
Han Zhe embarked on a flight back to China, and there were still a lot of people in his party, and Luthor once again helped Han Zhe hire bodyguards, and he was still an old acquaintance led by Paul.

On the plane, Han Zhe was chatting with Luther, "Luther, do you want to continue traveling this year, I have nothing to do when I return to China anyway, and the draft is almost handled, you can take a break and rest for a while." "

Hearing the word travel, Luther's expression was the same as constipation, and he smiled bitterly: "The Celestial Empire is a magical place, last time I took the time to see the famous Terracotta Warriors, but as a result, I didn't see anything except people, and I was pushed in the crowd the whole time, and I couldn't stop if I wanted to." "

After a pause, Luthor continued, "Later, I went to Huashan, which you recommended. "

Han Zhe couldn't help but smile and asked, "Huashan is a good place, right, the mountain peaks are wonderful, and the environment is beautiful." "

Luther gritted his teeth and said: "It is indeed a good place, where private cars are not allowed to pass, can only wait in line for their tourist car pick-up, I queued for an hour to go to the foot of the mountain, I thought this was a relief, how do I know that the ropeway up the mountain has to queue, this time it is longer, queue for more than 2 hours, and when I go up the mountain, it is almost dark, but I only stood at the top of the mountain for twenty minutes, and queued for two hours before coming down!"

Han Zhe laughed when he heard this, and saw that Luther's face was not good, so he suppressed his laughter and said: "Dear Luther, you must be going on holidays, I'm very sorry, I forgot to tell you not to go to popular attractions on holidays, but, in fact, you don't lose, talent is the most beautiful scenery, right?"

"You guy did it on purpose. Luthor tilted his head and ignored him, and wanted to cry when he thought about his sad travel history.

Luther's face was blank for a while, and he couldn't help but talk to Han Zhe about the matter, and said: "Audi is in a hurry, and the offer has reached a more ideal position, I think we can have a serious talk with that side." "

Who knows that Han Zhe said: "In terms of automobiles, I don't really want to renew the contract." "

Luther smiled: "You don't like Audi very much? It doesn't matter, if you don't renew the contract, you won't renew the contract, now many big brands are lining up to find you, and the offer is more ideal, you can pick slowly." "

Han Zhe shook his head and said: "I don't have many hobbies, but cars are one of my few hobbies, you know that I am rich now, very rich, but now I can't buy a car I like!"

Luther's eyes widened, "Han, what brand of car do you mean you don't want to endorse anymore?" "

Han Zhe didn't speak, first pointed to his clothes, then his leather shoes, and then his watch to Luthor in turn.

Luther, who was originally very angry, really couldn't get angry when he saw this, he understood what Han Zhe meant, all over his body, except for underwear, Han Zhe wore the designated endorsement brand, it can be said that although Han Zhe made a lot of money, he also lost a lot of freedom.

Luthor said earnestly: "Han, I know that you are not easy, but players and entertainment stars are similar, they all eat youth, and now if you don't make money while you are young, do you still want to make money when you are old? "

"Luther, let me be willful for once, I promise, just this once!"

Luthor was silent, he really understood Han Zhe's feelings, now that he has money, he doesn't even have the right to drive whatever car he wants, it is indeed a painful thing.

However, did this bastard ever think that just because of his willfulness, he would have to lose tens of millions of dollars of income in vain every year, which is money that most people can't earn in a lifetime.

"As a qualified agent, I still have to persuade you to retract this childish idea, this is not only my loss, your loss is even greater!"

Han Zhe suddenly looked like a deflated ball, and he could dominate by endorsing him, but this time it was indeed him who was wrong, if it was really unnecessary to fall out with Luthor because of this, Luthor was a good agent and partner.

Seeing him like this, Luthor sighed and said: "As an agent, I must be against it, but, as a friend, I have to say something, you are a son of a bitch, and you don't want hundreds of millions of endorsement fees!"

Han Zhe didn't get angry because of Luther's foul language, but was pleasantly surprised: "Luther, did you agree? Oh, I know that you are the best agent and best friend!"

Luthor ignored him, just muttered "asshole", and began to fake sleep.

Han Zhe knew that Luthor really agreed, and his heart was happy, but he didn't continue to bother Luthor, he knew that this guy must be very distressed now, in fact, he was also a little careful, and there was a certain impulsive element in this decision just now.

However, I can't say anything about regret, now Han Zhe's ability to absorb money is becoming more and more terrifying, and he doesn't have to rely on a car endorsement to live at all.

Moreover, now that he has too much money to use up anyway, an endorsement can increase the number of his bank card at most.

Of course, Han Zhe didn't really regard money as dung, he still had to continue to endorse, and no one would dislike himself for having a lot of money.

Paul and the others next to the conversation between the two could hear it clearly, and several people looked at Han Zhe with a little different eyes, they had seen a lot of big bosses, but people like Han Zhe who didn't want hundreds of millions of dollars because they didn't like it really hadn't seen it.

Then I can only sigh that people really can't compare, and they can't earn money in their lifetime, and people don't want it when they say they don't want it.

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