a player with his own independent personality, and the contradiction arises.

Seeing that Han Zhe had made up his mind, Luthor was out of options, he was actually the most upset, all kinds of pressure had fallen on him, and the agent's money was not so easy to make.

The key is that Han Zhe's status has risen, if it is an ordinary player, Luthor is too lazy to talk nonsense with him, are you unhappy?

If you're not happy, you're not happy, who cares about you, hurry up and apologize to calm down the incident.

However, he didn't dare to treat Han Zhe like this, otherwise it was conceivable that as soon as their contract arrived, Han Zhe would definitely let him get out.

Luthor didn't care about Han Zhe anymore, and immediately began to contact the group team to start the operation, since he already knew that this thing could not be good, he had to do his best to eliminate the impact of the fishing boat.

The water army is a powerful group.

When a person says something is right, some people may refute it, but when a large group of people say that it is right, then even those who are really right will suspect that they may be wrong.

Soon, the discussion of Han Zhe's middle finger incident on major websites escalated, and those who are interested will find that the situation that criticized Han Zhe as the majority has changed.

Han Zhe gradually became a victim!

When Han Zhe went out, he saw a large number of reporters at the door, and stopped to say hello to them, but as for the questions, none of them answered, only said that they would be given a satisfactory answer at the press conference.

Many reporters think that Han Zhe is ready to admit that he is calming down.

Of course, there are also reporters who don't believe that Han Zhe is so easy to settle, and Han Zhe is definitely among the best in the NBA.

At two o'clock sharp, the press conference was held at the official venue of the Magic as scheduled.

Magic's Sam and Hannigan were there, and so was Coach Vaughan.

"What to say in a moment.

Although Han Zhe kept nodding, Hannigan next to him frowned, and he had a sense of foreboding.

Is such an obedient Han Zhe still Han Zhe?

Hannigan is actually very unhappy (good) with this decision, he thinks that there is no need to hold this press conference at all, Han Zhe's matter will definitely have a bad impact, and he will be punished by the alliance, but if it is not serious, it is not at all, how can it be used to provoke Han Zheto.

Originally, the team is developing very well now, isn't this looking for trouble.

Although he was angry at yesterday's meeting and let everyone know Han Zhe's value, it was useless, many people still thought that Han Zhe should be beaten, and not many people supported him, so it was useless for him to go to Devos.

When the Magic crew walked out, the reporters on the scene were excited.

Some reporters who have been angry with Han Zhe are even more gloating, calling you to be so, plant it this time.

Although they all know that this is a formality, there are still many people who want to see Han Zhe's embarrassing appearance of admitting and apologizing!


PS: I'm sorry! The chapter number of the previous chapter was written incorrectly, it should be 646 chapters, but the content is normal and will not affect the reading. _

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