"The Magic's performance is really stable, and in the face of a strong team like the Heat, they can firmly control the initiative and play a big advantage, and the Heat are in a bit of a difficult situation. Taking advantage of the halftime break, the CCTV studio began to chat.

Zhang Weiping said: "The Magic's performance this season has been remarkable, and the playoff performance is also extremely good, not only the first two rounds of the opponent are lightly defeated, but now they can also press the Heat to play, although the overall strength of the Heat this year seems to be a little worse than last year, but as the saying goes, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and the Heat Big Three is not easy to deal with, and it is not easy for the Magic to play like this." "

After a while, the second half of the game began, and the performance of the two sides in the first two minutes was relatively stable, and the score kept rising alternately.

But the Heat seemed to suddenly start to be ruthless, defending two Magic shots in a row, and also scored a three-pointer, which narrowed the difference a lot at once.

Seeing that the Heat strengthened their defense, the Magic decisively passed the ball to Han Zhe when they attacked again, and Han Zhe, who played soy sauce for two minutes, instantly cheered up, and after high-frequency dribbling and shaking money Moss, he cut into the three-point line with a burst.

James actively made up for the defense, and just when he was a little proud to jam Han Zhe, thinking that he had successfully sabotaged Han Zhe's attack, Han Zhe actually hooked his hand sideways and threw his hand.

James had a question mark, what is the situation, you must know that they are standing near the free throw line now, and Han Zhe didn't jump at all for the sake of the suddenness of the shot, this throw looks very casual or sloppy!

"It's impossible to enter!" This is James's judgment, this kind of heavenly hook can only enter the ghost.

James turned around and rushed to the basket as soon as he could, and the other players were similar, all of them began to compete for favorable positions and prepare to grab rebounds.

Vaughn frowned, he wanted to curse a little, although they still held the lead, they couldn't waste their chances like this, could they?


The crisp sound of entering the basket almost hit everyone in the face, and Coach Eric over there stood up with an incredulous expression, but then realized that he was out of shape and immediately sat back down.

"This ball reminds me of Abdul-Jabbar's sky hook, but Han's little man really looks a bit out of place with this kind of unreasonable ultra-big hook, haha..."

Smith pouted, "I bet Han's goal was 100% scored." "

O'Neal also nodded, this kind of hook is too difficult, it is difficult for the league's top interior to shoot this kind of ball, you are a small guard who doesn't rely on anything, is it possible that you can still practice hook shooting?

Isn't that full of food!

James couldn't help but complain about Han Zhe, but this time Han Zhe didn't bother with him, whether it was a balloon or not, he knew that he was a little happy now, and the goal made him open his way.

Han Zhe had actually thrown this hook before, but he used it very rarely, so most of it was attributed to luck.

When the Magic attacked again in the next round, it seemed to be a replay of the previous ball, and after Han Zhe broke through Chanmos, James was stuck on the inside again to prevent him from getting close to the basket.

While bullying Han Zhe with his body, James also provoked in his mouth: "If you have the ability, don't pass the ball, and then hook... uh..."

Before James finished speaking, he swallowed it back raw, because Han Zhe really hooked the ball again.

James tried his best to jump but still couldn't cover it, the hook hand was extremely difficult to defend, James was going to catch the ball through Han Zhe's whole person, and it was naturally difficult to block.

When he saw Han Zhe throwing in again, the scene was full of joy, and TNT's Smith was dumbfounded, this slap in the face came too quickly, what about the good balloon?

"Han, can you save me some face?" Vucevic pretended to be aggrieved and complained to Han Zhe, causing the Magic players to laugh.

In fact, Vucevic is really ashamed, as an inside player, he is not as good as Han Zhe, which is very embarrassing.

As for James, I'm really stunned...

Han Zhe seems to have found a way to deal with the Heat, since they do not hesitate to defend physically, then they use this unexpected way to shoot more.

Especially in the face of a gorilla like James, although Han Zhe can also rely on speed and technical strength, but in this way, every time he breaks through, the physical consumption is very large, and it will be much easier to shoot with amorphous, especially the hook, which is more insolvable in one-on-one situations.

Devos looked at the VIP room and smiled, and said happily: "Han is really a player who is good at creating surprises!"

Hannigan was also very happy and nodded: "Bringing in Han is the wisest decision of my career, and to be honest, Han's performance has greatly exceeded my expectations!"

Devos laughed and said, "Hiring you as the team's general manager is also my wisest decision. "

Then the two began to praise each other happily...

Then it can be said that Han Zhe completely took over the game, cutting to the inside is a variety of bizarre shots, and hooks are also very frequent, if the Heat has a soldier inside, Han Zhe and Walker will strengthen the mid-to-long shot, so that the Heat have no way to start.

Although Han Zhe's amorphous shooting percentage decreased compared to the normal position, the score still opened up again.

Originally, the Heat started with the intention of narrowing the score gap and then letting James and the others take a break, but who knew that Han Zhe was powerful, and the Heat did not play well.

The strategic goal was not achieved, but the Heat still let James and Bosh rotate off the court, and they couldn't help it, James was a little overdrawn in the last game, and this time he couldn't let him play the whole game again, if James' physical collapse collapsed, they didn't have to play in the next few games.

After the two rotated, Han Zhe could be said to have completely taken over the game, and after the third quarter, the score became 88-75.

Eric's face is almost wrinkled, and the 13-point gap is not easy to chase.

However, they are not completely out of chance, because the main Magic team has almost no rest, and if the Magic rotates in the fourth quarter, they may not have no hope of turning the tables. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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