After the Celestial Empire, the first round of Group B was all over, Argentina, Croatia and Celestial Empire all won and were in the first echelon with two points each, while Puerto Rico, Senegal and the Philippines lost in the first round, with one point each.

The points rule is that the winning team earns two points, and the losing team also earns one point.

As soon as the game was over, all kinds of news came out, compared with previous years, this World Cup Celestial Empire has received more attention from foreign media, and the reason is naturally that there are more people in the Celestial Empire Han Zhe.

The Dream Team also watched the game at the hotel, and everyone was chatting:

"Wow, this guy Han is in the limelight again, what do you think the Celestial Empire can win in this World Cup?" Owen said with a grin.

Cousins said: "He can be in the limelight because he didn't touch us, and anyone who plays Senegal can get high scores, as for the first number, it is not easy to say whether he can advance to the round of 16, don't forget that they have entered the World Cup by wild cards." "

Cousins immediately caused a burst of laughter after speaking, there are few people here who can look down on the Celestial Empire team.

"Not necessarily, don't forget they have Han!" Curry interjected.

DeRozan teased: "You shouldn't have been beaten out of the shadow by him, I admit that Han is really good, but his teammates can't, I bet they won't make it to the quarterfinals." "

Owen immediately said: "I bet 100 dollars that they can enter the quarterfinals, I know Han very well, don't look at the Celestial Empire team is not very good, but Han is crazy is very scary." "

Then the players all quarreled, and some thought that Owen's words were reasonable, the key was that they had all fought with Han Zhe and knew Han Zhe's ability.

Some are disdainful of the Celestial Empire, believing that even if there is Han Zhe, the Celestial Dynasty is still a weak chicken team.

No one can convince anyone, this group of guys really opened a bet in the end, and they bet on the ranking of the Celestial Empire!

Han Zhe and the others didn't know that they and others had become other people's pastime and conversations, everyone went back to the hotel and fell asleep, it was already about three o'clock in the morning local time, and everyone was sleepy and tired.

And the game time is very tight, they don't have much time to rest, so they have to recuperate.

The next day, at two o'clock in the morning local time, the Celestial Empire ushered in the second round of their group stage.

The other two rounds of Group B have ended, with Argentina losing 85-90 to Croatia and Senegal beating Puerto Rico 82-75.

Both of these games were upsets, with the top seeds losing and Senegal pulling one back, leaving Group B in a state of confusion.

Next, it depends on the results of the Celestial Empire and the Philippines, if the Philippines wins, then the situation in this group will be even more chaotic.

Experts at home and abroad have said that the prediction is difficult, because on the surface it seems that the difference in strength between the two sides is not large.

If you want to put the past, you must be unanimously optimistic about the Celestial Empire, but in recent years, the strength of the Celestial Empire has declined more seriously, and on the contrary, the Philippines has risen very rapidly, taking the Asian Championships as an example, the Celestial Empire was out early, while the Philippines won the runner-up.

If it weren't for Han Zhe to join, everyone might be unanimously optimistic about the Philippines.

"Director Zhang, do you think we have a good chance of winning this game?" Su Qun said.

Zhang Weiping said: "On paper, we definitely have some advantages in strength, but the Philippines has made rapid progress in the past two years, and it is full of momentum, which is a difficult bone to gnaw."

But overall, I think we still have a better chance of winning, Fei Yiqiang has a lot to do with their point guard Castro, he was known as an Asian defender before, but now this name is not willing to take his turn, if their backcourt engine is suppressed, then their strength will definitely drop once. "

Everyone knows what Zhang Weiping means, with Han Zhe here, he is called second, who dares to say that he is first.

And Guo Allen is not weak, it can be said that the current explosion of the Philippine backfield, then they will lose their biggest advantage and reliance.

Su Qun continued: "The situation in Group B is very serious, several teams are not weak, especially the game that just ended let us know that Croatia is not easy to mess with, Argentina is an example, if we want to advance, we must establish an advantage in the early stage, so this game must be won!"

Su Qun's words were actually emphasized by Gong Luming before the game, among the remaining teams in Group B, only the Philippines and Puerto Rico are relatively weak, and they must score points on their heads in order to ensure qualification.

Of course, the Philippines probably thinks the same way!

The game started quickly, and today the Celestial Dynasty starters made certain adjustments, Wang Zhizhi and Zhu Fangyu entered the starting lineup, which can be seen that Gong Luming should want to stabilize this game.

Jumping the ball, Tianchao got the ball, Zhu Fangyu rushed to the three-point line to face the defender, and used his physical advantage to force it in.

At this time, Han Zhe also cut to the basket from the other side.

They all thought that Zhu Fangyu would give the ball to Han Zhe, after all, Han Zhe knew his singles ability.

Who knew that Zhu Fangyu chose to make a stop-and-go jump shot, but was given a big hat by the opponent's defensive player, and launched a quick reversal to score.

Gong Luming on the sidelines frowned, but he didn't say much, how could basketball not make mistakes, he just thought that he handled this ball a little improperly.

The Celestial Empire attacked, Guo Allen took the ball to the front court, and in the face of Castro's single defense, he chose to break through, but the suspension was broken, but fortunately, Wang Zhizhi was right next to him, picked up the basketball dropped by Guo Allen and stepped under the basket in a few steps.

When preparing for the basket, he found that the opposing center Bracher stuck him very deadly, and it was difficult to turn around.

When he was thinking about how to play the ball, he saw Han Zhe cut in at high speed, and threw the ball above his head without hesitation.

"Dunk, dunk again, this ball Dazhi and Han Zhe cooperate seamlessly, it's so exciting!" Su Qun roared excitedly.

Zhang Weiping also said: "This empty receiver is really beautiful, hey, Han Zhe shouldn't have moved his tradition of the first goal of magic to the World Cup!"

When he said this, the audience seemed to think that maybe this was the case, and the first ball against Senegal yesterday was also a dunk.

Everyone is a little excited when they think of this, if this is really the case, it will be awesome, and the opening will be domineering to think about.

The Philippines attacked, Castro saw Han Zhe defending alone at the three-point line, and seemed a little unconvinced, and he was ready to break through Han Zhe after trying to step after two feints.

Han Zhe didn't seem to make any big moves, he simply stepped out and stretched out his hand, and Castro couldn't pass the ball.

By the time he reacted and was ready to chase back, Han Zhe had already gone to the front court together, shook off the only chasing defender, and easily scored three points.

Castro was a little frustrated, he didn't expect to lose the first head-to-head battle in this game, and when he was the most depressed, his feints were obviously very realistic, and Mao Hanzhe easily judged that he had the right breakthrough route?

I thought that the momentum of the Celestial Empire had risen, but I didn't know that the Philippines began to fight back wildly, fighting and running very actively, and immediately responded with a steal and layup to score.

The Celestial Empire attacked Wang Zhizhi and missed the shot, and the Philippines got the rebound and hit a three-point shot from the outside.

Han Zhe's offense (Qian Haohao) was wrapped and the ball was given to Guo Allen, who forced the inside line and collided with the opposing player, the basketball got out of his hand, the referee did not blow the whistle, Guo Allen's atmosphere theory, the opponent had picked up the ball and scored quickly.

Next, the Celestial Empire did not play well, there were many mistakes, the shooting rate was not high, and at the end of the first quarter, the Celestial Empire fell behind 19-23 bitterly!

"Oh, we made too many mistakes in this section, and it can't go on like this, and the players seem to be getting more and more impatient the more they play. "

"Mistakes are secondary, I think the ball is too scattered, this style of play is obviously unreasonable, Han Zhe has a high hit rate and should feed him the ball, our veteran players are a little sticky. "

The audience is also complaining in various ways, and the most said is that Han Zhe has less ball power, Wang Zhizhi, Yi Jianlian and Zhu Fangyu have too many shots in this section, and the key is that the hit rate is not high.

Although Han Zhe was a little unhappy, he didn't say anything, he knew that the last game of this group of old birds did not play much time and may have been suffocated, and he can understand that this section played uniquely.

However, the second quarter was still like this, and they were still behind, and after returning to the locker room, Han Zhe finally went crazy!_

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