After Han Zhe and others left the game, the audience's enthusiasm still did not fade, and they were still reminiscing about the classic battle just now.

The next few games were actually very exciting, but the audience response was much smaller than that of Han Zhe.

Han Zhe and the others were resting in the background, and at this time, Vince McMahon was expressing concern and apologies to Han Zhe.

Of course, the mourners were inevitably sprayed with dog blood.

Han Zhe generously helped the mourners to relieve the siege and said: "We often get injured in accidents when we play basketball, let alone wrestling, I believe that Mr. Calaway must not have done it on purpose just now, and I wasn't actually injured, did I?"

McMahon said: "Han, thank you very much, you are such a generous person, but I still want to extend my highest apologies to you on behalf of the league, and guarantee that this kind of problem will not occur in the next game." "

Luther next to him answered, "Mr. McMahon, I think it's good that Han doesn't hold you accountable, and there is still a cage match?"

McMahon's expression was a little embarrassed, although the contract stated that Han Zhe had to play two games, but after the accident just now, Han Zhe could refuse to play, even if he fought a lawsuit, the chance of them losing the case was very high, because WWE breached the contract first.

But McMahon really didn't want to cancel the game temporarily, because many viewers bought tickets to watch Han Zhe's death cage match, and canceling it privately would have a great impact on their credibility~

This is not the key, you must know that many TV stations today buy broadcast rights to watch Han Zhe, and if the game is canceled, they will face large-scale lawsuits and compensation.

After McMahon apologized again, he opened his mouth to tell Han Zhe and others about the predicament they were facing, and then said that in order to express his apology, he would raise Han Zhe's appearance fee to 20 million US dollars, and called Senna, telling him in person that he must control the "degree" of the game for a while

Luthor didn't take in, and mocked: "Mr. McMahon, do you think Han is really short of 20 million dollars, Han agreed to play just out of personal interest, and the precondition is very simple, as long as you try to be safe, but look at what you have done, how dare I continue to believe your guarantees?"

These words choked McMahon speechless, is Han Zhe the master of bad money, compared to his own health and safety, money is no longer important, and their guarantee has already expired once, and it is natural that Luthor no longer trusts.

"Well, Luther, you know what I promised will be done, and since two shows are two, you can't let the audience's ticket prices be wasted. "Han Zhe has already made a decision.

McMahon immediately thanked Han Zhe for his understanding, and hurriedly slipped away after speaking, as if he was afraid that Han Zhe would regret it.

Luthor was angry, "Han, why did your temper suddenly change for the better, we shouldn't have let this guy go so easily!"

"You know I've always been credited, and I'm going to do it, and I'm sure they'll be measured in the next game. "

"Okay, you are the boss, you have the final say, don't worry, I will help you collect the body and apply for compensation if you are killed." "

Han Zhe: "..."

After Luthor left with an unhappy face, Han Zhe said to Senna, who was listless next to him, "Hey, man, you shouldn't take McMahon's words seriously, right?"

Senna is indeed in a bad mood, McMahon just said that he would admit defeat if he was beaten, don't be a moth again, and if something goes wrong again, he will pick your skin.

This is very cruel for Senna, although they are very interested in the performance, but the players also have their own sense of honor, and it is difficult to accept deliberately beating and then admitting defeat.

And Senna is a multi-time WWE champion, and he has already lost once just now, so how can he be embarrassed to lose to Han Zhe in heads-up.

Senna sighed and said, "Han, you know, Calaway's mistake just now frightened everyone, so I understand the boss's concerns, and I will try to cooperate with you for a while." "

Han Zhe said seriously: "I'm actually here to play today, just to experience the level of top wrestlers, you don't have any extra ideas, I'll beat me when I should beat me, and secretly tell you that my beating level is stronger than basketball skills." "

········· Asking for flowers...

Han Zhe's words amused Senna, but after thinking about it carefully, Han Zhe didn't seem to be bragging, Senna knew very well that the mortician tombstone nail would be absolutely seriously injured if he ate it, but Han Zhe was actually fine, this is already very revealing, this guy is simply steel and iron.

But Senna was still very hesitant, no one dared to take the boss's words as a deaf ear, such as the undertaker, after this incident, he was likely to be retired.

What's more, everything is afraid of what happens, if he really hurts Han Zhe, the consequences are terrible to think about.


"Man, don't worry, anyway, if a layman asks me to go head-to-head basketball, I can't let him win, of course, if you play with me, I can't let you dunk on my head. "

After Han Zhe finished speaking, he lay down to rest, wrestling was very physically exhausting, and he was tired.

Senna was thoughtful, but his expression was still a little hesitant, this was indeed a difficult choice.

After a while, a huge cheer erupted in the arena outside, which scared Han Zhe, and he got up curiously and went out to take a look, Han Zhe instantly understood!

It turned out that this was a women's battle, and the two beautiful women with plump breasts and fat buttocks tore off each other's clothes like shrews, leaving only three-point dresses, and it was no wonder that the old wolves in the audience were not excited.

Li Xuelan in front of the TV changed the channel for the first time when a program with a son was broadcast, because he felt that Han Wenzhong's eyes were almost staring, and he didn't take his son so seriously when he watched him play.

Kolo was envious, the contrast between this figure was too great.

These beauties are not vases, and their fighting skills are very cool and very ornamental.

That's right, Han Zhe swears, he looks at technology, not figure!


PS Thank you [wordless] boss for rewarding 200 points. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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