The Amway Arena was in full swing, and all the home fans sang and danced in celebration, not only did they successfully advance to the finals, but they also overwhelmingly knocked out the last champions, the Heat.

The game between the Thunder and the Spurs has also ended, the Spurs have advanced without any suspense, and both Finals teams have been born!

Looking at James who was sitting stupidly on the ground in a daze, Han Zhe suddenly lost the meaning of competing, he originally planned to bury this guy who always spoke against him after winning, but now he didn't have that mind.

"Hey, gorilla, you shouldn't be crying, are you?" Han Zhe walked and pulled James up.

Han Zhe's sudden action startled James, and everyone at the scene was also taken aback, thinking that the two were going to fight.

James got up and wiped his hand on his body with a disgusted face, and then said: "You guys played well today, and your luck is good, but don't be complacent, you definitely won't be able to pass the Spurs level, and it's not certain who will cry at that time!"

Han Zhe saw his childish appearance of cursing magic in circles, sneered and laughed, and said: "I don't know if it's luck, anyway, someone was by us 4:1, I don't know if the Spurs are strong or not, but the championship is definitely ours, congratulations, you can go home and watch TV to cheer us on!"

James has a black line, cheer you up, if the Spurs want to ask the killer to kill Han Zhe, he thinks he can sponsor it in friendship!

Although chatting with Han Zhe is easy to get angry, James found that the previous sense of loss had strangely disappeared a lot, and he felt a little better.

Han Zhe was about to say a few words, but suddenly his teammates poured a bucket of cold water from behind, which shocked him and jumped up, Han Zhe immediately turned around and chased after him, and roared angrily: "Walker, you bastard, stop, do you want to freeze me to death so that I can seek power and usurp the throne..."

It didn't take long for all the Magic players to become soup chickens, and even Vaughn didn't let go, a large group of reporters wanted to interview, but when they saw this, they asked them to take a shower and change their clothes first, otherwise the players would have to tear them alive if the Magic fans caught a cold.

After more than half an hour, when Han Zhe and the others came out again, the heat players had already left, but the scene was still very lively, and the Magic fans had not yet left the court, and when they saw Han Zhe and others appear, they immediately sent out a wave of high-decibel sounds.

"Hello Han Zhe, I'm a Tencent reporter, did you ever think before the game that I could beat the Heat 4:1?"

Han Zhe immediately replied: "Don't say 4:1, 4:0 I have thought about it!"

Han Zhe's words caused a lot of laughter, well-intentioned, since ancient times, it has been a king and a loser, and today's winner is magic, so Han Zhe can say whatever he wants.

"Han, I'm a TNT reporter, and it was said that the Magic won easily today because Ince was not in good shape, what do you think?"

Han Zhe pretended to think seriously for a while before he said: "From then on, the Heat can discuss with the league before each game, and the game time is set to play when James is in good shape." "

The TNT beauty reporter was stunned for a moment, and then covered her mouth and laughed, Han Zhe's sarcasm is more interesting, but it is indeed such a truth, whether it is a team or an individual, when there are ups and downs in state, who is to blame for your bad state, do you have to wait for your state to win?

And in the last game, James was in a very good state, and even used the Zone, and it was not the same loss!

"Han, you're so interesting, do you have time for me to do an interview. After the beautiful reporter finished speaking, she also threw a wink at Han Zhe, and the meaning was self-evident.

Han Zhe hurriedly snorted and said, "I will talk about it when I have time, I will talk about it when I have time!"

"I'm a Tiger Fight reporter, first of all, congratulations to the Magic for advancing to the finals, I want to ask if the next opponent, the Spurs, is the Magic sure of winning?"

Han Zhe said: "No matter which team you play, no one dares to say that you are 100% sure, not to mention how strong the Spurs are, I don't need to say more." "

"You mean the Magic might not be able to beat the Spurs?"

Han Zhe immediately shook his head, "Although we are not 100% sure, we still have 99% certainty." "

Reporter: "..."

The audience watching the live broadcast also burst into laughter, and Han Zhe pretended to be a wave if he didn't pay attention, of course, the Spurs fans wanted to spit saliva in his face, and he was too ashamed.

Later, a reporter asked about Han Zhe's endorsement, because everyone knew that Han Zhe's two big endorsements were about to expire, but there seemed to be a problem with the rumor renewal, and everyone wanted to know about it.

Han Zhe did not shy away from it, and said frankly: "There is really no progress in renewing the contract, maybe they think I am not worth so much money." "

A reporter immediately asked Han Zhe about the ideal price, and Han Zhe smiled: "This is a trade secret, don't think I'm a good pit when I'm young!"

There was another laugh.

In general, this interview was very pleasant, especially the domestic reporters, who blessed Han Zhe before the end, hoping that he could return home with a championship ring!

At the end of the interview here, Han Zhe was still very busy, and as soon as the phone was turned on, there were countless congratulatory calls, including relatives and friends in China, as well as players and stars he knew here, especially Liu Yan, who sent him so much over the phone.

What made Han Zhe a little headache was that Kolo called to congratulate him and said that he would come to accompany him to the finals.

Han Zhe is a stunned young man in terms of feelings, he doesn't know how to deal with this kind of thing at all, and he thinks that his parents are also here, so it's hard to guarantee that they don't have any ideas!_

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