The timeout ends, and the Celestial Empire kicks off.

There were two minutes left in the game, and although the United States had a big lead, it was still not careless at all, and pressed the whole court.

Guo Allen was so entangled by Owen that he almost couldn't pass the half, so he had no choice but to give the ball to Han Zhe, which was safer for Han Zhe to control the ball in this case.

The Celestial Empire has little chance, and at this time, if there is any mistake, it will be fatal~.

Han Zhe was also tired, but no one dared to underestimate him, and Harden could only follow Han Zhe's rhythm to defend and retreat.

As soon as he reached the top of the arc, Han Zhe suddenly accelerated to start the inside cut, Harden turned around and quickly followed, and Guy also ran to help defend the package as soon as possible, because they thought that at this node Han Zhe should choose to break through the strong shot by himself.

As a result, they thought wrongly, Han Zhe attracted the defender and gave the ball to Yi Jianlian.

This made the defense of the United States a little chaotic, and they all rushed to prepare for the block.

Yi Jianlian ended up making a fake throwing posture to deceive the defense and then distributed the ball to the outside Guo Allen.

As soon as Guo Allen received the ball, Shashewski burst into foul language, because Owen, who was supposed to be staring at Guo Allen, couldn't help but chase the ball, and now it was completely too late to return to defense, and when there were still two steps away from Guo Allen, the opponent had already pulled out his hand.


The ball hit the basket, and it was obvious that Guo Allen shook after hearing the sound of iron.

Players on both sides squeezed desperately to the basket to grab the rebound.

As a result, the basketball played a joke with everyone, and after playing the board, it tossed back and forth on the basket a few times and fell into the basket.

Seeing the ball scored, the Celestial Empire audience screamed in surprise, and the bench players also jumped up and waved towels desperately.

Han Zhe breathed a sigh of relief, if the ball hit iron and the rebound was lost again, even he would not have the confidence to chase the score, but fortunately, Guo Allen did not disappoint everyone.

Gong Luming wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, this offensive tactic was arranged by him.

He knows that the best way to chase points now is undoubtedly to shoot three points, and the most stable one to shoot three points must be Han Zhe, but he doesn't have to think about it to know how closely Mi will look at Han Zhe.

Therefore, Gong Luming simply asked Han Zhe to attract firepower, and then made the illusion of hitting the basket to create opportunities for Guo Allen on the outside.

There are still four points left in the difference, and the Celestial Empire has no time to celebrate, so he turns his head and begins to press man-to-man, it is best to steal or force the opponent to make a mistake, even if he can't, he has to force the opponent to shoot as soon as possible, they are running out of time.

Mi Guo still gave the ball to Owen, who had the most stable control of the ball, and at this time Guo Allen had already switched defenses with Han Zhe, because Guo Allen could put enough pressure on Owen, and Han Zhe could disrupt their scheduled rhythm.

In the face of Han Zhe's close pressing, Owen didn't dare to be careless at all, and wanted to use his body to lean on Han Zhe to delay some time, but he obviously forgot that Han Zhe's strength was perverted, so he couldn't help but start moving his feet, and the rhythm of ball control was also a little chaotic.

Owen chose to give the ball to Guy who answered for safety.

Guy broke out very strongly, and Zhou Peng struggled to defend him, and he was soon left behind.

Yi Jianlian made up the defense quickly, and Guy stopped and pulled back when he took the ball to the free throw line, obviously wanting to delay a little longer and wait for his teammates to settle down.

However, Han Zhe, who caught up, did not choose to foul at the first time.

Gong Luming nodded on the sidelines, this is a good choice, what is needed most is time, and there is nothing wrong with decisively committing fouls.

But this was also Han Zhe's last chance to foul, and he had to be sent off again.

When Guy reached the free throw line, the sky began to stir up, hoping that it would be a little iron.

Guy has a softer hand and the first penalty is very stable hollow.

In the second penalty, as soon as the ball went out, Han Zhe had a bad premonition, because he could clearly see that the ball was crooked.

"Grab the rebound!" Han Zhe yelled and rushed to the left side of the rebound.

Han Zhe's judgment was very accurate, the ball was very crooked, and he only brushed the left basket and flew out.

Han Zhe's position was also very good, and the landing point was above his head, however, what made him desperate was that Brother Thick Eyebrows and Faried were also stuck at this point, Brother Thick Eyebrows almost pressed him to jump, his body couldn't move at all, and Wang Zhelin was also squeezed by Faried and couldn't jump at all.

Thick eyebrows flicked in the air, and the ball rolled into the basket.

What can Han Zhe say, he can only say that Mi Guo is ruthless enough, this ball is obviously deliberately hit by Guy, and the left deviation of the shot should have been discussed with his teammates, so that they know in advance the direction of the ball to grab the point.

The audience of the Celestial Empire was also a little desperate.

"Make no mistake, this ball looks like it was premeditated."

"Mi Guo is so fat, he actually scored three points, and the key was success."

"This Nima routine is too deep."

"Is the number 7 points cursed, it's 7 points when you call it around."

"It seems that there is no hope, so regretful, it seems that the dream of the first crown has left me."

······· Asking for flowers...


With one minute and thirty-two seconds left in the game, the score was 103-96, and the Celestial Empire trailed by seven points.

The Celestial Empire kicked off under the interference of the United States, and Han Zhe started it instantly, and quickly rushed to the front court with the ball.

Breaking through the inside cut, Harden followed, and Guy was the first to wrap up.

This time, Owen also kept a close eye on Guo Allen, obviously not wanting to make the same mistake again.

When they all thought that Han Zhe would share the ball again, Han Zhe shook off Harden with an emergency stop and changed hands, and then instantly changed direction and started past Guy.

When the two turned around to chase the defense, Han Zhe's action was unexpected, only to see him make another emergency stop and then turn around and run back to the three-point line.

At this time, Harden and Guy were completely stunned, Harden's center of gravity was completely unmoving, Guy forcibly turned around, and as a result, he fell to the ground with a fork.


Han Zhe hit a three-point jumper.

"Han Zhe's three-point score is so exciting, it completely shook Harden, Guy was even more shaken to the ground, the score narrowed, we still have a chance." Su Qun almost stood up and yelled.

With 1 minute and 24 seconds left in the game, the Celestial Empire was 4 years behind.

Mi kicked off, this time they hit the Celestial Empire by surprise, I thought that Mi Guo would continue to drag out time, but they did the opposite, came to a fast pass and fast play, and it only took 6 seconds to complete an attack, and Faried dunked the basketball.

The difference widened to 6 points.

Han Zhe couldn't help but scold his mother, they couldn't say that they had played badly during this time, but Mi Guo could always stabilize the score difference, and he really didn't give them a chance at all.

What Han Zhe didn't know was that Mi Guo was scolding his mother, and the trend of the game was completely beyond expectations, and no one expected that the Celestial Empire would force them to this extent.

You must know that they are a dream team, and what is the Celestial Empire, it is just a third-rate team that can't qualify for Asia.

Especially the head coach of the United States, Shashewski, is going crazy, and now his little heart has to shake every ball in the Celestial Empire.

He can imagine that if Mi Guo not only failed to win the championship under his leadership, but was also defeated by the Celestial Empire, he would definitely be drowned in saliva.

Many commentators began to say that this was a crazy game, the overlord didn't look like a hegemon, and the weak team didn't have the consciousness of the weak team, so it was completely messed up.

Of course, it is undeniable that such a game is more exciting, and the explosion of ratings on various live stations is the best proof of this. _

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