Two days later, Chai Wensheng called the coaching staff for a meeting.

At the meeting, Chai Wensheng first paid attention to the progress of the training, and then asked: "What do you think about the captain, it's not a way to drag it all the time, it should be decided as soon as possible, don't officially go to the official expedition when we don't have a captain, isn't this a joke?"

Seeing that everyone was silent, Chai Wensheng frowned and said: "If you are not sure of your idea, I have a suggestion, or Wang Zhizhi will come, anyway, he has the experience of being a captain." "

Gong Luming spoke, "Wang Zhizhi is good, but he is too old to come here, he should retire, he actually talked to me, he doesn't want to come this time, this is still because I see that he has rich experience and forced him to come, and it is not appropriate to add a burden to him." "

Chai Wensheng nodded, it was understood, everyone was ready to retreat, and it was not good to push him to the forefront again.

What's more, he is the captain of the Asian Championships, and he has a lot of pressure after the loss, anyway, many spearheads are aimed at him, and the media and the people also scold, saying that he is still in the national team at such an age, and there is really no one to choose from the national team?

External pressure may be a large part of the reason why Wang Zhizhi is preparing to retire, if he leads the national team to the World Cup as the captain now, he will be embarrassed.

Wang Zhizhi has fought for the country for so many years, even if he has no merit, he has hard work, so it is really inappropriate to let him be the captain now.

A captain with good grades is an honor, and a bad captain is the No. 1 backstabber.

Our country pays attention to the golden mean, especially Wang Zhizhi, who is preparing to retire, would rather have no merit than have it.

813 Chai Wensheng thought for a while, and said: "How about Zhou Peng, I think he is not bad, diligent and practical, and gets along well with the players, and he is still a long year, and he can lead the team for a long time." "

Gong Luming was very unhappy in his heart, and said in his heart, this is what you said about not meddling in specific internal affairs?

Although he muttered in his heart, Gong Luming didn't dare to show his face, and said: "Zhou Peng's conditions in all aspects are indeed very suitable, and I also admire this guy, but I think there are more suitable ones." "

Chai Wensheng said: "Don't sell it to me, since you already have someone in mind, just say it, you are the head coach of the team, you have the final say, I just mention the reference." "

As soon as Gong Luming heard this, he knew that this master was unhappy, but he had no intention of showing weakness, because as long as he showed weakness this time, the future work would not be able to be carried out.

If you want to do something, how can you not offend people, Gong Luming gritted his teeth and said: "I recommend Han Zhe, I don't need to say his strength, everyone can see it, and he has two years of experience as a captain in the NBA and knows how to deal with locker room problems." "

Chai Wensheng smiled after hearing this: "It turned out to be him, I said it earlier, I also think Han Zhe is good, a young and promising model, sooner rather than later, then this matter is settled, let's break up." "

Watching Chai Wensheng leave, the coaching staff was happy, and they all said that Director Chai was still reasonable, they had actually discussed it a long time ago, but they were afraid that Chai Wensheng would oppose it, so they kept dragging it out.

Unexpectedly, Director Chai happily agreed, and said that he thought too much, and the leader was still very good at saying (aiae).

Gong Luming looked at his happy colleague, but secretly sighed, if Chai Wensheng was mad just now, he didn't think it was a big problem, but this smile should be regarded as offending the other party to death.

As for whether the other party really supports it?

Gong Luming knew that it was impossible with his ass, and Han Zhe, an unstable leader, was the least like.

Moreover, Han Zhe in the Asian Championships bombarded Hu Jiashi, the leader at the time, no matter whether Chai Wensheng and Director Hu have a good relationship or not, it is impossible to see Han Zhe, this is a leaderless black sheep!

Gong Luming didn't mean to sing against Chai Wensheng, he had his reasons, Han Zhe was qualified enough to be the captain regardless of his strength and fame.

Say he's inexperienced?

Who can get the experience and qualifications of the NBA championship captain.

The most important thing is that Gong Luming knows that Han Zhe can already control most people in the national team, and now he adds a captain's halo to him, which is the last straw that breaks the camel's back, so that those players who are still watching can recognize the reality.

That's right, Gong Luming intends to create an absolute core tactical idea this time, so now it is necessary to clear the obstacles for Han Zhe and stabilize the internal environment.

If the players are still intrigued like before, the results will not be good, he just wants to cut through the mess quickly, which is the attitude of telling some thorn organizations.

When this resignation was announced, the players were in an uproar, and even the person concerned, Han Zhe, was very surprised.

He knows that this position is not whoever plays well on the ball, this has to be highly respected, and he, a newcomer, really didn't think that he could get a captain to play.

Guo Allen and Wang Zhelin took the lead in applauding after being stunned, Wang Zhizhi also smiled and applauded, and the other players began to applaud one after another, whether they wanted to or not.

At this time, an untimely voice appeared, "I object, Han Zhe is famous, but he is a newcomer to the national team, he doesn't know all of us, and his tacit understanding and qualifications are not enough, I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince the public." "

Gong Luming's face darkened suddenly, and when he turned his head, it was Sun Yue who spoke, and he knew that there was a conflict between the two, so it was not surprising about this.

Gong Luming said in a deep voice: "Then I want to hear who you said is the one with deep qualifications and who can convince the public, shouldn't it be you?"

Sun Yue peeked left and right, and was dumbfounded, he thought that he was right to raise his arms and call the responder, but how did he know that the two buddies who usually called him brothers and sisters collectively pretended to be deaf and dumb.

At this point, Sun Yue could only stubbornly say: "I think I can't do it, but the UAE is fully capable of serving as the captain, and the qualifications are enough, I am convinced of him." "

At this time, everyone's eyes turned to Yi Jianlian, Yi Jianlian almost scolded his mother, he usually had an average relationship with Sun Yue, but it didn't get to the point where the other party risked punishing him for adding to his dragon robe.

Yi Jianlian didn't understand, this was Sun Yue who had nothing to do and planned to pull himself into the water.

In particular, Han Zhe also said playfully, "I also think it's quite appropriate for Brother Yi to be the captain." "

Isn't that roasting him on a fire?

Yi Jianlian actually has a lot of complaints about Han Zhe as the captain, if he knew in advance, Sun Yue would have discussed it with him, maybe he would really make trouble when his brain is hot.

But now that this sudden attack caught him off guard, and this thing was obviously looking for a back, he was not stupid, and immediately said:

"Everything is subject to the organizational arrangement, it is most suitable for Han Zhe to be the captain, I firmly support it!"

Sun Yue almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, but he didn't expect Yi Jianlian to be coaxed so quickly, and now he was isolated.

Gong Luming said "um", then turned to Wang Zhizhi and said, "What do you think, Dazhi?"

Wang Zhizhi looked very relaxed and said with a smile: "There is no better choice than this, I definitely agree." "

Gong Luming turned his gaze to the other players again.

After everyone glanced at each other, they all expressed their support for Han Zhe as the captain, including Sun Yue's two irons.

In fact, everyone is not stupid, they know that the general trend has gone, and if they continue to contradict the organization, they are against the organization, and many people are convinced of Han Zhe's strength.

Some players who don't have a good relationship with Han Zhe quickly took the opportunity to express their stance after seeing the situation clearly, and seemed more enthusiastic than Guo Allen and others, as if Han Zhe was really expected to be the captain.

Gong Luming nodded with satisfaction, and then turned his gaze to Sun Yue again.

Sun Yue was uncomfortable, but he didn't take it seriously in his heart, this kind of thing hadn't happened before, at most a review was over.

And he believes that he was just caught off guard today, as long as he instigates something later, someone will definitely respond, and Han Zhe, the captain, should not be able to do it for long.

Gong Luming spoke, "Unorganized and undisciplined, destroying the unity within the team, the national team doesn't need players like you." "


The scene suddenly sounded a sound of inhaling cool air, they didn't expect Gong Luming to kick Sun Yue out directly.

Sun Yue was also stunned, he didn't expect this kind of result, but he immediately shouted: "You don't have the right to kick me out of the team, I want to find Director Chai to explain." "

That's right, the players know that the real talk of the national team is the basketball leader.

Gong Luming sneered, "I'm the head coach, I have the final say, if you're not convinced, you can try it with Director Chai, and I'll see if you can stay in the team." "

Sun Yue really went to find Director Chai, but looking at his lost soul, he knew that the result had not changed.

However, Gong Luming also frowned, he knew that he had offended Director Chai again, although he said that he would not interfere in the team's affairs, but who was serious and who was naïve.

He is also leaderless like this, although Director Chai did not dismiss him openly, it is strange that he is not angry in private.

However, he must be proper of this wicked person, and Sun Yue, the chicken, must also be killed, otherwise how can the monkeys be afraid?_

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