The airport has experience this time, and Han Zhe was quickly taken to the VIP channel as soon as he got off the plane, and then escorted Han Zhe to the car very efficiently.

Seeing the crowd outside, the security guards and police at the airport were greatly relieved, and finally sent the uncle away, and then it had nothing to do with their airport.

Han Zhe and the others were in pain, the airport highway was almost blocked, and there were media and fans everywhere, and their convoy was moving at a turtle speed.

"Every time I accompany you back to China, it's this kind of scene, and I consider whether to hire a large team of bodyguards for you. Luthor grumbled.

Han Zhe was used to it, and said with a smile: "These people are fans and not assassins, at most the itinerary is slow, what are you worried about." "

Paul, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was calm, because he had already experienced this kind of battle last year, and they all knew that Han Zhe didn't have to worry too much about his safety, they just needed to pay attention to not letting the excited fans approach.

Stepping into the booked hotel, Han Zhe and his entourage couldn't get out, the hotel door was full of media and fans, and now they can't find it comfortable to go out.

"Hurry up and take a break from jet lag, don't you still have an interview to record tomorrow morning, so many heavyweight talk show invitations, why did you choose this guy called Gao, he doesn't look like a host at all. "

Han Zhe said: "In my opinion, talk shows are almost the same, and what you say is not bad, don't look at him as if he is very sloppy, in fact, he is a big talent, and his show is very interesting." "

The Gao they said was Gao Xiaosong, they met by chance in the NBA Finals, the two chatted a few words and it was quite speculative, Gao Xiaosong took the opportunity to invite him, and Han Zhe agreed.


Early in the morning, Gao Xiaosong came to the door with the photography team.

Fortunately, Han Zhe has a habit of getting up early, and he was already dressed when the other party arrived.

"I'm really sorry to bother you so early, but there are too many people at the door of your hotel, I have to come early, otherwise I may be blocked and won't be able to enter." Gao Xiaosong explained apologetically.

Han Zhe motioned for everyone to sit down, and personally poured tea for them before saying, "Don't be so polite, I can get up earlier every day when I was in the team, and I'm used to it." "

After Gao Xiaosong and the others arranged the living room scene, Han Zhehao said: "Your Xiaoshu seems to be a talk show situation, how can you get it for a while? Do you want to give me a draft first, I can't be eloquent, don't give me a set!"

Gao Xiaosong said with a smile: "You are purely modest, your eloquence is not bad, I think the most eloquent athlete in my country is you, and my show is not a serious talk show, anyway, it is just nonsense, you don't have to be nervous at all, just chat as a friend, in fact, I am much more nervous than you, and I am under a lot of pressure to interview a big name like you!"

After Gao Xiaosong finished speaking, everyone laughed, indeed, there was also pressure to interview a big-name host like Han Zhe.

Soon the recording officially began, Gao Xiaosong rarely dressed more formally, changed into a suit and sat on the sofa.

However, Han Zhe immediately smiled when he saw it, this pretending to be a forced offender with a scruffy beard and holding a fan looked nondescript.

Gao Xiaosong didn't care, smiled and said to the camera: "Welcome to this issue of Xiaoshuo, today I invited a special guest to you, well, a very big name special guest, I want to know who it is, right? "

After Gao Xiaosong finished speaking, the photographer turned the camera to Han Zhe on the other side of the sofa.

Han Zhe smiled and waved hello to the camera.

The two then chatted, and Gao Xiaosong said: "To be honest, I just tried it last time, but I didn't expect you to really come to my show, and I was flattered by this." "

Han Zhe smiled: "I have watched your show, it is very interesting, and I like your bold mouth, I like it very much if you dare to say anything, because I am also like this." "

Gao Xiaosong laughed: "I don't dare to say it without you, at least I don't dare to swear at the audience all over the world." "

Both of them laughed, and then Han Zhe said: "I know that you are a famous talent, music, director, and literature are very level, but I heard that in your family, you are considered illiterate, is that true, I am very curious about this." "

Gao Xiaosong was stunned, he didn't expect Han Zhe to be so skinny, who was interviewing whom, but he immediately replied: "I am at ease with the title of genius outside, but saying that I am a genius at home will really laugh off my big teeth, my grandfather is a double academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, my grandmother is a professor, and she is also one of the founders of Beihang University."

My grandparents, parents, and others also hold titles such as professors and experts, and I am really illiterate at home, if they don't want me to hear something, they don't have to avoid it, because they are German for a while, French for a while, and I am no different from a deaf person!"

Han Zhe laughed when he heard this, he was a little sympathetic to this goods, it is estimated that in the eyes of the elders, he is almost the same as an idiot who does not learn and has no skills, and he doesn't know if he is lucky or unlucky in such a family.

After laughing, Gao Xiaosong took back the initiative and said: "You have a bumper harvest this year, not only is you the first person in the domestic sports world, but your global influence is also growing rapidly, I heard that you are going to be on the cover of the international edition of the times, can you reveal it?"

Han Zhe knew that it would be released in two days at most, so there was no need to hide it, and nodded: "Yes, the interview has been completed, and it is estimated that it will be released in a few days, to be honest, I was very surprised when I received the notice at that time, and I thought it was a prank." "

Gao Xiaosong's expression exaggerated: "Although I know that most of this is true, I am still shocked to get your confirmation, it is the cover of the times, and there are only a few leaders in my country, amazing, really amazing, I also feel honored as an ordinary Chinese." "

Han Zhe politely said a few words, and Gao Xiaosong said again: "Your position in the magic is extremely stable, do you have any plans next, do you plan to create a dynasty in the magic, or do you plan to change the team when the contract expires?"

Han Zhe said with a smile: "The dynasty is not created if you want to create, you are embarrassed to call it a dynasty if you don't have a triple championship or something, now the NBA is as strong as a cloud, it is not so easy to dominate, as for changing teams, I will not consider it for the time being, I am currently doing well in Magic, there is no need to toss around." "

Gao Xiaosong smiled: "Yes, you are now the first brother of the magic captain, and you have a bright future." "

Gao Xiaosong said again: "We all know that you have a good relationship with most NBA stars, but you always don't get along with James, is this because of the first-person dispute?"

Han Zhe shook his head and said: "The first person is not won by a war of words, but by looking at the results and performance, I don't have any contradictions with him, it's just that we don't get used to each other." "

Gao Xiaosong laughed when he heard it, and even the photographer couldn't help laughing, Han Zhe spoke really directly, which was very interesting.

Gao Xiaosong asked a more sensitive question, "I heard that racial discrimination is very serious over there, especially for Chinese, have you ever encountered this situation?"

Han Zhe said: "This is a fact, in many places the status of Chinese is lower than that of blacks, they are used to calling Chinaman This is the Heavenly Dynasty Yankee, chink, this is a squint monster, because many foreigners think that we have 45-degree squint eyes, of course, Japan and South Korea sometimes have to face this title, YellowMonkey, this is their favorite yellow-skinned monkey."

When I first went to the NBA, I did encounter this kind of problem, for example, the head coach of the 76ers at that time, just because I was Chinese, he directly asked me to get out, and some reporters also had discriminatory eyes when interviewing, and the questions asked were often very annoying. "

"Then how did you survive?" Gao Xiaosong could understand Han Zhe's helplessness and anger at that time.

Han Zhe raised his fist, "I use this to teach them how to respect people." "

Looking at their strange expressions, Han Zhe laughed and said: "Just kidding, I still use strength to speak in everything, the more famous I am, the more they dare not talk nonsense, and on the surface, they are still quite against racial discrimination, and if you encounter this situation, you can find a lawyer to solve it, of course, now I don't have this kind of trouble at all." "

Gao Xiaosong said: "Yes, you now have hundreds of millions of fans, and you don't discriminate against them." "

Then Gao Xiaosong turned to a light topic, "During this time, we can see that you are often with Kolo, are you in a certain relationship?"

Han Zhezuo was frightened: "Don't talk nonsense, she has a few brothers, and they will cut me when they hear it!"

Gao Xiaosong laughed again, but seeing that Han Zhe didn't want to say it, he still diverted the topic.

The two chatted very casually and casually, which was a pleasant interview.

Gao Xiaosong was not in a hurry to go back, and had lunch together here before going back to do the later stage.


PS: Thanks to the [no word] boss for tipping 1100 points.

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