When Han Zhe and the others arrived, the supporting guests and most of the candidates had already entered.

As soon as Kolo got out of the car, he grabbed Han Zhe's arm, and the two stood at the door and let the reporter take photos for a while before walking on the red carpet hand in hand.

Just a few steps away, he was stopped by Buckley, who was a guest host of the scene, "Wow, Han, you look so handsome today, Miss Coloe is also very beautiful, you guys are really a good match when you walk together, are you planning to make the scandal come true?"

Han Zhe was immediately surprised: "I don't know if the scandal is true, but I heard that our famous host Buckley has been reduced to living on lace news, I didn't believe it before, but I didn't expect it to be true." "

After Han Zhe finished speaking, the surrounding crowd laughed, and Barkley himself laughed, the relationship between the two is good, Barkley is still a fan of Han Zhe, such a joke is naturally harmless.

Barkley laughed and then got back to the point, "You are a popular candidate for today's awards ceremony, how many awards do you think you can take home?"

Han Zhe seemed to think for a while, and then said: "I really don't know how many awards I can get, but at least I have to give me a best rookie or something, if I don't go on stage and walk around, I will wear a famous brand for nothing today!"

After Han Zhe finished speaking, there was a burst of good-natured laughter and boos from celebrities and reporters around him.

Barkley also laughed and said, "Then your idea must be in vain, I can tell you very clearly, the best rookie is definitely not you, because you are not qualified!"

Barkley laughed again after speaking, knowing that he was not a derogatory term, in fact, Barkley meant that with Han Zhe's identity and status in the football world, it was no longer appropriate to win the rookie award.

Although the league has done a good job of secrecy, you don't have to think about it to know that Han Zhe will definitely win a few heavyweight awards today, and the best rookie will be given to the real rookie.

Now no one in the entire league will treat Han Zhe as a rookie.

"Last question, you and James are the hottest candidates for regular season MVP, do you think you have a good chance of winning?"

Han Zhe smiled and looked at the media on both sides, and said with a smile: "It's not a big deal, you media bigwigs have the final say, I really want to ask, do I have a good chance of winning the award?"

These media are still very funny, and immediately coaxed loudly, saying that he had a good chance, and they all voted for Han Zhe.

Although Han Zhe knew that most of their words were unreliable, he still smiled and thanked them, saying that if they really won the grand prize, they would be invited to dinner, and there was a burst of cheers again.

Su Qun, who was live broadcasting, said: "Han Zhe seems to have a good chat with the media, and he hasn't stopped smiling since he entered the venue. "

Zhang Weiping said with a smile: "Han Zhe must be in a good mood, today is the Oscar ceremony in basketball, and he is a popular candidate for the grand prize and one of the protagonists today." "

Su Qun said again: "Not to mention, this NBA's first annual is really good, the venue is well arranged, and there are many celebrities present, which can be described as a bright star." "

Zhang Weiping nodded and said: "This is the first major restructuring after Xiao Hua came to power, but this is a good thing, the players have worked hard for a year to get together and have a lively time, and this has a great effect on the promotion of the league!"

The audience also chatted very well online.

"It's a feast for the eyes today, it's a big gathering of entertainment and sports stars. "

"Xiao Hua can play, seeing that there is an Oscar in the movie, he also has an Oscar for the whole basketball. "

"Life must have a sense of ritual, and basketball must also have a sense of ritual!"

"Han Zhe looks so handsome today, and Kolo is also beautiful. "

"Not to mention, the two are quite compatible. "

"With a fart, where is that little fart boy from Kolo worthy of me?"

"With all due respect, no one but me is worthy of Han Zhe. "

"Han Zhe's husband is mine, who is in a hurry to talk nonsense about me and me!"

"You fart, Han Zhe, like Teacher Cang, belongs to the whole world. "

After Han Zhe and Kolo took their seats in the front row under the guidance of the staff, the surrounding crowd had strange eyes.

Han Zhe didn't pay much attention to it at first, but he didn't intend to turn his head, and after making eye contact with the person next to him, he was stunned.

The league was deliberate, and actually arranged for him and James to sit together.

The relationship between the two is not friendly, and after reacting, they both snorted coldly and tilted their heads to the side.

Chloe laughed: "Why don't you have any gentlemanly demeanor, and you're not an enemy, is it so difficult to say hello?"

Han Zhe pouted and said, "If I didn't beat him, I already count me as a gentleman." "

The ceremony has not officially begun, and the celebration promotional video recorded by the NBA star is currently being played on the big screen.

"Hello Han, nice to meet you, I'm a big fan of yours, can you give me an autograph, oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Nicki Minaj. A black woman sitting behind Han Zhe suddenly smiled at Han Zhe and spoke.

Han Zhe turned his head and shook hands with the other party, and after seeing his appearance clearly, he suddenly smiled: "Miss Mina, you don't have to introduce yourself, the whole world knows who you are, I not only like your songs, but also your rice idol show, speaking of which, I am also your fan, and you will have to sign it for me later." "

Han Zhe's words are half-true, and it is true that she knows the other party, because the other party is definitely a diva-level person, and the number of songs on her list is about to surpass Michael Jackson's record, which can be described as popular all over the world, and she is simply a household name.

As for saying that she is a fan, it is purely for face, because Mina is a rapper, which is not his favorite style.

Hearing Han Zhe praising Mina, he was obviously very happy, and took out a pen and paper from his bag on the spot and gave Han Zhe an autograph.

Then immediately asked Han Zhe to sign back.

Seeing Mina carefully putting Han Zhe's signature into the bag, Kolo said sourly: "It seems that you are very popular, that is Mina, she actually took the initiative to ask you for an autograph." "

Han Zhe raised his neck proudly and said, "Of course, who made me look so good!"

Chloe pouted, "You think too much, people just like you to play." "

Han Zhe immediately turned to Mina and said, "Miss Mina, do you think I'm handsome?"

Mina suddenly said: "Of course, you are the most handsome oriental boy I have ever seen, if it weren't for the fact that I was too old, I would have wanted to date you." "

"Miss Mina really likes to joke, you're not old, and if you're not afraid of being killed by your fans, I'd really like to date you. "

Han Zhe's words suddenly made Mina giggle, and Kolo scolded the two of them in her heart.

At this time, the host Derek walked up to the podium, which means that the ceremony is about to officially begin.

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