The Celestial Empire didn't start well, and their attack success rate was a little worse than Brazil's.

To add insult to injury, Han Zhe is obviously not in the best state today, and it is good to put two shots in four shots on ordinary players, but for Han Zhe, this shooting rate is not normal.

Han Zhe had a little headache, knowing that this was a zone side effect that had not been completely eliminated, and the key was that the schedule was too tight and the rest time was seriously insufficient.

When Han missed another three-point shot, he decisively changed his style of play, that is, he cut the inside line when he got the ball, and he was closer to the basket, and the shooting rate would naturally increase.

On the other hand, the physical exertion will be greater, as it will require him to increase the amount of runs and breakthroughs.

After seeing Han Zhe's score tend to stabilize, Gong Luming on the sidelines was finally relieved, otherwise they would have played harder.

After the first quarter, the Celestial Dynasty still fell behind by 6 points, which was the result of the overall suppression of the interior, not only did they not get up in the scoring rate, but they also suffered in rebounding.

Another point is that Han Zhe's output today is a little worse than usual, and he only scored one three-pointer in the first quarter, which is abnormal.

During the break, Gong Luming focused his tactics on defense, since he couldn't score up, he had to limit the opponent's points as much as possible, and he couldn't let the score difference continue to widen.

In the second quarter, Brazil looked for Vallejo after kick-off, and although Wang Zhelin worked hard, he was still thrown by Vallejo's single hook.

When the Celestial Empire attacked, Han Zhe was still stuck at this point, but Han Zhe found that their attention was all on him, and Guo Allen should have a good chance.

After distributing the ball to Allen Guo, he shook off his opponent and made a decisive three-point shot, but the shot missed.

The rebound was also confiscated by Split to organize a counterattack.

Guo Allen looked depressed, he could find that Han Zhe was not in a very good state today, but he had a lot of opportunities after Han Zhe attracted the bag, but the helpless thing was that he was not very good at today's crosshairs, and he was currently only 4 in three points, with a 25% shooting rate.

When Brazil counterattacked, Yi Jianlian chose to foul Split, who made one of two free throws, and the difference reached 7 points.

In the next round of attack, Han Zhe broke Guo Allen and created a good opportunity for him.

It's a pity that Allen Guo lost again!

Gong Luming on the sidelines was so anxious that he stomped his feet, he wanted to spray Guo Allen twice, but he couldn't say what he felt about it, and it was not appropriate to blame him!

When Brazil attacked, the Celestial Empire naturally focused on the interior defense, but Brazil played with complete confidence, and Hursta hit a three-point shot without a defense.

Seeing that the score difference was pulled to double digits, the audience of the Celestial Empire was not calm at first, and they all began to cheer for the home team crazily, although everyone was satisfied with entering the quarterfinals, but who didn't want to go further?

Su Qun was also a little worried: "The overall performance of the Celestial Empire team today is not very good, especially young players like Guo Allen, the strength is there, but the ability to resist pressure is still poor, the two opportunities just now are very good, but they didn't grasp it." "

Zhang Weiping said: "In fact, Xiao Guo played wrong, that is, the feel is a little worse, our problem is a little bit of a loss one-on-one, Brazil's twin tower combination is not easy to break, now look at the long-range shooting percentage to mention, this is our advantage, if it is played, there is still a chance." "

Fortunately, this round of attack Zhou Peng ran the position

Brazil attacked, Vallejo took the ball and squeezed Wang Zhelin away when the latter was about to dunk, the latter fouled, Vallejo hit both free throws and continued to maintain the advantage.

The Celestial Empire attacked, and seeing that Guo Allen had a little iron in his hand, Han Zhe still chose to go on his own.

After two people cut to the inside line, they threw the ball in, which made the audience applaud like thunder, and the ball was very imposing.

Next, Han Zhe worked hard, defended actively, attacked fiercely, and after the second quarter, he narrowed the difference to 5 points with his personal performance.

The confidence of the audience of the Celestial Empire is back, but the atmosphere of the Celestial Empire lounge is different.

The players were a little silent, Han Zhe was sweating profusely and lying on the side to receive a massage to relax, it was only half the game, and Han Zhe was already tired.

His body was not in the best condition, and he rushed too hard before, so he was naturally a little unbearable.

Gong Luming has nothing to explain, just encourages the players and cheers them up.

Gong Luming knew in his heart that this was the overall strength gap, if it wasn't for Han Zhe's support, they might have almost knelt at halftime, and it was already good to be able to play to this extent.

Although Gong Luming is mentally prepared to accept defeat, he will never give up easily.

In the second half, personnel adjustments were made, and Wang Zhizhi and Zhu Fangyu came on as substitutes.

Wang Zhizhi is because he has rich experience in competitions and has a good mid-to-long range shot, which is also a characteristic of Celestial Empire basketball, and most of the interior players are not bad at shooting, such as Yao Ming, who can also throw three points!

As for Zhu Fangyu, his ferocious defense can obviously come in handy today!

The third quarter turned out to be a bit odd, with Brazil shooting seemingly higher, but the score was firmly bitten.

The Celestial Empire seems to play a little floating, for example, Wang Zhizhi often runs to the outside to respond or shoot.

On the contrary, Han Zhe often runs the inside line to stay.

The strange thing is that the result is not bad, the hit rate of the Celestial Empire is not bad, and Guo Allen's hand has rebounded, and now he and Wang Zhizhi often make medium and long range throws.

Brazil is obviously a little confused by the Celestial Empire, for example, Han Zhe is treated as a bag on the outside, but now that Han Zhe has pulled it in, do they all go to stay on the inside?

There is also Wang Zhizhi, Brazil didn't care much about him at first, after all, what kind of trouble is it for you to stand on the outside as a center player?

However, when Wang Zhizhi hit a three-point shot and a two-point shot, Brazil was not calm.

But Brazil is more difficult, it is very difficult for defenders to defend Wang Zhizhi alone, Wang Zhizhi's physical fitness is crushing, his height advantage can also be directly bukkake, and his feet are still very flexible.

If Wang Zhizhi is trapped, then Han Zhe will definitely teach them to be human beings.

Pull the tall man out of the inside line to prevent Wang Zhizhi?

They're pretty much crazy!

The inside line is Brazil's strength, and they can't afford to give it up.

To be honest, even Gong Luming didn't expect that Wang Zhizhi would receive miraculous results by fighting like this, but the key is that Han Zhe is contained, and Brazil does not dare to divide his troops in the past, otherwise he would not be able to fight so smoothly.

Han Zhe is also playing more comfortably now, anyway, most of the offense is completed by his teammates, he is only responsible for containing and responding, and his physical consumption is much smaller.

Han Zhe gradually became inactive, and Brazil naturally began to ignore it, preparing to pull the defensive center of gravity to the outside.

But as soon as they loosened, the outside line began to make balls for Han Zhe, and Han Zhe made them pull back the center of gravity of the defense with a dunk and a shot, and they were so depressed that they couldn't do it.

There's no way, the outside shooting percentage is always not as high as Han Zhe's inside ball, and the shadow of the famous tree of the person, if you don't focus on defending Han Zhe, you can't say it!

At the end of the third quarter, the Brazilian coach also had a little headache, and it was currently 63-60, and the difference was narrowed to within one goal by the Celestial Empire!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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