June 25th.

Early in the morning, Han Zhe was called by Luther, and they arrived in Manhattan, where the annual awards ceremony was held, yesterday.

"Luther, I haven't slept in a long time, it's just an awards ceremony, I don't need to toss around early in the morning, right?" Han Zhe looked unhappy with sleepy eyes.

Luthor asked his assistant to pick out clothes for Han Zhe, and said: "This is the first annual awards ceremony of the NBA, and many celebrities, stars, stars, coaches, etc. will be invited to attend, you are one of the protagonists today, of course, you must pay attention to your image and influence." "

After Luther finished speaking, without waiting for Han Zhe to refute, he drove him to wash.

Han Zhegang cleaned up, thinking that it was over, but he didn't know that this was just the beginning.

Luther brought in an image consultant, first straightened his hair, and then held a bunch of dresses for him to try on.

"Take this tuxedo away, I feel like a praying mantis. "

"This white suit is not good, it doesn't look like a serious person. "

"Luther, what the hell is this colorful clothes, can you wear them for you?"

", and skirts, do you have a hole in your brain, and you have the ability to wear it!"

"Actually, that tracksuit was good when I came, why don't you just wear that?"

Seeing Han Zhe picking and choosing, Lu Thor was also big for a while, but then he also blamed the image consultant for a few words, some clothes really don't look presentable, and they are dressed like perverts, this is the so-called art and fashion?

"Sportswear is impossible, no one will wear such a casual dress for today's grand celebration, this is disrespectful to the organizers, if you are not satisfied, we can continue to choose. Luthor said solemnly.

Han Zhe thought about it, but sportswear on this occasion was a bit inappropriate, so he could only continue to choose.

In the end, Han Zhe chose a dark casual suit by himself.

Lu Tholl has no opinion, Han Zhe's body is here, he looks good in this kind of clothes, and he is handsome.

Only the image consultant was unhappy, he felt that this kind of clothes were too ordinary, had no characteristics, and did not reflect the value of his high-paid consultant.

Han Zhe had already been tossed a little angry, and said with a frown: "If you can win an award, if you don't wear clothes, others will praise you for being maverick and individual, and no one will look at you if you are dressed as a flower butterfly!"

Seeing that Han Zhe was angry, Luthor hurriedly kicked the others out, anyway, Han Zhe's dress is already okay, and Han Zhe's words are not unreasonable, he no longer needs to rely on clothing to attract attention, with his current fame, wearing a shirt is also in the limelight, as long as he is not rude to dress today.

When everyone left, Luthor said: "I will walk the red carpet today, and I usually bring a female companion with me, if you are not prepared, I can arrange one for you, which will definitely satisfy you." "

Luthor was serious in the first two sentences, but when he said it, he began to squeeze his eyebrows and smile cheaply, it is indeed very simple to help Han Zhe arrange a female companion, because his phone has been about to be blown up in the past two days, and countless celebrities of all sizes have asked Luthor if Han Zhe needs to accompany a female companion.

Han Zhe laughed and said, "You have to find out something for me when you see that I don't have an affair?"

Luthor pouted and said, "No scandals, you haven't read the newspaper in the past two days, and the scandals between you and the little girl Kolo have long been flying all over the sky." "

Luthor didn't talk nonsense, since Han Zhe won the championship, Kolo's mouth went down, and they were destined to be riddled with scandals.

Han Zhe didn't care, and continued: "I'm not a person who is afraid of scandals, if you want to write, let them write enough, this celebration alliance also invited Kolo to participate, she lives next door, and she has asked me to walk the red carpet with me yesterday, so you don't need to worry about the affairs of the female companion." "

Lu Thor was actually quite curious about Han Zhe's private life, and couldn't help but ask, "What the hell is going on between you and Kolo?" And that Liu Yan, don't think I don't know, you always frown." "

Luthor is really curious, because Han Zhe is a player, and the scandal will not have much impact on him, and it will not be like some celebrities, and it will be a disaster if there is some negative news.

Han Zhezhen didn't know how to answer this question, to say that he didn't feel a little bit about Kolo would be self-deception, but it doesn't seem to be the case to say that she is a girlfriend, their relationship should be friends and lovers.

What's more, he also had a relationship with Liu Yan, which made him a little unsure of how to get along with Kolo recently, which is the incompatibility of feelings and morals.

In fact, he has feelings for both of them, but it is impossible to marry both of them home, so Han Zhe is a little deliberately avoiding this question now.

Maybe sometimes it's a no-brainer to pretend to be an ostrich.

It's really Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived, they mentioned Kolo, someone knocked on the door, and as soon as the door was opened, Kolo was standing outside the door.

Luthor and Han Zhe both had a little straight eyes when they saw Colo, usually Coloe usually wears casual clothes, and he doesn't dress up much, and his figure is not good, so he naturally looks average.

But today Kolo was obviously dressed up carefully, with big golden waves, a little powder, a tight translucent tulle dress, and her fair skin looming, which was very amazing.

Kolo was stunned for a moment when he looked at Han Zhe, Han Zhe usually wears sportswear, although he looks sunny and handsome, but this kind of suit and leather shoes are undoubtedly more masculine, and Han Zhe's hanger figure is undoubtedly perfect.

"Wow, you're Sister Kolo, you're much prettier than your sister. Han Zhe didn't have any good words in his mouth.

Kolo also immediately looked him up and down, and said with insincere contempt: "What a good set of clothes, let you wear it waste, and I don't know if the spokesperson will not find you to lose money." "

Luthor looked amused, interrupted the two who were about to continue arguing, and said, "It seems that everyone is almost ready, so let me explain the process to you and go." "

At nine o'clock in the morning, Han Zhe and others arrived at Manhattan City Park on time, and as soon as they got out of the car with Kolo, fans and fans at the scene screamed, and the reporters' flashes quickly flashed.

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