At the end of the meeting, all the players gathered in the stadium for the official training.

The first day was just a simple physical reserve training.

On the second day, some running and passing training was added to the physical training, which was to allow the players to get used to the initial run-in.

On the third day, the main training is ball control, layups and shots, so that the players start to find their touch.

The days went by like this, and it was a big deal for the media, because it was a closed training and they didn't know what was going on.

What everyone is most concerned about is undoubtedly how Han Zhe performed in the national team, you must know that Han Zhe and the national team in the Asian Championships were unhappy, and they were afraid of repeating the mistakes of the past.

The Asian Championships national team played a mess, and everyone scolded and scolded, but they still wanted the national players to be ashamed in the World Cup, and Han Zhe's situation was very important.

Helplessly, they couldn't see the players at all, and during the period, only Chai Wensheng and Gong Lu showed the following, and they all perfunctorily said that the training was going well, and they didn't say anything else.

"Run, run, haven't you eaten, hurry up!" has already started the team training match, Gong Luming shouted loudly with a black face on the sidelines, obviously not very satisfied with the performance of the players.

Chai Wensheng, who was watching the game next to him, also frowned frequently, and said: "These old soldiers are too scattered, not to mention the World Cup and the Asian Championships in this state." "

"What advice does Director Chai have?" asked Gong Luming.

Chai Wensheng waved his hand angrily and said: "Don't come to this with me, Lao Hu is still being hung out, this time the above has been explained in advance, I am only responsible for communication and coordination, and will not interfere in your specific internal affairs, how to deal with you, the head coach, has the final say." "

Gong Luming smiled embarrassedly, he was indeed tempting, but when he heard Chai Wensheng's words, he was still a lot more sure, if this person pointed fingers everywhere, he really had no problem.

The defeat in the Asian Championships is an example, and the poor performance of the players is certainly the reason, but more importantly, it is difficult for Yang Shuai to command the players when he is overhead, which is the main reason.

Chai Wensheng said again: "Don't be pressured, do what you want, we are your solid backing, although there are no clear indicators this time, but the results can't be too bad, after all, all staring at us, it's not just that you are embarrassed if the results are poor, everyone has to follow the shame, and I can't explain to the above." "

Gong Luming scolded MMP in his heart, he didn't have any strength, but when you say this, it's hard to feel no pressure!

At this time, Han Zhe just scored a three-pointer in a row, and Chai Wensheng changed the topic and said: "NBA stars are different, this technique is really nothing to say, if his players are half as good as him, we won't be here to worry about it, by the way, what do you think of Han Zhe, this is a thorn." ’

Gong Luming smiled and said: "It's good to give me more thorns like this, and don't look at his bad temper, but he really has nothing to say in training, he never makes trouble, but is very positive, but some players who usually look honest love to stab me when they train." "

Chai Wensheng was surprised, don't look at him just now when he opened his mouth to praise Han Zhe, but he didn't treat Han Zhe very well in his heart, after all, Han Zhe's character and reputation could not be appreciated by the leadership.

I don't know from the outside, but he knows very well that this invitation to join the national team has also caused a lot of waves, and many leaders do not approve of this unorganized and undisciplined player returning to the team.

Of course, due to the pressure of fishing boats, there are still some people who are in favor, not to mention that Han Zhe is in the middle of the day, and if he is not recruited, he may not know how the media will arrange it.

In the end, the argument was over, and it was the big leader who directly made the decision to settle the matter.

Chai Wensheng didn't continue to say anything, he walked around and left, and then the entire stadium was Gong Luming's cheers echoed everywhere.

At the end of the training, the players were all staggering and panting, and Guo Allen was lying on the ground and complained: "It's really terrible, the coach is killing us!"

Han Zhe was also so tired that he sat on the ground panting, and when he first came, he thought that the coach was quite kind, but after a few days, he realized that this guy had a bad temper, and the training intensity was a bit scary, if he hadn't been in the NBA for two years, he felt that he might not be able to persevere.

What's worse is that Sun Yue has practiced to cramps before, although he has gained some rest time, he has to continue to practice.

I was scolded as soon as I complained about two sentences, everyone didn't have cramps, just you cramped, and it was reasonable?

There is also Yi Jianlian's opinion that the training intensity is too great.

As a result, he was penalized for a few laps of frog jumping, and in the words of the coach, it was not enough to be embarrassed in the Asian Championships?

If you don't work hard now, do you want to go to the World Cup and continue to lose face?

The old bird continued to be deflated, and now even the players who complained in their hearts were honest, and they could only hold back their anger.

The most important thing is that this training camp is different from before, the team leader has the final say in everything before, but this time it is obviously different, the team leader is a bit of a hands-off shopkeeper, some of them have gone to complain, not only did it not work, but was trained.

Now everyone understands that the previous set doesn't seem to work, at least for now, no one can question the authority of the coach. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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