Lucky for the Celestials, they have scheduled for their round of 16 match on September 8 and can get more time to rest.

On September 6, the quarterfinals between the United States and Mexico kicked off first.

The attention of this game is naturally very large, because there are too many stars in the dream team, and the fan base is naturally very large.

When they saw the starting lineup of the dream team today, the fans were boiling, and Han Zhe and others were also very surprised, they didn't expect the United States team to be so good at playing, and the new generation of players or stars on the whole team.

They fielded Curry, Harden, Irving at three guards, Faried at power forward, and Davis at center.

This lineup is all young people, and they are all very famous, who calls people have a thick foundation, how to play how they want, some people are willful.

However, although the starting lineup of the United States is very luxurious, it did not gain much advantage at the beginning.

The Celestial Empire team is also watching and discussing:

"Curry played a bit alone in this ball, Irving cut it in, and he shot it himself. "

"Harden's defense is really awesome, we don't know if we will break our legs by the coach if we do this!"

"Brother Thick Eyebrows is very domineering, one dozen and two are also hard buttons, this foul is blown unjustly. "

"Owen is also starting to break through, this goal will definitely not go in, okay, Owen is awesome!"

"This cooperation of the United States is really a bit of a pitfall. "

"People are all star players, so naturally they want to show off their ball more, but they are really strong individually, and Mexico really doesn't have a good way. "

Yes, although the cooperation of the players of the United States today is not tacit, with excellent individual singles ability, Mexico is gradually finding it difficult to cope.

Especially at the beginning of the second quarter, the United States has adapted to the rhythm of Mexico, and the three heavy gunners began to bomb in turns on the periphery, not to mention the inside Davis and the half-orc Faried, Mexico is a little unable to resist.

In the second half, the United States had completely confirmed the lead and firmly controlled the rhythm of the game.

Then the United States began to make substitutions, which was completely training.

In the final game, 86-63, the United States won lightly and became the first team to advance to the quarterfinals.

The next day, the match between the third French team A and the second team in Group B was played.

These two teams didn't play very well in order to start forging a steel defense for victory, and the attacking tempo was slow.

At halftime, the crowd was speechless, and their score was 37-31.

The second half was similar, with both teams maintaining this rhythm, fouls were very frequent, and neither score went up.

In the end, France won 69-64 to advance.

Then Dominica and Slovelia played similarly, playing very dullly, 71-61, Slovelia narrowly won to advance.

The next game is Spain vs. Senegal, and this game can be considered a slaughter.

Spain won 89-56 against Senegal.

The last match of the day is Lithuania vs. New Zealand.

I thought there was no suspense in this game, but I didn't know that New Zealand played very tenaciously and once took the lead.

However, in the final quarter, Lithuania reversed the momentum and defeated New Zealand 76-71.

Celestial fans continued to stay in front of the TV because the match against Serbia was about to start at midnight.

Everyone is looking forward to it and being nervous at the same time, this is not like the group stage with a certain margin for error, 16 into 8 is a decisive battle, if you lose, you can only go home.

Everyone is greedy, and the expectations of the people before the game were not too high, thinking that they would be satisfied if they could enter the round of 16.

As a result, the Celestial Empire played too well and advanced with a complete victory.

This has ignited the flame of hope for everyone, we seem to be quite strong, we must go further!

The basketball management is similar to the public's thinking, and they can only play a slogan of learning and communication before the game, which shows that the basketball management has little confidence in the team.

But now it's different, Chai Wensheng officially held a meeting and issued the task goal, that is, to enter 8 and fight for 4

For this goal, the players have no objection, saying that it is a fight for 4.In fact, the main goal is to reach the top 8.

After a series of victories, the confidence of the Celestial Empire players has been played, not to mention that Serbia's previous wild words have angered everyone, and they are ready to give them some color to see.

There is also the fact that everyone is convinced of Han Zhe, Han Zhe's role and performance in these games are obvious to all, with Han Zhe, they seem to have taken a reassuring pill, thinking that the so-called strong team seems to be just like that, and they are all worn by Han Zhe!

This time, Chai Wensheng led the team with a straight chest, and he walked with a tiger, and the performance of the Celestial Empire team made his face shine.

Gong Luming is also smiling, this time he brings peace of mind, the key to winning comfort.

In the past, if you meet a team like Serbia, in fact, everyone is ready to lose.

But this time is different, they are not intimidated at all, and they are very confident to go further. _

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