The Heat have been behind, and James stepped up at the critical moment and scored two goals in a row under Han Zhe's defense to boost the morale of his teammates.

Another round of heat attack, James pushed Han Zhe again and forcibly went to the inside, Han Zhe was also on fire, really when he was a soft persimmon, when James changed hands and was about to change the line to break through, Han Zhe saw the opportunity and stabbed the ball to him as quickly as a poisonous snake spitting out a letter.

Seeing Han Zhe save the ball that was about to roll out with a flying pounce, James also felt a little helpless, Han Zhe's defensive ability was too perverted, it seemed that his feints and intentions could not escape Han Zhe's eyes, as long as Han Zhe stretched out his hand, it would be difficult to fail.

The Magic didn't waste the chances created by Han Zhe, and Ibaka and Vucevic worked together tacitly to score through Ibaka's game.

The Heat attacked, this time they started to hit Wade, Wade two consecutive left and right duffles + sudden start made Walker lose his center of gravity, and he successfully broke through, taking advantage of the Magic to make up the defense, Wade took two steps forward and then stopped and shot the shot, and the ball went in.

"Boy, you're still far from trying to defend me!" Wade went back to talking to Walker after the goal, and the two had been spewing trash talk before.

Walker smiled disdainfully: "You seem to be able to guard me, and I can't shoot beyond the three." "

Both of them did have a hard time defending against each other, but Walker was still a bit of a mouthful, and Wade was a few percentage points higher than him in terms of defensive success rate.

Walker's three-point sentence outside the basket was a critical hit, so Wade couldn't help but start to think about it again, when he saw that Han Zhe had quickly held the ball over half the court, Wade hurriedly returned to defense, although he didn't have to follow Han Zhe today, but their defense line is a whole, and if one person has a problem, the whole line will collapse, he doesn't dare to be careless.

Han Zhe also showed off his bag when he faced Cinmos and James on the outside this time, and after the loach shuttled through the gap between the two of them with the same flexibility as a loach, he immediately pulled the ball and turned around and spared it back.

James and Chanmoth obviously couldn't keep up with Han Zhe's pace, and when they turned around, Han Zhe had already pulled out a three-point shot, and James was still a step slower despite trying his best to block.

Listening to the cheers of the Magic fans, Zhang Weiping also sighed: "Han Zhe's personal strength is really strong, the ball seems to be stuck to his hand, no matter how you play, you can't lose it, no matter if the defender is one or two, it is difficult to pose a threat to him~!"

Su Qun nodded and added: "The key is that Han Zhe's shooting is still accurate, in fact, there are many players in the league who are very strong in ball control and breakthrough skills, but it is very rare for players to shoot so accurately after breaking through, and it is estimated that only his own state and physical fitness can limit Han Zhe." "

Fans don't think that the two are bragging, because Han He's projection ability is really impeccable, for example, now facing a top team like the Heat, they can still take what they want under the double bag, can't it explain the problem?

James suffered a stunt and seemed to be in a hurry to find a court, and when the Heat attacked, he first used his physical advantage to knock Han Zhe away, and then rushed to the basket like a bull.

James who rushed up was really unbeatable, Harkless's was bounced off when he touched it, and Vucevic under the basket was hit by James who was about to dunk as soon as he jumped and lost his balance.

James is now a humanoid monster, relying on brute force to tear apart the entire defense line of the Magic alone, and the visual impact is incomparable.

Just when the corners of James' mouth were raised to think that there was no suspense about the ball, Han Zhe didn't know when he had caught up, and jumped from behind him, and his hand gently slapped the basketball he grabbed with one hand...


James blew up the basket, but it was a little embarrassing, the dunk was dunked, but the ball in his hand was long gone.

As soon as James landed, he roared at the referee, and slapped the back of his hand a few times, signaling Han Zhe to beat.

But the referee didn't say anything, and the Magic players didn't care what he was saying, Ibaka picked up the ball and launched a long pass to launch a counterattack, and Walker scored an easy layup.

Seeing that James was still unrelenting to the referee, Han Zhe gloated: "You, I really think that you can rely on the referee to eat if you are the godson of the league." "

"What the hell are you talking about!" James angrily turned his head and glared at Han Zhe.

"What did I say, you don't have a bit of a force in your heart, what, do you want to hit people if you can't play ball, let me tell you, you can't play ball, and you can't fight either. Not to be outdone, Han Zhe scolded.

Seeing the two get closer and closer, their foreheads almost together, the referee blew the whistle to interrupt the game, separate the two and warn.

Then the referee also specially warned James not to make trouble, he was standing next to the ball just now, and he could see it very clearly, Han Zhe's cap was very clean, and he took the racket (good money) from the side, and there was no foul, and the sound of the hit and the shot were completely different.

Although James turned his head and left, he still scolded and looked dissatisfied.

Han Zhe rolled his eyes, knowing that this guy was spoiled, and he wanted to find the referee to help him out of anything, in fact, there was no controversy about this ball just now, even if Han Zhe hit it, generally this kind of ball is even a hitter, but the action is not too big, and the referee will not blow it!

After such a trouble, James's mentality seems to be a little unbalanced, his actions are very large, the number of fouls has increased, and his state has dropped, and his shooting percentage has dropped a lot compared to before.

At halftime, the Magic had an 11-point lead at 59-48, and the situation was very good. _

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