The Celestial Empire saved some of the situation, which made the major broadcast platforms cheer up, I thought it was a massacre, who would have thought that the last quarter of the Celestial Empire actually narrowed the score difference sharply, which is remarkable.

Except for supporters of the United States, no one likes to watch a one-sided game, and the competitive game is more enjoyable if you can keep the suspense back and forth.

However, with the consumption of physical energy, the disadvantages of the Celestial Empire have also been revealed, and they have a gap with the United States in terms of physical fitness and individual skills.

Zhou Pengce was cut off by Guy just after two steps, and the United States counterattacked, and Owen seized the opportunity to shoot three points again, and the difference was expanded to 8 points.

Zhou Peng apologized with a guilty face, he knew how serious the mistake was at this moment.

However, his teammates didn't blame him, everyone worked hard today, no one wanted to make mistakes, but this is the stadium, mistakes are inevitable, all they can do is concentrate and try to minimize the number of mistakes. The Celestial Dynasty quickly kicked off and attacked, and as soon as Han Zhe got the ball on the outside, Shashewski couldn't help but shout at the ball 237 players to follow closely, and Han Zhe was exploding They could certainly feel it.

Harden also got serious, keeping a half-step distance from Han Zhe to guard against three points, Han Zhe's explosiveness was stronger than him, and he jumped half a position over Harden with one start.

Harden didn't look at the five big and three thick, but he turned around and was a little dissatisfied, and when he turned around, he half-leaned on Han Zhe with his body, and faintly dragged Han Zhe in his hand to prevent him from rushing up.

It seemed that Han Zhe was hopeless, and when everyone thought he would share the ball, Han Zhe suddenly threw a shot while running.

Harden's first reaction was that they couldn't score, because they were now quite far from the basket, and the running speed was not slow, how reluctant this shot was, or how sloppy it could be said.

However, the ball was accurately placed in the basket amid an exclamation.

O'Neal was also about to say that he was about to grab a rebound, but he was immediately slapped in the face, which made Barkley laugh, and said: "Han is really crazy and inexplicable, this ball Harden defense has actually done a good job, but Han didn't do it at all."

The players of the Celestial Dynasty also slapped Han Zhe, although Han Zhe played a little alone in this ball, they didn't care at all, because now that Mi Guo is playing very seriously, they don't have much room to shoot.

The most important thing is that they don't have a big heart like Han Zhe, the more they get to the end, the more nervous they become, and now every goal may affect the final championship, and the more they pay attention to the shot, the more they tremble.

Mi Guo attacked, and soon hit the ball into the penalty area, Davis was just caught by Wang Zhelin and Yi Jianlian as soon as he got the ball, and Davis had no choice but to share the ball with Drummond.

A scene that made Shashewski crazy appeared, as soon as De got the ball, he was forcibly fouled by Zhou Peng's arm.

Su Qun couldn't help but laugh, "Tian is playing very smartly now, Dede was sent to the free throw line as soon as he touched the ball, which is obviously using the famous shark cutting tactic."

Zhang Weiping said: "This tactic seems to be very reasonable at present, that is, to seize the opponent's weakness and chase and fight, but the Celestial Empire also has to pay attention, if I remember correctly, Zhou Pengdu, except for Wang Zhelin who just came on the field, the other people have also committed a lot of fouls."

On TNT's side, O'Neill is also complaining, saying that he hates this

Smith and Barkley laughed again, because the shark-cutting tactic was invented to target O'Neal.

In fact, this also proves O'Neal's unparalleled dominance at the beginning, and the shark cutting tactic was also a last resort, and even the NBA Dute (CGFA) changed the rules for this targeting.

Drummond's free throws were not a big deal this time, and he made one of two free throws to maintain the margin at 7 points.

Shashewski finally couldn't take it anymore and asked for a substitution, replacing Drummond with Faried.

Although Drummond has a huge role on the defensive end, his weaknesses are obviously also big, and Shashewski wants to be foolproof in this game, so he naturally doesn't want to take risks, otherwise the Celestial Empire has been grabbing him and making free throws.

The Celestial Empire attacked, Guo Allen controlled the ball to the front court and Han Zhe quickly cut into the air.

Harden naturally followed, but Han Zhe made a quick stop and returned to the outside, and Harden reacted quickly to follow, but Yi Jianlian blocked him in time.

Guy who assisted in the defense was still two or three steps away from Han Zhe, and Han Zhe pulled out his hand and hit a three-point shot.

"Beautiful, Han Zheyong is unstoppable, his three points are still accurate, and now the difference has been narrowed to four points, now there are more than two minutes before the end of the game, we still have a chance, as long as the Celestial Empire team continues to persevere, we may win the first world championship." Su Qun was almost stunned.

The audience of the Celestial Empire also became excited when they heard Su Qun's passionate encouragement, they were all a little like in a dream, they didn't dare to imagine that the Celestial Empire could come to this point before.

This surprise is too big, the Celestial Empire team not only reached the finals, but now they are also fighting to chase the score, and the dream team is inseparable.

Before, almost everyone reported that they were still honoring the game, but now they have the same idea as Su Qun, maybe we can really compete for the championship!

The United States attacked, Owen missed the shot, Faried was in a good position, grabbed the first point, and after faking the shot to attract Yi Jianlian to come over to defend, he distributed the ball to Davis.

Davis played a little aggrieved during this time, the ball completely exploded, rushed to the basket like a bull and ignored Wang Zhelin's interception, and flew to dunk.

Wang Zhelin was knocked to the ground, not to mention, Davis also got a 2+1.

The audience in the United States also cheered suddenly, and they were holding their breath during this time, and Davis's ball finally made them feel refreshed.

Davis had a good hand and hit the free throw, and the United States led by 7 points again.

This goal made the audience sigh, and finally narrowed the difference to 4, but it was instantly opened again.

With two minutes left in the game and a seven-point difference, the opponent is still a strong dream team, and there seems to be little hope of reversing it.

Gong Luming called the last timeout, these two minutes were extremely critical, and he had to make careful tactical arrangements. _

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