The Celestial Empire team defeated Argentina, and Han Zhe and other players were actually not very excited, but they were very excited about the commentators.

For example, Su Qun was howling in his throat, the Celestial Empire's five victories made them excited, and the Celestial Empire basketball hadn't been so proud for a long time.

The country is naturally jubilant, and this result is so good that everyone expected.

Many foreign Magic and Han Zhe fans also sent congratulatory messages to Han Zhe on Twitter, and on the other hand, the reputation of the Celestial Empire team has also reached a new level.

The dust has settled on Group B, with Celestial Empire topping the group with 10 points, Croatia second with 8 points, Argentina and Senegal in third and fourth place with 7 points, and Puerto Rico and the Philippines eliminated.

Han Zhe and the others were not in a hurry to rest after playing, and continued to watch the game on the spot after taking a shower and changing clothes, because they were waiting for all the top 16 teams to be born.

At 2:30, the last match of Group D started, Lithuania played Slovenia.

These two teams are the top two teams in Group D, with Slovela holding an eight-point advantage from winning all four games.

Lithuania are seven points behind with three wins and one loss, but if Lithuania win today, then they will be on top of the table with a tie in points.

"Brother Zhe, who do you think of these two teams can advance to the top of Group D?" asked Guo Allen.

Han Zhe said: "Lithuania is now ranked 4th in the international rankings, and Slovelia is ranked 13th. "

Guo Allen immediately said: "You mean Lithuania will win?"

Han Zhe shook his head and said: "What I want to say is that the ranking is useless, for example, in our group, except for the Philippines, we are the lowest, but we are the first in the group, and Argentina, which is ranked third in the world, was beaten to almost can't qualify." "

Allen Guo: "..."

Although Guo Allen complained that Han Zhe said a lot of nonsense, he also knew the truth at this time, the ranking did not represent anything, and basketball had to be played on the spot.

Everyone thought that this game would be very exciting, but otherwise, both sides were committed to defense, the pace of attack and defense was not fast, the game was very dull, and the final score was very low, 67-64, Lithuania narrowly won.

Although the game was not good, the Lithuanian fans in attendance celebrated their victory in the group.

Han Zhe and others also applauded, in fact, they all admired Lithuania, a small country with a population of less than 3 million, it is remarkable to be able to achieve such an achievement in the field of basketball.

In fact, many people have never even heard of Lithuania before, and they only began to know this country through their basketball achievements.

The Group D standings are also out, with Lithuania, Slovenia, Australia, Mexico, finishing in the top four, Angola and Han eliminated.

Speaking of which, the Asian team in this World Cup is fortunate that the Celestial Empire has played well and saved face, otherwise it would be a bit embarrassing.

The Philippines has one win and four losses have been out, han is out, and the Asian champion Yi Wolf has also ended all the A games, and like the Philippines, one win and four losses have been eliminated!

The Celestial Empire has now become a monopoly in Asia.

Next up is Group C Turkey vs. Dominica.

In Group C, the United States is unbeatable, and all five wins have ensured the first place in the group.

Several other teams are closer on points, such as Turkey and Dominica, both on six points.

In order to compete for a better position, the two sides also played very cautiously, and finally won 77-64.

Group C matches are all over, and the top four of the United States, Turkey, Dominica, and New Zealand are qualified.

Ukraine and Finland were eliminated.

The last match is the host Spain against Serbia.

Spain played very well in this game, winning 89-73 and achieving a complete victory.

The A ranking is also out.

Spain first, Brazil second, France third, Serbia fourth.

The group stage is now over, and the top 16 opponent of the Celestial Empire is officially released, that is, Serbia, who is in fourth place A.


After watching the game, Han Zhe slept lazily, and the non-stop games in the past few days made them very tired.

Gong Luming was also more considerate of the players, and didn't call everyone up for dinner until the afternoon.

During the meal, Guo Allen, who was playing with his mobile phone, suddenly shouted, and then indignantly told everyone the news he had just received.

"This Serbia is too rampant, isn't it, and a group fourth is embarrassed to mess with us?"

"Teodosic really thinks he's the king of Europe, he's a fart compared to Brother Zhe!"

"And this Bogdanovic, like me, is also a rookie this year, and he is embarrassed to speak wildly, where does he get his confidence?"

"Others are traditional powerhouses, and it's normal to look down on us. "

"We are the first in the group, why should he look down on us with a crane tail, it's too annoying. "

The players all started chattering, and many of them looked quite angry.

The reason is that many Serbian players said in interviews that they were lucky, and the next opponent was the Celestial Empire team!

Serbia said they are very confident of progressing to the quarter-finals or even the semi-finals.

In the eyes of the Celestial Empire team, this was Chi Guoguo's contempt.

What's even more infuriating is that many media actually agree with Serbia's point of view, believing that Serbia does have a great chance of winning the Celestial Empire.

Han Zhe saw that everyone was spitting saliva, and said angrily: "You bastards don't know what it means to eat without saying anything, the dishes are full of saliva and don't let people eat!"

Everyone looked at Han Zhe with strange expressions, this product is still in the mood to eat!

Seeing everyone's appearance, Han Zhe said: "Don't look at me, I'm more angry than you, but it's useless to beep here, just beat them to death during the game, and what others say is not completely unreasonable, whether it is the international ranking or the performance in important events, we are eight streets worse than others, and others are not allowed to brag about it!"

All the players were silent at this point, they didn't perform well in international competitions, and the media was rightly optimistic about Serbia.

In the eyes of many people, the Celestial Empire is just a dark horse, and it is definitely at a disadvantage compared to Serbia, which is extremely strong.

And don't look at Serbia in the group stage is only the fourth, you must know that this is the group of death, it would be good to be able to advance, I didn't see the Asian champion Iwolf line can't get out, many people think that if the Celestial Empire is in A, it can't get out of the line!

Not to mention anything else, even many Chinese people are wailing that the Celestial Empire is unlucky and has met Serbia, an opponent.

But there's no way, none of the four teams that A promoted are easy to deal with, and it's a headache to play anyone, and Serbia is relatively easy to play!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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