The draft is over, the magic is officially on holiday, and things on Han Zhe's side have been almost handled.

Back in Orlando, after only one day of rest, Han Zhe couldn't wait to get ready to return home.

Who knew that Han Zhe, who was packing up, was interrupted by Luther, who came in the dust.

"Aren't you dealing with the signing of Guo Allen, why did you come here to me. Han Zhe was a little surprised, he knew that Luthor had been busy these days.

Luther said: "It's just the stage of drafting the contract and negotiating, and it will take some time to officially sign the contract, and Guo's affairs are not as important as yours." "

Han Zhe raised his eyebrows and said, "What important things can I do, what should be done has already been done, shouldn't you have received any endorsements and need to be filmed?"

Luthor didn't sell it anymore, and couldn't hold back a smile on his face: "Congratulations, the times will interview you soon, and you will be the cover character of this issue." "

Han Zhe sighed and said, "It's a pictorial again, I've been on the cover three times this year, Luther, aren't you so excited?" and I haven't been back to China for a long time, I really want to go home immediately, I'm really not interested in this cover." "

Han Zhe is not hypocritical, he was very excited to be on the cover of the pictorial for the first time, and he was very happy the second time, but after a few more times, he felt that it was like that.

Luthor coughed and said: "I think you misunderstood, this time it is not for you to be on the pictorial with Victoria's Secret, you will be on the cover of the international edition, yes, not the pictorial, nor the Asian edition, the European edition, but the most influential international edition." "

"What?" Han Zhe rubbed in shock, his expression incredulous.

He scrutinized Luther's eyes, trying to see if he was joking.

Although Luther's expression was very serious, Han Zhe couldn't help but say: "This joke is not funny at all, I am a player, and I am also Chinese, what international version can I be on the cover, I know that this board is exclusive to politicians and financial tycoons." "

Seeing Han Zhe's shocked appearance, Luthor suddenly grinned, "I first received the news and thought it was a prank, but when it was confirmed that the call was made by their editor-in-chief Stangel, I didn't think it was a joke, that's right, Han, you will be the first Chinese sports star to appear on the international version." "

Confirmed by Luther, Han Zhe was stunned, he really didn't expect him to be on the cover of the international edition of the times, as far as he knew, there were only three Chinese on the cover of the international edition before, and their surnames were Jiang, Mao and Deng!

"Okay Luther, I think we can postpone our trip a bit, in fact, I'm not in such a hurry to go back, since Stangel has begged us, let's give someone face. "Han, I just like your shameless character!"

"Haha," the two looked at each other and laughed.

The media really has great powers, and the next day, the cover news of the international edition of the times at Han Zhe's meeting actually leaked out, which attracted widespread attention and discussion in the society.

"It's impossible, how can a Chinese athlete be on the cover of the international version. "

"I also think it's a rumor, I'm not surprised if Han is on the Asian version and the sports and entertainment board, the international version is unlikely, you see that the year before last was **, and last year it was the Pope. "

"Nothing is impossible, Han is already a very influential figure, he should be considered qualified. "

"I'm a Magic fan, and I believe in it. "

"It's definitely hype!"

"Hehe, when did you see Han deliberately hype, and then he still needs to rely on hype to gain popularity?"

"Don't argue, I can tell you that this is mostly true, because the news came out of the times. "

Han Zhe and Luther's phone calls were about to be blown up by the media and acquaintances, but except for people who knew each other very well, they didn't answer, especially to the media, and they didn't reveal a word.

June 30th.

Han Zhe rarely greeted the guests in formal clothes.

"Hello Mr. Stangel, I didn't expect you to come here in person today. Han Zhe shook hands with an old man with half a hundred hair, but in good spirits.

Stangel shook hands with Han Zhe and said with a smile: "I'm your loyal fan, and so are my two sons, I came here today to ask for an autograph, I hope you won't refuse." "

Han Zhe and Luthor both laughed, they didn't expect this old man to be quite good at joking and livening up the atmosphere.

Han Zhe first took the people of the times to visit his villa, and after eating some small snacks, he started a formal interview in the living room.

"To be honest, I thought it was a prank when I first heard that I was going to be on the Times cover, because I thought I would definitely not be good enough to be on the international cover. "

"No, Han, you're wrong, you're definitely qualified, because this is the result of our 25 judges' discussion and review, our cover requirements are actually very simple, it won't look at your profession, only your global influence, it's obvious that your influence has reached or even exceeded our standards. "

"When did you first love basketball?"

"I was about eight years old, and someone gave me a basketball as a birthday present, and I haven't been able to do without basketball ever since. "

"It seems that all your fans should be thankful for the person who gave you a birthday present, otherwise the NBA might be missing a talented player. "

"If you lose one me, there will be thousands of me. "

"Haha.... Han, I didn't expect you to be so humorous. "

"I heard you were under a lot of pressure when you entered the draft?"

'There's definitely pressure, after all, I was a player without any name and everyone thought I should be developing in the country for a while. "

"But you still chose to come to the NBA for the draft!"

"Yes, I think the best players deserve to be on the best stage. "

"It seems that you are confident, and not blindly confident, because you succeeded. "

"It's probably too early to say success, I still have a long way to go, after all, I've only played two seasons in the NBA. "


The interview lasted for nearly two hours before it ended, and when he left, Stengel really asked Han Zhe for an autograph and said that he would treasure it.

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