Han Zhe had just cleaned up here, and it didn't take long for him to assemble, and most of the players were still those people, and as for the head coach, he naturally changed again.

Looking at the newly appointed little uterus Lu Ming, Han Zhe was a little curious, this is also a legend of my country's men's basketball team, and his height of 1.72 was once my country's core guard, which alone is very remarkable.

Gong Luming saw that everyone was coming, and after glancing at everyone, he said: "Let me introduce myself first, my name is Gong Luming, and now I am officially serving as the coach of the national team, if you have any opinions about me, you can mention it, of course, it is useless for you to mention it." "

A lot of the players laughed at once.

Gong Luming also smiled and continued: "Just smile, you have to be serious about training, you have to be serious about the game, but you don't usually need to pretend to be serious with a straight face, I know very well what kind of personality you have, and there is another point, it's okay to play, but it's not okay to hit people, because I know that we have a WWE belt winner here, and ordinary people really can't beat him." "

The players all looked at Han Zhe in unison, and naturally knew that it was this person they were referring to.

Han Zhe sneered, he didn't know what Gong Luming meant, was it just a joke or would he hit him as soon as he came?

Probably both.

Gong Luming continued: "I won't say much nonsense, anyway, you don't like to hear it, as soon as everyone arrived today, I won't assign training tasks, you take a rest first, familiarize yourself with the environment, and officially assemble at seven o'clock tomorrow morning, okay, disband." "

As soon as everyone dispersed, Han Zhe was stopped.

Han Zhe had a question mark on his head, and said in his heart that this person wanted to kill chickens and monkeys on the first day and make an example of himself, right?

The other players also stopped from a distance and looked over here in whispers, and they were also curious about what the coach was doing when he caught Han Zhe as soon as he came.

"Coach, is there something wrong?" Han Zhe took the initiative to speak.

Gong Luming didn't answer, but just looked Han Zhe up and down, and when he saw Han Zhe starting to frown, he smiled and said: "Don't think about it, I just want to see what is different about you as a national treasure-level athlete, there are actually a lot of NBA players in my country, but you are the most amazing, you are really terrifying!"

As soon as Han Zhe heard it, he knew that the other party should have no ill will towards him, and grinned, "The coach can't stand this, if Brother Yao hears it, he will whip me." "

Gong Lu smiled clearly: "When Yao Ming said the same, although he is very good, no matter now or in the future, his achievements cannot be compared with you." "

Han Zhe was a little confused by the second monk, and he didn't know if this coach was sincere or what purpose he had when he came.

Seeing the other players sneakily approaching, Gong Luming coaxed them away, and then motioned for Han Zhe to say as he walked.

"Don't be so restrained, I don't mean anything else, just chat casually as a friend, by the way, can you tell us what you think of the current national team?"

Han Zhe hesitated, saw Gong Luming's encouraging eyes, and still spoke, "Our team must have strength, but in recent years, we have not achieved anything, I think the ball is a reason, discipline and training are a reason, player intrigue is a big reason, and the system problem is the biggest reason."

Gong Luming was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, and said in his heart that this stunned young man still dared to say it, but what he said was the truth.

Gong Luming said: "Then what do you think should be done?"

Han Zhe said: "How to solve it is a matter of training and leadership, where do I, a young player, know." "

Gong Luming laughed again and scolded him for being a little slippery.

Then Gong Luming didn't mention this aspect again, but chatted with him about the NBA.

Han Zhe said: "He definitely has strength and potential, but the follow-up development depends on himself, the NBA competition is very cruel, and you have to work harder not to be eliminated, but he has a very good platform now, and it is better to stay in the Hornets than to go to the Magic with me." "

"Yes, bad teams tend to be stars. After Gong Luming finished speaking, both of them laughed.

The two chatted like this, and chatted for more than half an hour before parting.

"Brother Zhe, what is the coach looking for you?" Guo Allen came over to inquire about the news as soon as possible.

"What else can you do, he bet me on how long you can be with the Hornets, and I said it won't take a season for you to be kicked home. Han Zhe deliberately teased him.

Guo Allen suddenly took it seriously, and said unconvinced: "Don't you underestimate people, wait and see, I will definitely be able to mix up with the Wasp, even if I can't compare to you, I can't be worse than Walker." "

Han Zhe glanced at him with disdain, "You can blow hard, Walker has been rated as one of the top ten point guards in the NBA this season, and he won't be worse than him?" "

Guo Allen was also quick to talk just now, and laughed dryly after hearing this, this goal is really big, Walker can be regarded as one of the guards with the most soaring momentum except for Han Zhe.

Seeing his somewhat embarrassed expression, Han Zhe didn't continue to hit him, but patted him on the shoulder and said: "It's good to have a goal, but you can't take too big a step, beware of breaking eggs, how to stabilize your position in the Wasp first is what you should consider, they are short of defenders now, this is your chance." "

Guo Allen nodded seriously, knowing that Han Zhe was doing this for his good, otherwise it would not be good if his heart was higher than heaven and his life was thinner than paper.

The two quickly chatted about other topics, and Guo Allen said: "I really didn't expect Sun Yue to be recruited, and I don't look at how bad he played in the Asian Championships, it's embarrassing!"

Han Zhe smiled: "Don't just talk about others, you don't necessarily play well in the Asian Championships." "

Guo Allen sneered, he did play average.

However, Guo Allen immediately said: "That's you leaving, otherwise our golden partner would have been invincible in the world a long time ago." "

"Who did you learn from this shameless character?"

"Who else can I talk to, of course with you!"

"Looking for a fight..."



After everyone gathered, they didn't train for the first time, but held a group meeting.

At the meeting, the leader of the team representing the basketball team was replaced, and it was Chai Wensheng, a chubby man wearing glasses.

This is a simple mobilization meeting, which mainly encourages the players to play the spirit of not being afraid of hardship and tiredness, learn from each other, train hard, actively prepare for the game, and strive to achieve a good result in the World Cup in Spain.

Surprisingly, the basketball tube didn't set a goal for everyone this time.

However, if you think about it carefully, you can understand that the Asian Championships have been beaten into dogs, what is the appropriate goal for the World Cup?

It's impossible to set it high, and it's embarrassing to set it low, so it's just uncertain, just use the slogan of exchange and learning!_

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