A day later, the Magic are back at San Antonio's home court for Game 5 of the Finals.

This ball is already a life-and-death battle for the Magic, and they can't afford to lose.

Many Magic fans followed, even if they didn't get tickets, they gathered outside the arena to pray silently for the team, they didn't want the team to pass by the championship like this, Magic fans have been waiting long enough!

"Han, is Vaughn's sudden departure a way for magic to shirk responsibility?"

Han Zhe didn't want to pay attention to these reporters, but this made him very angry, Han Zhe said coldly: "I really don't know how you got your journalist qualification, don't you think your question is idiotic, what is the meaning of shirking responsibility? Our Magic has poor results this season? Don't forget that we are the Eastern Conference champions, and we have reached the finals, even if we lose, I don't think we have to bear any responsibility!"

Han Zhe was angry and shut up many other reporters who also wanted to ask similar questions, mainly because Han Zhe was right, not only did the magic score reach a record high, but also the top performance in the whole 207 league, even if they lost the finals, what if they didn't win the championship, they had to deny their results and take responsibility?

Of course, there will always be no shortage of media, and someone immediately said: "Han, do you mean that you have admitted that the Magic has no hope of winning the championship this season?" "

"That's what you meant, not what I meant, there is a precedent for 0:4 to be reversed, not to mention that we are only 1:3 behind now. After Han Zhe finished speaking, he waved his hand to signal the end of the interview and began to prepare for the warm-up.

Han Zhe left the group of reporters and immediately discussed.

"After falling behind 1:3 and still want to reverse, the opponent is still a stable team like Spurs, Han is simply talking in a dream!"

"You guys are still serious, Han is just talking about the scene, if you are serious, you will lose, and the magic may already be ready to take a holiday!"

"I think the Magic have played very well, don't forget that the Magic were only at the bottom of the league in the first two years, and this year they beat the CJAG Fire to reach the Finals, which is already a miracle. "

"The Magic have certainly had the quality this season, but they're too young after all, and it's normal to lose against a seasoned team like the Spurs. "

"Anyway, Han is really amazing, I never thought that someone could score so many points in a single game on the head of the Spurs. "

"It must be amazing, otherwise people wouldn't compare him to James. "

"In fact, as far as I'm concerned, I think Han is indeed better than James, with more comprehensive skills, both scoring ability and defensive ability, and the MVP of the regular season is because it is not a good choice. "

"Shhhh Don't talk nonsense, it's easy to get into trouble!"


Soon both players started to warm up, and Spurs looked very relaxed overall, not only at home today, but they also had the absolute advantage, and naturally had a good mentality.

In fact, most of the Spurs players already feel that the victory is in their hands, and this championship is only one step away from them.

"Hey, I said you all relax, don't think about it!" Seeing that the two major pitchers, Walker and Afflaro, were competing against each other, Han Zhe had a little headache.

Walker smiled awkwardly: "I can't control it at all, my hands are a little shaky!"

Afflaro also said helplessly: "This ball is so important, I feel like my heart is about to jump out." "

Han Zhe didn't have any good way, he could only comfort them not to have pressure, in fact, he was under a lot more pressure than the two of them, this task seemed to be the rhythm of Huang, of course, he would not give up, it was not exactly a scene before, their strength did have the possibility of turning the tables.

After the warm-up, Bayer began to take the tactical board to arrange the task, "I don't need to say more about the characteristics of the Spurs, after so many games, you must also understand, as for the tactics, or use what we discussed before the game, the only thing that needs to be paid attention to is that the shot must be cautious, we must improve the success rate, otherwise it is useless to shoot more balls." "

Everyone still gave face to the new coach, and they all nodded in agreement.

Bayer then called Han Zhe aside and asked, "I think there was something wrong with your previous plays." "

"Coach, do you mean I play too lonely?" Han Zhe was a little puzzled, and said in his heart that Bayer's new official wanted to make trouble when he took office, but the lone wolf tactic had been discussed before, and the above also recognized this style of play, don't forget how Vaughn got out of class, and Bayer also wanted to go to the thunder?

How do you know that Baier shook his head directly and said, "I mean you didn't fight alone enough!"

Han Zhe was blindsided, and he didn't know if Bayer was joking or ironic.

Without waiting for Han Zhe to think more, Bayer continued: "I think you have been self-limiting, you have not played to your full strength at all, whether you or Vaughn, you have always believed that physical energy should be reasonably distributed, which is actually true, but the current situation is very wrong.

You don't want to think differently, instead of saving your physical strength to play without a fever, it is better to concentrate your firepower and give it a go, even if you can only break out in two quarters, but if you can beat the Spurs to a loss of temper at halftime, they can really catch up?

Don't forget that you have your teammates, they're all very good, and if you get off the pitch, we're not much worse than if you drag out the battle, and you have enough rest time to play later. "

After speaking, Bayer patted Han Zhe on the shoulder and asked him to think for himself, and then turned around and called the other players together to make detailed tactical arrangements.

Han Zhe was stunned in place, Bayer's words were simply enlightening to him, he seemed to really want to go wrong before, he just wanted to reasonably allocate physical energy and try to play the whole game, but after Bayer's reminder, he found that it was really good to play like this?

At least for Spurs, this style of play is not much of a threat!

If Han Zhe breaks out with all his strength and doesn't have to worry about physical fitness, then his strength will definitely be much stronger than what he showed before, can the Spurs still be able to bear it?_

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