"Don't you want to win, do you?" Han Zhe saw that the players didn't seem to be worried about falling behind at all, and they were all lazy and chatting, and the anger suddenly came up.

The locker room could hear the needles falling all of a sudden, and they all looked at Han Zhe in unison.

Yi Jianlian frowned and wanted to say something, but Wang Zhizhi next to him pulled him covertly, and Yi Jianlian immediately held back the words that came to his mouth.

Gong Luming also walked to the door angrily, Han Zhe startled him with a voice, but immediately raised the corner of his mouth and stopped the other members of the coaching staff who were about to enter the door, so they simply leaned outside the door and let the players make trouble first.

Han Zhe suddenly went crazy, and most people were still a little stunned in their hearts, not to mention his fame, many players didn't dare to speak up about the captain's name.

But there are also those who are not convinced, Zhu Fangyu is not good-tempered, and immediately said after coming back to his senses: "What are you shouting, don't think that being a captain is terrible, on qualifications..."

Before he finished speaking, Han Zhe had already said angrily: "Qualifications, seniority is a fart, you have the ability to talk about qualifications with other teams, see if they will let you because of your high qualifications, you look at what kind of bird we play, the Philippines is a very strong team?

These words choked Zhu Fangyu a lot, and her chest rose and fell violently with anger.

Seeing his aggressive appearance with bull's eyes, Han Zhe spoke again, "What are you staring at, don't rely on the old and sell the old in front of me, and want to beat me? It's not that I look down on you, let you have one hand today, I don't want to lie down to you and I am a grandson, what do you look at, if you are not convinced, you will speak, if you want to be reasonable, I will accompany you to reason, and I am not used to you if you don't want to be reasonable." "

Han Zhe glanced at the other players as he spoke, and everyone was a little stunned by Han Zhe's aura, and they all turned their heads and didn't dare to look at him.

Seeing that Zhu Fangyu didn't dare to move if he wanted to, and he couldn't get off the stage, Wang Zhizhi was amused in his heart, and he was a little happy, because he also felt that these players were getting less and less honorable now, and they also looked like the eldest and my second, and it was not bad for Han Zhe to beat it.

But we can't help everyone continue to make trouble, after all, the game is not over yet.

Wang Zhizhi began to make peace with the mud, got up and pressed Zhu Fangyu to the stool and sat down, and whispered: "Don't be angry, the captain is young and vigorous, understand, and we did have a lot of problems in the first half, and we should discuss it." "

Zhu Fangyu snorted coldly, but also borrowed the donkey from the slope and did not continue to top the cow.

Wang Zhizhi then pulled Han Zhe aside and said: "I can understand your mood, sometimes I look at them and get angry, but you have to pay attention to ways and means to do things, and now you are playing a game, and it is not good for everyone to make a big fuss." "

Han Zhe didn't catch anyone biting anyone, he was calmer now, and he knew that he was a little impulsive just now, so he nodded to Wang Zhizhi, signaling him to rest assured, he knew what he knew.

Han Zhe coughed and said: "I'm not using the captain's name to play on the topic, but I think everyone knows how bad the first half was, and I don't have an opinion on you taking the ball more.

The scoring opportunities are limited, if you waste one, you will lose one, and we also have a big problem in defense, which has nothing to do with technology, it is a matter of attitude, as long as you dare to run and fight actively, you can't prevent a Philippines?"

Han Zhe yelled at many players just now that they were too comfortable, but now that everyone thinks about it calmly, Han Zhe's words also make sense.

Everyone is attacking blindly, and the defense is also extreme, I don't know when I started to play like this, it's a little ashamed to think about it.

Zhu Fangyu obviously returned in his heart, and snorted coldly after hearing this: "I admit that I wasted some offensive opportunities before, that's okay, if I'm still on the field for a while, I'll give you everything, I'll see how many you can score!"

There is obviously an element of provocative and angry anger in this remark.

Han Zhe was not angry, and said with a smile: "As long as you dare to pass on, I will dare to enter." "

Many players couldn't help but laugh when they saw the vindictive appearance of the two, and the atmosphere on the scene eased a lot.

Gong Luming grasped the timing very well, and at this time he entered the door with the coaching staff, pretending not to know what had just happened, and said: "It seems that everyone has a good chat, so I can rest assured, the mentality is very important, we are not too far behind the score, as long as we work together, we will definitely be able to get it back." "

Gong Luming didn't say a few words, and Chai Wensheng also came over.

Director Chai didn't give them a good look, and sprayed it indiscriminately, obviously very dissatisfied with everyone's performance in the first half, and faintly threatened when he left, meaning that if they don't win, they will look good.

Originally, everyone was trained to be very irritable, but as soon as Chai Wensheng went out, Han Zhe snorted at his back, which made everyone laugh.

Even Gong Luming couldn't help laughing, but immediately put on a straight face and pretended to reprimand Han Zhe, meaning that he would respect the leader.

Gong Luming was actually going to come in to train everyone before, and he was not satisfied with the performance of the players.

But Han Zhe obviously helped him finish the training work.

While letting the players rest, Gong Luming began to analyze the opponent and explain the tactics, and not long after, the break ended and the second half officially began.

The Philippines kicked off, and it felt different as soon as they arrived in the front court, and the Celestial Empire players were obviously more active in scrambling.

After two consecutive inside cut failures, the Philippines opted for a long-range shot from the outside, which missed the shot under Zhu Fangyu's interference.

It seems that Zhu Fangyu was indeed stimulated by Han Zhe and played very hard.

Wang Zhizhi got the rebound and handed it to Guo Allen and asked him to organize the offense, who quickly advanced to the front court and distributed the ball to Zhu Fangyu, who responded.

Zhu Fangyu obviously wanted to embarrass Han Zhe, and gave the ball to Han Zhe when Han Zhe's position was not very good.

Who knew that Han Zhe received the ball and faced the bag, and soon broke out of the encirclement and rushed to the basket to score a layup.

"It's a good pass. Han Zhe said with a grin after scoring the goal.

Zhu Fangyu had a constipated expression on her face, and she didn't know what mood she was in.

The next game was very interesting, Zhu Fangyu really did as he said, anyway, when he got the ball, he threw it into Han Zhe's hand.

When Han Zhe scored for the fourth time in a short period of time, Wang Zhizhi asked Zhu Fangyu funny: "Are you still angry?"

Zhu Fangyu shook his head unexpectedly, "The first two balls are angry, but now it's not." "

Wang Zhizhi was stunned for a moment, then patted Zhu Fangyu on the shoulder with relief, and then ran away.

In this section, Han Zhe seemed to be completely activated, and he rushed left and right unstoppably.

Although the Philippines has taken care of him, it has not had much effect.

"Han Zhe broke through the encirclement again, beautiful, this throw is really a stroke of genius, as long as his teammates can deliver shells in time, Han Zhe can score points, it should have been played like this a long time ago!"

"The Philippines has little effect on Han Zhe's trapping tactics, and I think it is, Han Zhe is facing the trapping tactics in the NBA, and he may be used to it, and the strength of Philippine players is still lacking compared to the NBA, and Han Zhe can be like a fish in water is also very reasonable. "

"The UAE got the rebound, the long pass Guo Allen, the front court is now forming a two-on-two situation, the ball is in Han Zhe's hands, let's see what he will do with this ball, wow, Han Zhe is worthy of Han Zhe, he really chose three points, and it was easy to hit. "

"The Philippines seems to have been beaten, there was a passing error, haha, Dazhi also hit a three-pointer, and the morale and self-confidence of the Celestial Empire team have risen!"

At the end of the third quarter, the fans of the Celestial Empire were thunderous with joy, and they not only caught up with the score in this quarter, but also overtook by five points, and the situation was reversed in an instant. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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