Although Han Zhe seemed to be fine, the referee and the doctor insisted on taking him to the hospital for a check-up.

Who knew that Han Zhe suddenly exerted his strength, threw the referee who was holding him to persuade him under the ring, and then rushed to the shoulder, directly knocking the undertaker to the ground.

After the audience was silent, they suddenly burst into huge cheers, they were actually very worried just now, but now seeing Han Zhesheng's lively appearance, this is really no problem, and playing referees and sneak attacks are their favorite dramas.

As soon as the doctor saw the fight, he immediately picked up the stretcher and slipped away, and after HHH Senna glanced at each other, they all turned over and stepped down to make room for Han Zhe and the two.

Although the undertaker was knocked over by a sneak attack, his eyes were full of gratitude, because Han Zhe seemed to be angry, but in fact he had no intention of care, otherwise he could have abandoned the game completely, and the alliance had nothing to say, and the last person to bear the pressure was the undertaker, not only did he have to be liquidated by the league, but he also had to be criticized by Han Zhe's fans!

If Han Zhe is careful, it is okay to sue him and the alliance.

As soon as the undertaker got up, Han Zhe pulled his arm and shook it, and after the undertaker rebounded back on the side rope, Han Zhe bent down and took the opportunity to carry the throw, and the undertaker completely fell to the ground 190.

After Han Zhe suppressed for two seconds, the undertaker still managed to break free, and a flying pounce and Senna on the sidelines completed the handover.

"Han Zhe does not seem to be in serious trouble, this round of attacks has beaten the mourner very lightly, it is said that his body is really solid, the tombstone nail head just now is really eaten, Han Zhe is actually fine, this is simply..."

"Han Zhe's physical fitness is really ridiculously strong, have you noticed that since Han Zhe joined the NBA for two seasons, the number of injuries and suspensions is very small, or there has never been a major injury, which I think is more valuable than his skills!"

Han Zhe's parents were almost in tears just now, and now they are relieved, but they are also really angry when they are relaxed, how did they know that this game was so terrifying, otherwise they would not have allowed their son to participate.

Liu Yan also put down her mobile phone, just now she was ready to book a plane ticket to the United States!

As for Luther, she almost collapsed from fright, and now she is thanking God with all her might.

Kolo wasn't much better, and her tears were scared out, but seeing that Han Zhe was fine, she began to mumble again that this guy deserved it!

The happiest are of course CIFH Voss and Hannigan, who can't afford to be sidelined by Han Chul in the new season.

The audience in the next game was crazy, and it was completely Han Zhe who beat the undertaker and Senna violently.

Han Zhe was a little bored, because he could feel that the undertaker and Senna were obviously a little restrained after what happened just now, and they didn't dare to use cruel moves against him.

"Hey, is that all you can do with a multi-time gold belt winner?" Han Zhe whispered to Senna while he was suppressing.

Senna didn't say anything, and although he broke free, he still resisted the beating.

"I think you even paid for the NBA cheerleading squad, right?"

Senna is also bloody and angry, Han Zhe kept beeping, and finally got angry and hugged Han Zhe is to turn over and fall and smash him to the ground.

"It's kind of interesting, but did you forget to breastfeed when you went out today, are you helping me with a massage?" Han Zhe got up instantly and continued to provoke.

As soon as Han Zhe's words fell, Senna, who was completely angry, rushed to his shoulders and knocked Han Zhe down again.

Han Zhe still got up instantly, but Senna had already rebounded again with the side rope, and he was knocked down by the flying shoulder, Han Zhe got up again, and just like that, Han Zhe was knocked down five times in a row!

The audience all shouted excitedly, they hadn't seen this kind of exciting battle for a long time.

When Senna rushed for the sixth time, Han Zhe finally counterattacked, and after grabbing Senna in the air below, he made a beautiful flip in the air and smashed Senna to the ground.

Senna also got up instantly without admitting defeat, but Han Zhe knocked him down with a vajra arm.

Senna got up again, this time Han Zhe locked his feet in the air, his body turned in the air, and he directly threw Senna out.

Not to mention that the audience kept screaming, HHH was stunned, he didn't expect Han Zhe to have such a strong learning ability, the empty catch and turn over and throw just now and the lock spin and throw were all difficult actions, he just gave Han Zhe a rough demonstration, but he didn't expect him to use it so well.

Barkley said excitedly: "Before the game, I thought that Han's so-called cameo match was just a casual performance, but I didn't expect them to play like a professional player, and the key is to play so exciting!"

Smith said: "Han's performance is like a professional wrestler, his skills seem to be quite skilled and beautiful, I heard that he has only participated in special training for less than a week, can a genius learn everything quickly?"

O'Neill smiled: "Han looks like a wrestler who has been delayed by basketball, don't believe it, ask Senna and the undertaker, they can be beaten by Han today!"

Soon Senna counterattacked, and a bully smashed Han Zhe to the ground, thinking that the game could be over, but Han Zhe actually staggered and stood up again.

Senna was really shocked, you must know that Han Zhe received a lot of blows today, but he didn't expect to be able to stand up, and Han Zhe is currently the person who has been fighting for the longest time, and his physical strength has not been exhausted until now?

Senna was indeed a little angry just now, but now he became admired, not only admiring Han Zhe's tenacity, but also admiring his dedication, he also knew that Han Zhe could retire under the pretext of injury before, but no.

In fact, they all thought that Han Zhe could just deal with it casually and get the appearance fee, but he didn't expect him to play so seriously and actually dragged the two WWE superstars into a protracted battle.

After Han Zhe got up, he carried Senna very violently, and after shouting, he lifted Senna and smashed him to the ground, and returned him a bully to the top.

Senna was a little overwhelmed this time and wanted to climb to the corner of the ring and relay with the undertakers.

However, he was grabbed by Han Zhe and dragged to his own corner, and the two behind HHH held Senna with one arm and gave him a large double back fall.

HHH immediately turned out of the ring after attacking, and Han Zhe stepped forward to suppress it.

It can be seen that Senna is really dizzy this time, and the referee has no reaction when he counts the seconds.

The undertaker also understood that Senna was really knocked out, he could have chosen to foul and save the game now, Han Zhe didn't beat the referee just now, he knew the scale of today's game, and he could save the game.

However, after hesitating for a moment, he still didn't make a move, probably based on his apology to Han Zhe.

Sure enough, Senna was pressed to the ground by both shoulders for three seconds, and the game ended, and Han and HHH won together!

The major commentators began to roar wildly, but they didn't expect Han Zhe to win in his debut, but the other party was the two superstars of WWE.

The key is that you can see that the other party really didn't release much water in this game, and Han Zhe's side Han Zhe is the main force in the battle!_

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