Vaughn's sudden resignation is undoubtedly a big event that makes the entire NBA tremble, this is not how influential he is, the key is that it is a special period for the Finals, and the sudden change of coach of the Magic is too shocking.

The Magic coach has announced his departure, and according to reliable sources, the Magic executives have confirmed that Vaughn's departure is completely true. "

"The Magic Finals are not doing well, has Vaughn become the backstabber?"

Some people speculate that Vaughn's departure was due to the anger of the top management due to the improper use of people in the past, and the news is still being confirmed. "

"The Magic is making matters worse, and the Finals are in dire straits. "

According to people familiar with the matter, Vaughn had a heated argument with Magic general manager Hannigan, which may explain Vaughn's sudden departure. "

Major domestic websites followed the news of Vaughn's departure for the first time, which can make domestic fans scorched, if not all of them are reported, everyone can't even believe that this is true, and they haven't heard of the temporary change of coach during the finals.

Han Zhe's mobile phone was about to be blown up, and his friends and some familiar media called him in the hope of knowing some inside information.

When such a big thing happened to magic, it was impossible for Han Zhe, the captain, not to know anything, and it was normal for everyone to look for him.

Han Zhe did receive the notice one step ahead, but he didn't have the heart to talk nonsense, just let everyone pay attention to the official website, and then shut down the phone decisively.

After a while, the official website of Magic updated the news again, announcing that chief assistant coach Bob Beyer will temporarily take over as the head coach of the Magic, and the Magic will hold a press conference tomorrow morning, mainly to make a brief explanation of the change of coach.

When he came to the hall and saw that everyone was looking at him, Han Zhe said helplessly: "Just ask whatever you want." "

Li Tingting was the first to say: "Your head coach is sick and resigned?"

Han Zhe had no intention of hiding it from his family, and said: "It's true to resign, whoever believes in illness is stupid." "

Li Tingting immediately showed an expression of "understanding", and then picked up her mobile phone and prepared to go upstairs to broadcast live, she is definitely the most reliable first-hand information.

Han Zhe yelled at her back, "Don't talk nonsense about everything." "

Li Tingting compared "OK" and ran away, what to say and what not to say, she still has a spectrum in her heart.

Li Xuelan was a little worried: "I read the news that Vaughn is quite level, why did he suddenly fire people, how will you fight next?"

Now there are no outsiders, Han Zhe spoke without scruples, and said with a smile: "Don't listen to those media boasting, it's not that there are achievements but also levels, Vaughn's coaching ability can only be said to be average, and this earth turns around without anyone, don't think that Vaughn's departure is the end of the world." "

Han Zhe actually still has some resentment in his heart, if Vaughn doesn't play blindly in the last game, they really won't necessarily lose.

Han Wenzhong said: "You NBA have a lot of things, and you are noisy watching TV." "

Although he couldn't understand what was being said, he was familiar with magic and a few words, so he naturally knew that he was talking about magic.

Han Zhe turned his head to look at Kolo, "Ping your mouth is broken, it's nothing today?"

Kolo pouted disdainfully, "It's all 1:3 behind, anyway, you all lose if you change the coach or not, what is there to say." "

Han Zhe: "..."


The Magic held a press conference to briefly announce Vaughn's departure and Bayer's interim head coach.

During the Q&A session, the media was lively:

"Some people say that Coach Vaughn was fired because he offended the Magic management and disagreed with the players, is it true?"

Sam, the official spokesman for the Magic, immediately said: "Please don't listen to the rumors, Coach Vaughn and our Magic get along very well, there is no contradiction at all, and our contract period has not expired, if it is not for Vaughn's voluntary resignation due to illness, we will not be able to unilaterally terminate the contract." "

Han Zhe sat on the side and smiled secretly, admiring these professionals very much for lying without blushing and heartbeat.

"Coach Bayer, do you have a good plan for the upcoming game? We all know that the Magic are on the edge of a cliff. "

"We're really in a tough situation and under a lot of pressure, but we have the best players in the Magic, and I believe we still have a chance and hope to win the championship, and we won't give up until the last minute," Bayer laughed. "

Beyer's words received a lot of applause.

Immediately, someone pointed the finger at Han Zhe, who was watching the excitement next to him, "Han, we saw that you didn't greet Coach Vaughn twice when you got off the court, did you have any conflict with Coach Vaughn?" "

Han Zhe is no longer the rookie he was at the beginning, he is easy to answer this kind of question, and said with a smile: "Not saying hello does not mean that there is a contradiction, I respect Coach Vaughn very much, but respect is in my heart, not the situation, for example, I greet you now, is it not that we have a good relationship?"

Seeing that the reporter was choked with embarrassment, there was another burst of laughter.

"Coach Bayer, the Magic have a lot of thorns, do you feel embarrassed in terms of management?" someone teased Byer.

"I've been with the Magic players for a year, and I don't know if they're on the outside or not, but I know they're very active and serious in training and games, and there's no such thing as you can't manage. "

Vaughn sat in front of the TV with a sneer, he hated everyone about the Magic now, just waiting for the day when the Magic were eliminated, he believed that this day was not far off, and it was likely to be the next game tomorrow.

Although Vaughn was dissatisfied, he did not give interviews to the media, and acquiesced in the statement of sickness and retirement, for the simple reason that the reputation of being expelled was not good.

Another point is that no team likes a coach with a big mouth, if he runs out and tears up with the Magic now, what do other teams think, and dare to use a coach like him?

Anyway, several teams have already contacted Vaughn, and he has no shortage of places to go, so the mentality is not too collapsed.

The end of the press conference means that everything is a foregone conclusion, and Magic fans can be described as mixed feelings.

There are not many fans who like Vaughn, because Magic fans think that his tactics are too rigid and lack the ability to adapt on the spot, the key is that the players who lost the game before and dumped the pot (Qian Wang is good) and the random substitutions in the last game made the fans feel cold, and it may not be a good thing for him to leave.

But the timing of the departure is not quite right, you don't have to think about changing coaches in the finals to know how pitted, and Bayer is also unknown, if it weren't for the newspaper some time ago that the Pistons and the Hawks wanted to sign him, the fans almost didn't have much impression of him.

Can such a rookie coach lead the Magic out of adversity?

In fact, fans lack understanding of Bayer, although this guy has not served as a head coach, but he has a lot of coaching experience, studied under Popovich, has been to many teams as an assistant coach, and has coaching experience for more than 30 years, it is more than enough to be a head coach, otherwise the Pistons and Hawks would not consider inviting him.

Maybe now the Pistons and Hawks are very confused, I didn't expect that an assistant coach would be cut off, or a team like the Magic that is competing for a championship.

Of course, Bayer is only the interim head coach and has not yet signed a formal head coach contract, and anything is possible in the future. _

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