The Magic entered the finals, which naturally touched the hearts of countless people, such as Li Ning, who finally couldn't sit still and took advantage of the Magic's short offseason to interview Han Zhe again.

At a hotel in Orlando, Han Zhe and his team and the Li Ning team officially met.

"Hello Mr. Han, congratulations on advancing to the finals, your performance is really amazing, I wish the Magic can win the first championship!"

As soon as they met, Li Ning's representative Liu Guang shook hands with Han Zhe very warmly to express his blessings, this is not just a polite word, Li Ning really hopes that Magic will win the championship, after all, Han Zhe is their spokesperson, and the better Han Zhe plays, the better they will benefit.

Han Zhe also shook hands with the other party with a smile and said, "Hello Mr. Liu, it's a pleasure to meet you, is it because of the fatigue of the journey, your complexion doesn't look very good!"

Liu Guang smiled a little embarrassedly, they Li Ning have been in meetings every day these days, and the main discussion is the renewal of Han Zhe's contract, the internal differences are relatively large, and he is noisy all day long, so it is strange that he can look good.

Of course, the content of the disagreement is not to talk about whether to renew Han Zhe's contract, everyone agrees on the issue of Han Zhe's contract renewal, they are because the renewal offer has not been negotiated, and some feel that Han Zhe's asking price is not too high, after all, Han Zhe has that strength, and some think that the offer they are giving now is very reasonable.

And Li Ning is still talking about another big contract, that is, they still want to sign Wade, some people say that if Han Zhe's expenditure here is too high, plus Wade's big contract, they may have a financial shortage in the short term!

Liu Guang is very helpless about this, he thinks that the financial problem is completely an excuse, in the past two years, their product income is good, the growth rate is great, the financial situation is good, there will be no financial problems at all, the main thing is that some people feel that they should not give Han Zhe more money!


After everyone took their seats, after chatting for a few words, Luthor got straight to the point: "Mr. Liu, we have talked many times about the renewal of the contract, we hope that Li Ning can show some sincerity, if it is still the previous offer, I don't think you need to continue to waste time." "

Liu Guang hurriedly smiled: "Mr. Luther doesn't need to worry, since we are here, we must be sincere, and we have come up with a new plan after our internal discussions." "

Luthor took a sip of coffee and stretched out his hand to signal him to continue, as for Han Zhe, just listen to it on the side, he doesn't know anything about negotiations, so it's better not to make trouble.

Liu Guangdao: "That's the case, we can make certain concessions on the original offer, Han Zhe's endorsement time limit is five years, we can pay 50 million US dollars, the endorsement method is still roughly the same as the previous contract, the specific content is here, if there is something dissatisfied, we can talk slowly." "

After Liu Guang finished speaking, he motioned to his assistant to take out a stack of documents and put them on the table, in both Chinese and English, so that everyone could understand them.

For this offer, Lu Thor and Han Zhe were a little surprised, because Li Ning increased by a large amount, you must know that the previous offer was 35 million for 6 years, and now the number of years is one year less, but the amount has increased significantly, almost double that of the last time.

However, Luthor just glanced at it and shook his head, although Li Ning raised the offer, it was too far from what they expected in their hearts.

Luthor continued: "I think you don't recognize the value of Han at all, a two-season league scoring champion, and this season is likely to win the regular season MVP, a two-time All-Star, a dunk king, a three-point king, and now he has led the Magic to the Finals, and it is not impossible to win the championship."

I just want to ask, now the league dares to stand up and say that it is stronger than Han, I think Durant can't do it, not even James, Magic eliminated the Heat 4:1 is already very illustrative"

Liu Guang smiled bitterly and nodded, he agreed with this, Han Zhe had proven himself through stable and excellent performance.

Luthor continued: "By the way, do you know how old Han is, yes, 22 years old, at the age of 22, Han has entered the ranks of the league's top superstars, which no star can do, his future is simply unimaginable, and everyone can see how good Han's body is, he has not had a single injury this season, and his physical fitness is excellent, I really don't understand what you guys think, is Han worth the price?"

Liu Guang was a little speechless, because what Luthor said was the truth, Han Zhe's performance was no worse than any superstar in the league, why did his endorsement fee be so much less?

In the past, it could be said that Han Zhe had no fan base and lacked influence, but now it is a joke to say this, Han Zhe's fan base is already very large, all over the world, even if it is not comparable to James Kobe, but it is not far behind, if you don't look at the regionality, just counting the number of people, Han Zhe fans are definitely the first person in the NBA, because the sky can kill all of them in seconds!

"This price has also been carefully considered by Li Ning, it should be a more reasonable price, and we can make some compensation from various awards and honors. Liu Guang continued to fight.

Luther didn't answer, but diverted the subject: "I heard that you are in contact with Wade, and it seems that you have reached an agreement, can I ask Wade about the specific content of the contract?"

Liu Guang suddenly chuckled in his heart, and said in his heart that the most worrying thing still happened, there is no impermeable wall in the world, it is not a secret that Li Ning and Wade are in contact, and there is no secret in Luthor's circle of agents.

Liu Guang hesitated for a moment but decided to tell the truth, because this matter could not be concealed at all, they and Wade were about to officially sign a contract, and the whole world would know by then that lying would not be beneficial, it would only embarrass themselves.

"Yes, we're pretty much done talking to Wade. Liu Guang nodded.

Han Zhe couldn't help but interject: "How many years and how much is the amount?"

Liu Guangzheng was thinking about whether to hide it for a while, and when Han Zhe signed it first, Luthor said bluntly: "Even if you don't say it, I can find out, please believe in my professional ability, and I promise that we will not sign a contract with Li Ning before Wade's contract is announced, even if the amount rises again, we will not sign, so please don't go around in circles." "

Liu Guang sighed and said, "We plan to sign a ten-year long-term contract with Wade, 100 million." "

"Hey, you Li Ning's brain is really in 190 water, Han, let's go!" Luthor burst into foul language on the spot, and then immediately got up and prepared to leave.

Han Zhe's face also sank, and he also turned around and left with Luther.

"Please wait, we can talk again, believe me, I can go back and fight again!" Liu Guang was anxious all of a sudden.

Han Zhe turned around and said: "There's no need to talk about it, please tell you Li Ning, I won't renew the contract with Li Ning, Luthor is right, you really have a problem with your brains, my endorsement is actually the same price as Wade's pension contract, this is really a good foreign monk chanting!"

After seeing Han Zhe and the others leave without looking back, Liu Guang couldn't help but scold: "Fools, they are all a bunch of fools, can Wade compare with Han Zhe, give that money to Han Zhe for ten Wade endorsements!"

Liu Guang sat on the sofa after venting his frustration, he knew that it was all over, and Han Zhe's contract was completely ruined.

But Liu Guang doesn't blame Luther, nor does he blame Han Zhe, he only blames some high-level people for being stupid, Han Zhe is right, foreign monks are good at chanting, a Wade who should be retired is willing to give a contract of 100 million yuan, and Han Zhe, who is young and strong, has unlimited potential, but is reluctant to spend a lot of money?

Liu Guang knows very well in his heart that Han Zhe signed Li Ning for the sake of domestic production, and now Han Zhe's NBA status is no worse than James, and it is interesting enough to be willing to talk to Li Ning about contract renewal, do you think a player like James Durant will come to endorse you Li Ning?

It can only be said that Li Ning completely messed up this time!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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