The next day, not long after Han Zhe got up, he received a call from Li Tingting, and as soon as the phone rang, he said, "Cousin, do you miss me?"

Before Han Zhe could answer, Li Tingting continued like a cannon: "I knew that you missed me, seeing that you are so pitiful alone, I will reluctantly come to see you, are you surprised, surprised?"

Han Zhe was speechless, this cousin became more and more oily after the live broadcast, and she wanted to come to play as if she begged her, but to be honest, of course it is welcome to have a relative or friend come to Su Yi, otherwise a person is really bored and panicked.

"When are you coming? I'm still free for the next two days, and if I'm going to play away in a few days, I'll not be in Orlando at that time." Han Zhe asked.

Li Tingting smiled, "I'm now in Los Angeles ready to transfer my flight!"

Han Zhe was stunned, he didn't expect Li Tingting to be on the way, "Why don't you make a phone call before coming, by the way, my parents are okay?"

Li Tingting said with a smile: "Auntie, they are in good health, I often go to 16 to see them, and Sister Yan will also visit them when she has time, anyway, Sister Yan is really good, such a big star, I haven't forgotten your old neighbor." "

Han Zhe snorted, and said what kind of old neighbor, that's someone looking at his in-laws!

The two didn't talk for long, and Li Tingting's flight was about to board, so she hung up the phone.

After eating at noon, Han Zhe drove out, Li Tingting originally told Han Zhe not to pick her up, saying that she could find the way, but Han Zhe was not at ease that she was running around abroad as a girl, and she insisted on picking up the airport.

When he arrived at the airport, Han Zhe was a little big, because there was a huge flow of people at the airport today, and there were many fans and fans who picked up the airport, because tomorrow is the Magic home game against the Knicks, and many fans and stars have come to Orlando.

Although Han Zhe was wearing a hat and sunglasses, many people knew him in Orlando, especially media reporters, his eyes were bright, and Han Zhe was targeted as soon as he got out of the car.

Originally, most of the reporters and media were interviewing or squatting inside, but as soon as Han Zhe arrived at the door, a group of people immediately threw away the previous interview subjects and flocked to him, Han Zhe is the protagonist of tomorrow, and the media naturally pays attention to his news.

"Han, are you here to pick up the plane too?" someone asked, stretching out the microphone.

Han Zhe rolled his eyes and said, "No, I'm here to see the plane." "

This caused a lot of laughter, this question is too level.

Someone squeezed to the front and stretched his neck to continue to ask, "Han, can you tell me who to pick up?"

Han Zhe had nothing to hide, and said: ", you media should know about it, remember that the last time she came, you also spread the scandal between me and her!"

The reporters laughed again, indeed, Li Lai didn't know that she and Han Zhe were related, and the media was very YY.

"By the way, Ibaka is here too, shouldn't you pick up the same person?"

Han Zhe was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and looked in the memory, the big black man surrounded by reporters was not Ibaka!

Han Zhe really didn't know that Ibaka was also here, so he squeezed over to Ibaka after saying goodbye to the reporters.

However, as soon as the reporters came out, Han Zhe was forced to do so, and many fans screamed and surrounded him, and Han Zhe couldn't move an inch.

Fortunately, the airport was also prepared today, and there were a lot more security guards, and soon a team of security guards came over to escort Han Zhe to Ibaka.

A security guard said with a wry smile: "Han, I'm your loyal fan, but I really don't want to see you here today!"

Han Zhe couldn't cry or laugh, he knew that there were so many people today, so he was looking for a place to wait outside, and he would definitely not come to join in the fun.

Han Zhe pulled Ibaka to a corner and chatted, and Ibaka also smiled wryly: "I didn't know that so many people picked up the airport today, I knew that I wouldn't have come to pick up Emily, now it's okay, soon the whole world will know!"

"Pick up Emily, are you really playing?" Han Zhe was a little surprised, since he broke up with Kelly, this product has been wandering everywhere every day, is it possible that he is now retracting?

Ibaka seemed to be very entangled in this question, and I guess he didn't know what to think about himself.

Seeing this, Han Zhe didn't say much, and opened the topic to chat and wait.

The two were chatting here, and Li Tingting's plane also landed, but the surprise she said was not her, and there were a few people next to her.

When they came to the waiting hall, several people were startled, it was completely crowded, and others were worried that they couldn't find Han Zhe, Li Tingting smiled calmly, and casually found a person from the Celestial Dynasty with a reporter card and asked, and immediately knew where Han Zhe was.

Han Zhe was chatting with Ibaka without a word, and when he heard a familiar voice calling him, he raised his eyes and saw that Li Tingting was squeezing hard towards him, and several familiar faces next to her suddenly made Han Zhe jump in shock.

"What's wrong, Han?" Ibaka was also startled by Han Zhe.

Han Zhe ignored Ibaka at all, got up quickly, and asked the security guard next to him to help him open the way, and finally opened a passage, Han Zhe almost rushed over and hugged the two old men next to Li Tingting in his arms, "Parents, why are you here, and why didn't you say it in advance before, did you squeeze it, I said I had arranged it earlier!"

It can be seen that Han Zhe is very excited, and he crackles and talks a lot when they meet, and the reporter next to him quickly takes pictures, and it is rare to see Han Zhe so out of shape.

Han Zhe's parents were also very excited to see their son, but before they could speak, Han Zhe asked the security guards to escort them out, this was not the place to talk.

Turning his head to see Ibaka also coming, Han Zhe was puzzled: "What are you doing with us, aren't you waiting for Emily?"

Ibaka sneered, "It's hard for you to sit in so many cars, I'll help you send them back together." "

Han Zhegang wanted to say that there was no need to bother, but as soon as he saw Ibaka's expression, he understood that this product probably didn't want to be exposed in a high-profile manner, so he thought about slipping away.

Han Zhe was no longer hypocritical, nodded and motioned for him to follow and leave, as for how he explained to Emily, that was his business!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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