The two teams fought, and the game came to an end for the time being, until 0:00 sharp, and the promotion match between the Celestial Empire and Brazil finally began.

This game is even very much watched by foreign media, let alone at home.

"I'm so nervous, can we make it to the final four?"

"I don't know until I play, but even if I lose, I can accept it, and it is a surprise to be able to enter the top 8, which is a rare good result in recent years. "

"I think we can win, isn't Brazil the only one who is good at football?"

"Upstairs looks like a layman, Brazilian basketball is not much worse than football, people have won the world championship, and the current international ranking is also in the top ten!"

"Then we still have to fight?"

"Nonsense, there must be a fight, don't forget that Han Zhe has been hanged a lot, Serbia is amazing, it's not that Han Zhe has been beaten!"

"Anyway, I'm really a bunker, I don't know if this ball will appear?"

"The ghost knows, Zone is too mysterious, we mortals don't understand it at all!"

"Why do you want to do so much, Han Zhe doesn't use the Zone, he didn't have a Zone before, and he didn't walk in the NBA before. "


CCTV is making an opening introduction here: "Today's Celestial Dynasty team's starting backcourt is still Han Zhe and Guo Allen, and the other three are Zhou Peng, Yi Jianlian and Wang Zhelin. "

Zhang Weiping continued: "Today's Brazilian starters are Barbossa, Vallejo, Vieira, Hulsta and Split, these players should also be familiar to everyone, most of them are NBA players, especially Split just reached the finals with the Spurs last season. "

Su Qun said: "The only change in Brazil's starting line is that Vallejo starts, Vallejo used to play as a substitute for Nene before, but Vallejo is not weak, and it is rumored that the Cavaliers are ready to renew his contract and will give him a big contract." "

Some viewers of the Celestial Empire who don't know much about Brazil are listening to it coldly, and the Brazilian players seem to have a lot of background!

However, when everyone saw Han Zhe, their hearts were more steady, no matter how far they came, there was no Han Zhehang, and we also have two active NBA players, don't be cowardly!

Before the start of the game, the two teams did not have the tension they imagined, and of course, it was not very friendly.

However, Split and Vallejo took the initiative to say hello to Han Zhe, although they are not very familiar with each other, they often meet in the NBA, especially Split, who is very handsome and impressive.

Han Zhe also smiled and touched them

Barbossa hesitated, but was still too embarrassed to come forward to fight

Instead, Han Zhe took the initiative to step forward and punch him, and said with a smile: "Man, you seem to be from the Suns, I remember being tripped by you before, and it hurt a lot." "

Barbossa was grateful and embarrassed: "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to, as for the team, I just transferred to the Warriors." "

Han Zhe was just joking, smiled and said that it was okay, and congratulated him on joining the Warriors, after all, the Warriors are much stronger than the Suns.

After Han Zhe left, Barbossa said: "I think Han is very good, and he doesn't have any fights, why do so many people say that he has a bad temper?"

Split said: "If you provoke him, you know if he has a good temper!"

Barbossa really doesn't know much about Han Zhe, because he is too miserable in the NBA, he is a homeless man who often takes short contracts, and he has no common circle with players like Han Zhe.

Players like Split have more contact with Han Zhe, except on the field, they can occasionally meet at some parties and dinners.

Soon the referee signaled for both sides to be seated.

Jumping the ball, Wang Zhelin grabbed the first point with his height advantage and dialed the ball to Zhou Peng, who brought the ball to the front court and paid the fee to Guo Allen and began to cut and pull in the air.

Guo Allen faced Barbossa's defense, and actually rushed in with him.

Not only did the audience cheer, but Han Zhe was also amused, usually Allen Guo is the master who is bullied with his body, but he didn't expect that today he actually beat his opponent with his body, and he also succeeded.

In fact, this is also the main reason why Barbossa can't mix in the NBA, 191's height is not short as a guard, but his body is too thin and his confrontation is not good at all.

In terms of physical condition, he is almost the same level as Guo Allen.

Guo Allen was killed by Split after cutting inside, don't look at the Split, but the pace is quite flexible.

Guo Allen made a decisive move, and Han Zhe, who was inserted in the back, received the ball and passed Hursta with an acceleration and change of direction.

Originally, Han Zhe could already shoot at this time, but I don't know if he developed a habit in magic, that is, he wanted to dunk the basket when he saw the basket for the first time.

Following his heart, Han Zhe stepped under the basket in two steps, and Wang Zhelin just wanted to help with the position, but was squeezed away by Valejo.

Han Zhe still didn't hesitate, rushed to Valejo, flashed left and right continuously, and then took off to slash successfully.

As for Valejo, it was too late to jump.

Han Zhe is simply a nightmare for a big guy like Vallejo, who can shake them in a few clicks.

Listening to the coach shouting to concentrate, Vallejo spread his hands very innocently, his attention was already very concentrated, okay, this is the brain reacted, the body did not react, he was also desperate! When Brazil counterattacked, the Celestial Empire was also very uncomfortable.

Brazil obviously studied the Celestial Empire team thoroughly, and they didn't fight with them at all, and today it seemed that they were ready to play the twin tower tactics, and they gave the ball to the inside line when they changed hands.

For example, in this ball just now, Split singled Yi Jianlian and ate it very easily.

Gong Luming also frowned a little, their internal line is indeed a problem, whether it is Yi Jianlian, Wang Zhizhi or Wang Zhelin, they are not good in terms of physical confrontation.

The subsequent matches proved that Brazil were using this as a breaking point, with Vallejo and Split scoring the majority of their goals.

This is a conspiracy, they are bullying your inner line, you know it's okay!_

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