When Han Zhe returned to the hotel, Luthor complained again, Han Zhe did something wrong and could only be honestly criticized.

After Luther vented, he complained angrily, "My phone has been about to burst in the past two days, but you are at ease." "

Han Zhe said: "The team has been on vacation, and there is nothing to do here in the near future?"

Luthor said angrily: "You're on vacation, but I don't have a holiday, the trading period is coming, those teams are poaching people now, you say I'm not busy."

As for this side, the media on your side is really powerful, I don't know where I got my number, and this phone can't stop for a few minutes a day!"

As soon as Luthor finished speaking, the phone rang again, and after glaring at Han Zhe angrily, he still picked up the phone.

"Hello, yes, I am, I'm sorry, Han's time schedule is full, make an appointment? With all due respect, Han has no interest in variety shows, okay, there is a chance to cooperate again, goodbye. "

Luthor is still very professional, and although he has been driven crazy by all kinds of phone calls, he still doesn't turn off his phone, and his attitude when answering the phone is generally quite good.

After hanging up the phone, Han Zhe said: "I don't have anything to do here anyway, you can be busy~ I will go to the United States first." "

Luthor sneered: "You think I want to guard you, you look at how old you are, and you still learn from others to play missing, I'm like this with you, I won't turn the sky upside down if I'm not in you, let's talk about it first, we don't mention what you did this time, but you have to promise that there will never be a next time, and you can't leave Paul's sight!-"

Lu Thor really doesn't worry about Han Zhe wandering around alone, this guy often does things without a score, and his temper is still short-tempered, maybe he will do something out, or keep it more - rest assured.

Han Zhe behaved very honestly, and after Luthor finished speaking, he nodded, which made Luthor feel a lot more angry.

Luthor added: "You can't hide like this when you go back to China, these reporters are simply pervasive, someone pretended to be a waiter and wanted to sneak in, but fortunately Paul found out, or tomorrow we will hold a press conference to solve this problem in advance." "

After two days of fermentation, the news of Han Zhe's return to China has reached a climax, and the reporters are crazy and want to interview Han Zhe, and it is not unusual for someone to pretend to be a waiter.

Han Zhe thought for a while, nodded and said: "This, let's call everyone together to get it in one wave, otherwise I won't be able to invite this one today, and I really won't be able to make an appointment at that one more tomorrow, so just delay it for one more day, and the fan meeting will be held." "

The matter was decided, and Luthor immediately spoke on Weibo, inviting Guang to their press conference, and immediately contacted a stadium as a fan location.

As soon as Luthor spoke up, the Internet was buzzing with activity.

It's been two days since Han Zhe returned to China, and they haven't caught it yet, and everyone is in a hurry.

Luthor spoke now, and the media naturally boiled instantly, they wanted to ask Han Zhe, and Han Zhe can be said to be the big winner of the NBA this season, how could the media let go of this face-to-face opportunity.

Fans are also excited, of course, because of Han Zhe's meeting, and now some people are asking when tickets will be sold.


Han Zhe, who has deep pockets, went to the restaurant on the first floor of the hotel to receive the media.

The drinks and ingredients are very rich, but the reporters are not here to eat and drink, and as soon as Han Zhe came to the stage to deliver a welcome speech, the media couldn't wait to start asking all kinds of questions.

0······· Asking for flowers0···

Seeing that everyone had no appetite, Han Zhe stopped inking, walked to the front of the stage and motioned for everyone to take a seat, and it was time to start.

Everyone has a variety of questions, but the most concerned is undoubtedly the cover of the times and Han Zhe's championship and MVP.

Han Zhe answered one by one, and when he heard Han Zhe confirm that the cover of the era was true, the scene erupted in huge applause for the first time.

Subsequently, Han Zhe showed the championship ring at the request of everyone, and there was another round of applause.


Gao Xiaosong was also invited to attend today, and he enjoyed everyone's envious gaze very much, because he has been overwhelmingly promoting in the past two days, and everyone knows that Han Zhe actually participated in his broken show, you say that people are not angry.

Gao Xiaosong has gained fame and fortune this time, and now many TV stations are looking for him to buy the copyright of this issue, and sponsors are also lining up to find him.

Gao Xiaosong originally wanted to share it with Han Zhe, but Han Zhe didn't ask for it, and he really couldn't look down on this money.

The reception ended successfully and after a night's rest, Han Zhe held a fan meeting as promised, and the stadium of more than 10,000 people was full, not only because Han Zhe was famous and had many fans, but also because Han Zhe didn't want to make money from fans at all.

The general admission ticket is only thirty or fifty yuan a piece, which can't be compared with the thousands of tickets that those singers have at every turn.

Han Zhe has earned enough reputation this time, because no one will think that Han Zhe is afraid that the ticket will not be sold so he sells the cabbage price, with Han Zhe's popularity, even if the ticket price is tens of thousands, it is estimated that it is full, and there is no such thing as not being able to sell.

After the busy past two days, Han Zhe was temporarily relaxed, so the group rushed to Hunan, and Han Zhe was going home for four. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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