Han Zhe wanted to stay at home for a while longer, but in the end, he only stayed for more than ten days before taking the plane back to the United States.

Although there is indeed something going on here, the main thing is that Han Zhe can't stay by himself, and the community has been blocked by the media and fans who have heard the news for a long time, and it is a luxury for him to want to go out.

There is also the fact that the crowd gathering has caused great trouble to the nearby security and the residents of the community, and Han Zhe simply ran away to finish the matter.

Upon arriving in Orlando, Han Zhe and Luthor meet with an old man named Vince McMahon.

At the end of the meeting, Luthor said a little frantically: "Han, are you crazy, I really didn't expect you to agree to this old man, this is just chaos!"

Can Luthor not be angry, this old man is the boss of WWE, and the purpose of his special coming here is self-evident, that is, he wants Han Zhe, who has just appeared on the cover of the times and is turning purple, to make a cameo appearance in the 23 Their Wrestling League.

Although Vince McMahon offered Han Zhe a sky-high appearance fee of $15 million, Luthor did not approve of Han Zhe's agreement.

The reason is simple, although WWE is a kind of performance wrestling combat, it is still extremely dangerous, and who in it has not experienced a major injury?

Other professional players who specialize in eating this bowl of rice are often injured, and you are more likely to have problems as a layman, Han Zhe is now in a lot of gold, needless to say, how dare Luthor let him take this risk.

Who knew that Han Zhe actually agreed directly on his own initiative!

Luthor added: "The 15 million appearance fee is very exciting, but with your current value, you can just take an endorsement, and we don't need to take this risk." "

Han Zhe finally spoke, "It's not a matter of money, WWE I usually like to watch it very much, and now that I have received an invitation to experience it for myself, of course I will not let go of this kind of opportunity, and Vince McMahon also said that the playing field will be placed in the Amway Arena, which is very convenient, isn't it?"

Luthor said angrily: "This is not a matter of inconvenience at all, okay! Although I also like to watch WWE, I don't want to see you fooled being beaten by others, and do you think they put the venue in Amway Arena for your convenience, this is to give up profits to Devos!"

Luthor saw it very thoroughly, WWE held at Amway Arena would definitely let Devos get a commission on tickets, not because he had a lot of money, but because Han Zhe wanted to participate in WWE Devos points, they stated in the contract that Han Zhe could not participate in any other dangerous activities, even if he made a movie, he had to nod his head from the boss and make an appointment.

Han Zhe smiled: "What if the boss doesn't agree, let's say more, right?"

Luthor could only hope that Devos would be more reliable.

When it was evening, Devos called Han Zhe, and the two chatted for a long time, Han Zhe could feel Devos's entanglement, Vince McMahon obviously gave Devos a very tempting promise, and Devos was afraid that Han Zhe would have an accident, so he was a little vague.

When he heard Han Zhe say that he wanted to participate in the competition and promised himself, Devos finally nodded and agreed.

When Luthor received the phone call, he was so angry that he scolded the black-hearted capitalist, but the result was already doomed, and he could not do anything about it.

Then the country was lively, and WWE was originally a very popular sports program.

When they played the posters of WWE superstars John Cena and Han Zhe PK, they instantly detonated the enthusiasm of the people across the country.

Yes, the highlight of this year's WWE is the death cage match between NBA star Han and WWE superstar John Cena!

Han Zhe is not idle, and is undergoing special training from WWE professionals, mainly to familiarize himself with the rules of the game, basic technical moves and how to protect himself.

Paul Michael Levist, also known as HHH, who has now entered the management team, is acting as an interim coach for Han Zhe.

"Han, your Vajra arm is too low, you should hit me a little higher in the chest, so that you can knock me down at once!"

"No, don't be afraid when you fall, we have a cushion in the ring, and it's okay to fall directly!"

"I'm not going to recommend you use this move, because for beginners, a mistake can break your neck.

"Oh, I'm out of breath, don't squeeze your hands too tightly, your opponent will cooperate with you to jump when you lock your throat and throw, if you push too hard, the opponent will go into shock!"

"You still want to learn Hardy's Full Moon Scimitar? You're crazy, it's dangerous for us pros!"

"Han, you are really a natural boxer 473 hitter, but you can't be like this during the game, you can really kill people like this, pay attention to the strength when hitting, your expression can be exaggerated, but the strength must not be too exaggerated, you must grasp it well!"

"Put me down, let me down, I can't believe that you can lift me up, and it's so easy, I always thought that Senna's strength was perverted enough, it seems that you are no worse than him. "

Han Zhe has been enjoying it these days, and he also understands many technical moves and unspoken rules of fanatical wrestling, but he has suffered from the sparring HHH.

Han Zhedu is looking forward to the upcoming competition, and he thinks this competition is very enjoyable.

Of course, Han Zhe was not stunned, the reason why he agreed to Vince McMahon was that the other party said that the game would be held in Amway Arena, as long as he was on the basketball court, he was still afraid of being beaten?

Maybe the opponent's hand is broken, and he won't be hurt at all!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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