At the beginning of August, everyone's eyes turned to the national players again, because the Spanish Basketball World Cup is about to start, and the men's basketball team has begun to assemble and prepare for training.

Despite the defeat at the Asian Championships, the Celestial Empire qualified for this World Cup, and the simple reason is that they successfully secured a place in the tournament by applying for a wild card.

The majority of the media have mixed opinions about this.

Some people think that the men's basketball team is to be embarrassed, and the Asian Championships have been abused like dogs, and they are embarrassed to spend money to buy a wild card to play in the World Cup?

That's right, it is to apply for a wild card, but in fact, it is to spend money to buy a place, and they think that instead of being embarrassed, it is better to learn from Italy, country D and Lao Maozi to give up the bid directly, which may still seem to have backbone.

However, most people are still supportive, and it is good to be able to go out and exchange and learn from experience, regardless of the final results.

At present, everyone is most concerned about one point, that is, whether the national team will recruit Han Zhe to return to the team.

Or whether Han Zhe was willing to accept the call-up.

You must know that Han Zhe retired from the Asian Championships angrily, and the basketball management may not treat him very well.

Today is the reporting day, and the members of the training base have appeared one after another, but the countless reporters waiting at the door have never seen the figure they expected.

The reporters all chatted:

"Brother, Sina, aren't you very well-informed, can you tell me a letter, has Han Zhe been recruited?

"I know I'm still in a hurry, this time both sides have done a good job of secrecy, and I haven't heard any news at all. "

"Then let's ask our friends at Tencent, maybe they have some inside information. "

"I don't know, we're just waiting. "

"I look at the suspense, now that the players are almost there, Han Zhe is not expected to come. "

"It's really hard to say, the temper of those old men in the basket management is not small, and the scene of Han Zhe's last firing is still vivid. "

"Han Zhe is not a good-tempered master, even if the basketball pipe puts down the shelf and recruits him, he may not come, don't forget that Han Zhe is not rare to come to the national team plated gold, but he is a superstar in the NBA, where can he not eat?"

"I hope Han Zhe will come, the national team is really not good without him, see what kind of bird you play in the Asian Championships. "

"This is the truth, Han Zhe is really nothing to see if he doesn't come to this World Cup. "

"Yo, Allen Guo has arrived, let's go, hurry up. "

The reporters immediately dispersed in a hurry to block Guo Allen, he is also on fire now, and he is also an active NBA player, and they all know that he has an iron relationship with Han Zhe, so he may be able to ask something. How do you know that Allen Guo didn't accept the interview at all, and dragged and said: "Don't ask me, you will always come when you should come, and you can't come if you shouldn't." "

The reporter was so angry that he vomited blood, but he didn't expect this guy to be on the edge.

After waiting for another ten minutes, just as these reporters were full of disappointment, thinking that Han Zhe would not show up, a taxi stopped not far away.

When I saw the young man with the bag getting out of the car, people's eyes lit up.

"Han Zhe wait, let's say a few words, just delay you a little"

Han Zhe was suddenly surrounded by crazy media.

Han Zhe didn't refuse, laughed. I don't want to be late for the first day of reporting. "

"It's okay, no one will dare to fire you if you're late. Some reporters joked.

Han Zhe also joked: "You comrade is very bad, I finally got into the national team and you started to stir up internal contradictions, I am not the president, whether I can be fired or not is not a matter of a word, and the president is not insured, a driver can drive him." "

As soon as Han Zhe's voice fell, the reporters laughed, I didn't expect this guy to tell a joke as soon as he came, but this is a good thing, it can be seen that Han Zhe is in a good mood.

"Han Zhe, can you get a world champion back?"

Han Zhe rolled his eyes, "I want to be the champion of the entire universe, you have to ask if someone agrees!"

The crowd laughed again.

"Can you tell us what our goals are for this World Cup?"

Han Zhe said: "Where did I know when I just came, if I am the leader, the goal is to protect the two and fight for one." "

The reporter was shocked, and said that Han Zhe is really big-hearted, protect the two and fight for one, this awesome blow to the sky, not to mention the World Cup, we don't have the confidence to say this in Asia alone.

How do you know that Han Zhe continued: "Count down, this can ensure that the task is completed, and everyone has no pressure." "


This made many people laugh at the waist, but he was also convinced by Han Zhe, this kind of joke was not dared by other team members, because there were a lot of hidden things.

"Han Zhe, will participating in the World Cup have an impact on your NBA side?"

Han Zhe said: "There must be an impact, the Magic is about to train before the game, I shouldn't be able to catch up, so I have asked for leave in advance, but I think you have a greater impact on me, and if you delay any longer, you will ruin my national team career that I haven't started." "

The reporter laughed again, but he still made a passage for Han Zhe to report with interest.

The reporter looked at Han Zhe's back and whispered, but he was very satisfied with this short interview, just with the news of Han Zhe's return to the team and a few witty words from him, it was enough for everyone to go back and deal with it.

In this Internet era, the transmission speed of information is extremely fast, and as soon as Han Zhe entered the door, everyone knew that Han Zhe would participate in the World Cup.

This news made the fans breathe a sigh of relief, with Han Zhe here, everyone has a lot of confidence, although the expectations for the World Cup performance will not be too high, but no one wants to see their own team being abused, and Han Zhe has an extra insurance.

"Yo, our belt winner is here? No, how can I let you put the bag yourself, the little one. "

As soon as Han Zhe took off his backpack, Allen Guo came over to take over.

Han Zhe smiled and kicked him, and he couldn't help but make trouble, happy and relaxed.

Wang Zhelin also came to say hello, and pestered Han Zhe vigorously, pressing his waist for a while, and pinching his shoulders for a while, it looked like he was the second dogleg.

Han Zhe didn't know his careful thoughts, Guo Allen entered the NBA for many Han Zhe's factors, and Han Zhe would have to take care of him in the future, Wang Zhelin was also itchy, and he had to hurry up to be courteous, after all, the dream of most players in the NBA, and Han Zhe seems to be the road to heaven.

Except for Sun Yue, who made a disdainful expression, many other players were a little uncomfortable when they saw Han Zhe.

Last time, someone wanted to scold Han Zhe with his old bird qualifications, but now Han Zhe's popularity and basketball status have made them a little discouraged.

Wang Zhizhi didn't react, his relationship with Han Zhe has always been okay, he came over like a big brother and patted Han Zhe on the shoulder with a smile, "It's good to come back." "

Yi Jianlian, who has always been cold to Han Zhe, also came over and said: "Congratulations on winning the NBA championship and MVP." "

The two bigwigs took the initiative to show their goodwill, and when the other players saw it, they all stepped forward to greet Han Zhe.

This time, Han Zhe's treatment of returning to the team is completely different from the last time, the main gap is too big, and everyone can't afford to compete.

Also, last time Han Zhe angrily sprayed Hu Jiashi, everyone admired it in their hearts, and it was the first time they had seen such a bold player.

What I admire even more is that I scolded the leader and withdrew from the game, and I can actually enter the national team again, which is simply an outlier!

They can't afford to mess with this kind of person!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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