Han Zhe naturally took the second elder with him, and Ibaka carried Liu Yan and Li Tingting to follow Han Zhe's car.

This is the first time that the second elder has gone abroad, and he looks out the window everywhere along the way.

"Didn't you say that this rice country is vast and sparsely populated, I see a lot of people, and the houses are quite dense. Li Xuelan felt that this was not quite the same as the legend.

Han Zhe turned his head and smiled: "It also depends on the place, if you go to New York, it will be even more crowded, although the flow of people here is less than those places in New York, but the downtown area is still very lively, but the place where I live is close to the suburbs, and it is very clean over there." "

"Talk, talk, pay attention to the road!" Han Wenzhong motioned to Han Zhe to drive without turning his head.

"Son, when it comes to your house, I think of something, I often read newspapers mentioning that you bought a mansion, and they all say that it is worth tens of millions of RMB, and the price you say is a bit different!" Li Xuelan glanced at Han Zhe with slanted eyes, revealing the all-penetrating Du Zhi.

Han Zhe originally wanted to turn his head again, but when he saw his father looking at him in the rearview mirror, he immediately sneered without squinting and said: "Don't listen to the nonsense of the media, I just buy a broken wooden house and the media has to blow it into a mansion, although my house is relatively large, it is really cheap, and the land price here is low, so it is half sold and half given." "

The second elder was skeptical, because Han Zhe had been to Li Tingting here, and after going back, the two asked Li Tingting how Han Zhe's house was, and the little girl didn't tell the truth when she saw it.

Han Zhe didn't wait for them to think about it, and changed the topic and said: "I miss you guys to death, this time I finally gave up going abroad, let's live here in the future, the family is fine anyway!"

As soon as Li Xuelan heard this, she said: "Who said that the family is fine, I still have two acres of land, I still have two acres of land, I still let the neighbors help take care of it when I go abroad this time, and it won't be possible to come out for a long time!"

"Farming?" Han Zhe's mouth opened open, and he almost didn't drive the car into the ditch, how can there be land for you to plant in the community? Could it be that my mother dug out the central garden and planted the land?

Han Zhe must be crooked, no matter how boring his parents are, they can't harm the greening of the community, and they won't agree to the property management if they are willing to do so.

The second elder explained, Han Zhe understood, it turned out that the two of them were farming in their hometown, and there were still a few acres of land over there, which was already barren, but when the second elder went back to see his uncle once, on a whim, he wanted to have nothing to do, so he redeveloped the wasteland.

In their words, there are many benefits, not only can you eat safe vegetables, but also keep exercising, and the rural air is good, which is good for health!

Han Zhe also smiled bitterly, feeling that those who are farming now want to go out to buy a house, and those who go out to buy a house want to go back to farming.

"Then you live in his uncle's house now?" Han Zhe knew that the old house in the family was long gone, and they could only live in Li Tingting's house when they went back, and it was not far away anyway.

Li Xuelan shook her head: "It's okay to live once in a while, how can there be a permanent residence in someone else's house, we usually go in the morning and come back in the evening, now there is a car anyway, it's convenient!"

Han Zhe almost spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and he had to drive for half an hour one way, just to farm the land.

How boring the parents have to be!

Han Zhe said: "I like to farm the land, I want you to plant, there is a big open space at the door, if it is not enough, I will buy you a big ranch, not only can you farm, but also raise some cattle and sheep to graze, Dad doesn't like to watch cowboy films, when the time comes, I will raise hundreds of cows, and then raise dozens of horses, and be a cowboy myself." "

Father Han's eyes lit up, "I heard that there are still guns here?"

It seems that both young and old have a soft spot for firearms.

Han Zhe himself got a gun license, which was suggested by Luther, saying that it was safe to have a gun, and he now has a Colt 1911 classic pistol under the seat of the car, and there are several rifles at home.

I wanted to give the gun to my dad to play with, but I thought that it was not very good on the road, and I was afraid of scaring my mother, so I didn't take it out temporarily.

Han Zhe said with a smile: "It's easy to get a gun license here, and it's easier to apply for your own ranch, and you can also go out hunting during the hunting season!"

Han's father was obviously very moved, but Li Xuelan pinched him, Han Wenzhong decisively shut up, he is in charge of this family's major affairs, and Li Xuelan is in charge of small things, but it seems that he has never encountered a major event since he got married, even if he has, it is a small matter in Li Xuelan's opinion...

chatting all the way soon to the place, as soon as they got off the car, Han Zhe's parents were shocked by the surrounding environment, the greenery was very good, the foot was a lawn covering several acres, and in front of them was a large lake, and on the other side of the lake was a quiet forest park, giving them a sense of paradise.

Li Tingting and Liu Yan have both been here, so they already have immunity, and they began to help Han Zhe and Yibaka move their luggage together.

After the two elders came back to their senses, they looked at the villa behind them, and their eyes twitched, although they didn't know the housing prices in the United States, but such a large building, coupled with such a good environment, it was only 1 million US dollars to buy a house and decorate?

Rabbit cubs, they really think they are stupid dirt buns!

After the two glanced at each other, they tacitly didn't mention this stubble, this is to see through it or not, they know that their son is afraid of being scolded, and they are afraid that they will feel sorry for money!

After entering the house, looking at the magnificent furniture and the huge swimming pool in the backyard, the second elder was very heartbroken, his son was stupid, he had never eaten pork and never seen a pig run, and the TV was generally a local tyrant to have this kind of house!



Ibaka helped with the luggage, politely greeted everyone and left.

Li Xuelan sighed: "What a good boy, who said that black people are lazy and don't know how polite, look at how good this Ibaka is!"

Han Zhe smiled noncommittally and nodded, in fact, he was thinking in his heart, that goods are polite at this time, go to the stadium or bar to see, he can squirt in his mouth!

When arranging the room, Li Tingting glanced at Han Zhe and Liu Yan suspiciously, the room she lived in before remained the same, but Han Zhe arranged her parents upstairs, saying that she wanted to enjoy the scenery, while he and Liu Yan lived downstairs.

Li Tingting remembers that Han Zhe's own room is on the second floor, and he has many rooms upstairs, so it's no problem for several people to live upstairs.

However, Li Tingting didn't dig deeper, and dragged her luggage back to the room to prepare for rest, she was tired from sitting on the plane for so long.

After arranging his parents and letting them rest first, Han Zhe sneaked to Liu Yan's room, and the two immediately kissed.

That's why they sleep downstairs, so as not to be bumped in when they visit the door...

However, when Han Zhe wanted to take further action, Liu Yan stopped him, and seeing that Han Zhe was unhappy, Liu Yan explained: "Silly brother, you still have a game tomorrow, I don't want to hold you back!"

Han Zhe slapped his head, almost forgetting this stubble, not to mention him, even the married players are the same, the team has warned abstinence in the past few days, otherwise there is no need to play the ball of soft-footed shrimp in the game one by one.

Han Zhe felt a little red and hit his feet with a stone, and the taste of being able to see and not eat was really unbearable!_

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