Han Zhe and the others have already moved to a new house, and they thought that they could clean up for a while when they went home this time, but it turned out that it was impossible.

The media reporter arrived at the gate of the community before Han Zhe, and Han Zhe and the others were blocked as soon as they arrived.

Helpless, Han Zhe simply answered a few questions before being allowed in.

"What do you call this, do these reporters have clairvoyance and ears, it hasn't been long since they moved here, how do you feel that everyone on earth knows about it?" Han Zhe couldn't help but complain.

Luthor laughed, "If you don't like it, you can buy all the land around you and write the sign of your private domain." "

"I don't have the financial resources to buy private territory in my country, and I don't have the financial resources to buy the surrounding area. Han Zhe estimated that Luthor, a gringo, had some misunderstanding about the housing prices of the Celestial Empire, not to mention anything else, and only bought this community "813", and Han Zhe was basically bankrupt.

As soon as they walked downstairs, Han Zhe's parents had already come to the gate and waited, and as soon as the movement outside came out, they knew that their son was coming back.

As soon as Han Zhe moved the big bags and small bags out of the car, his face was not very good, because he saw the few people who were not waiting to see the most.

As soon as his second uncle wanted to pick up the luggage, Han Zhe handed the box to Paul next to him, making him very embarrassed.

Han Zhe was about to speak with a cold face, but his mother came over and interrupted: "I said that there is nothing to help, you just go up and sit." "

His second uncle borrowed the donkey from the slope and nodded with a smile and retreated, and the second uncle, who also wanted to help, also secretly retreated.

Seeing that Han Zhe still wanted to speak, Han Mu whispered, "Go back and talk about it." "

Although Han Zhe was very unhappy, there were a lot of people eating melons who were watching the excitement next to him, and he knew that this was not the place to talk about things, so he endured the words.

When he got home, Han Zhe was very helpless, as he guessed, he was a room of relatives.

After saying hello, Han's mother called him in under the pretext of helping Han Zhe clean up the room.

Closing the door, Han Zhe frowned and said, "Second uncle, are they embarrassed to come?

Han Zhe is not a generous person, and he has not forgotten the fact that his second uncle and second uncle asked the media to smear him last time because he didn't borrow money.

Li Xuelan sighed and said: "After all, it's such a close relative, it's not interesting to be too stiff, and it doesn't affect you well, and they also know that they are wrong, so they all came over to apologize afterwards, this matter is over, don't take it to heart, people, the most important thing is to live happily." "

Han Zhe actually still had a pimple in his heart, and he didn't know what to say when he opened his mouth, could it really make them die of old age?

Don't forget, these are the parents' own siblings.

And the most important point, he knew that Lan actually held a grudge, and he could reconcile so quickly, it was estimated that there was still Han Zhe's factor, and she still cared about the adverse effects of these things on Han Zhe, after all, if there was any more trouble, many people who didn't know the truth would not know how to arrange Han Zhe.

Although Han Zhe didn't care, Li Xuelanrong said that her son was not.

Seeing that Han Zhe was still a little speechless, Li Xuelan said again: "This is a matter, you don't care about it, and anyway, you can't see them a few times a year, so just don't see them." "

Li Xuelan said this, what else could Han Zhe say, he could only smile and nod bitterly.

The living room here is very large, not as crowded as the house before, seeing that Han Zhe came out and did not continue to show his face, his second uncle and second aunt's family secretly breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise if Han Zhe made a mistake, they would definitely not be able to stay.

Although Han Zhe didn't shake his face, he didn't take the initiative to talk to them, but he didn't say a word to chat with his uncle.

"Sister Ting, why didn't you see her?" Han Zhe asked.

His uncle said angrily: "As soon as I came back from you, I went to apply for an acting academy, and I don't know what kind of trouble it was, I used to let her study when she was foolish, but now it's good, she has to go to school when she is so old!"

Han Zhe said: "This is a good thing, she is going to learn professional knowledge, and Sister Ting has this talent, and it is easy to walk in the future if she has a skill." "

The second aunt next to her interjected: "Xiaozhe is right, your family Tingting is called having artistic cells, and many people can't envy her, and that kid is popular now, I heard that many film companies want to film with her." "

After his second aunt finished speaking, she deliberately glanced at Han Zhe, the meaning is self-evident, Li Tingting can be so popular, and she knows that she can't do without Han Zhe 0........

Not to mention anything else, just because Li Tingting often showed her face with Han Zhe during her time in the United States, the appearance rate and attention were higher than most celebrities.

His uncle pouted and said, "No matter how famous you are, it's a play, and you can't get on the stage." "

This made his second aunt so sour, her baby is not qualified to be a drama!

Han Zhe said with a smile: "Uncle, your thinking is too outdated, now it's not as good as before, the current star is living a chic life, and he won't have no status like before, to put it simply, if you have a big star, will people laugh at you or envy you?"

His uncle didn't compete this time, because Han Zhe said well, in the past, when Li Tingting was a small anchor, people often said strange things, but now Li Tingting seems to be getting more and more popular, but there are more people complimenting her.

This time, everyone had a family banquet, and his second aunt couldn't help but mention her child Xiaoyan during the banquet.

This time, Han Zhe didn't blush, and said kindly: "Second aunt, it's really not that I don't help, to be a star, you have to pass your own conditions first, Xiaoyan has no acting foundation at all, or is highly myopia, do you think someone will ask her to film? According to me, she really wants to enter the showbiz, it's not impossible, such as learning directing, photography, scene notes, or taking an agent to take pictures or something." "

His second aunt's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly said: "That's what I mean, this Nizi thinks about something that has no score all day long, does 0.4 make Xiao Zhe embarrassed, I think Xiao Zhe's words are real, it's good to be an agent or a big director, don't thank you Brother Zhe." "

Xiaoyan was a little wooden, and was quietly kicked by her mother before she came back to her senses and thanked people.

Han Zhe didn't know her little Jiujiu, and said: "I don't dare to promise anything, I can only arrange for her to intern first in the future, and it depends on her whether she can do it or not." "

The husband and wife hurriedly nodded to show that they understood, Han Zhe actually promised to change direction, and at least he would give her Xiaoyan a higher starting point than others.

This meal is relatively harmonious, Han Zhe's parents are also happy to look at it, facing his second aunt to toast, Han Wenzhong is a glass of wine, and from time to time someone praises his son during the banquet, how can he not be happy as a parent. _

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