Han Zhe and Bayer participated in the post-game press conference, and the reporters first congratulated the Magic on their four-game winning streak, and then began to ask various questions.

"Coach Bayer, they all say that the Magic are the favorites for the championship, is that your goal this season?"

"Every team in the NBA wants to win a championship, but I don't think it's useful to talk about it now, we should focus on the present, and our goal now is to try to make the playoffs. "

"Nurkic and Olapodi have been doing well in these rounds, do they have a chance to play in the Magic?"

"What do you mean by having a chance to play in the main team? They are the main team now, but there are only five starting places. "

The reporter aimed at Han Zhe on the side again.

"Han, do you have the confidence to hit the scoring title this season? If you win the scoring title again, you will have won this honor for three consecutive seasons. "

"There is definitely confidence, although there are a lot of NBA players now, such as James, Durant, Westbrook, Harden, Curry, Irving and others have the quality to compete for the scoring title and MVP, but I firmly believe that I will beat them. "

"Can you comment on Nets rookie Bojan, you know that there aren't many rookies who can score double-doubles on your head. "

"Of course, seriously, I can't believe he's just a second-round pick, he's in good physical condition, he's got a good shot IQ, his future is definitely very bright, and the Nets made a lot of money on this deal. "

After Han Zhe finished speaking, there was an uproar, although they planned to fry Bo Yang, but they were just to fry it, but they didn't expect Han Zhe to have such a high opinion of Bo Yang.

Han Zhe is not a master who likes to praise people, even if he has been the champion, he never pays attention to it.

Whether it is Davis in the same year or Wiggins this year, he has bullied him all the way, and the key is not to praise a good word.

Later, a reporter joked: "Speaking of unexpected second-round shows, you are still in the first place." "

After saying this, he immediately attracted a burst of laughter, if he didn't mention it, he almost forgot that Han Zhe was also a second-round show, but this is true, who dares to compare with him in the NBA, because of his BUG-like performance in recent seasons, few people still remember that he is only a second-round show.

He was the leading scorer in his rookie season, and last season he won the scoring title while also winning MVP and FMVP, which is unique.

Originally, the atmosphere at the scene was not bad, but suddenly a reporter from the Celestial Empire asked a relatively cold question, "Han Zhe, I heard that you have bought a lot of luxury cars during this time, and some netizens questioned why you didn't donate this money to the fund. "

Some foreign media who know Chinese whispered, which was a question for the reporter who talked about the Celestial Empire.

Before Han Zhe could speak, a reporter from the Celestial Empire followed suit and began to ask questions, but there were also reporters who angrily reprimanded their peers, and the scene was suddenly a little chaotic.

After waiting for the press officer to maintain order, Han Zhe finally spoke angrily.

"I don't care if the so-called netizens asked or you said it, but I just want to say that there is something wrong with the brain that said this. "

"From the establishment of my fund to the present in such a short period of time, my personal capital injection has exceeded 30 million US dollars, and there are 200 million yuan in RMB. "

"I'm worth a lot now, but it's better than what I have, why don't you ask others how much they donate, and I ask you again, how much have you contributed to charity, and the netizens who said this have done it?"

"I'm not a saint, do I have to donate all my money if I don't have a lot of money? I can't buy a few cars?"

"Now I'm going to tell you clearly, I can spend the money I earn as much as I like, it's your business, I not only bought a car, but I will continue to buy it, and I only buy the expensive one, me?"

After Han Zhe finished speaking, he slapped the table angrily and turned around and exited the venue, leaving a group of stunned reporters and a confused Bayer.

Bayer couldn't understand Chinese, and he didn't understand why Han Zhe suddenly went berserk.

Bayer then got up and announced that the press conference was over, and he had to ask Han Zhe what happened, and he didn't want off-court factors to affect Han Zhe's state.

The venue was lively all of a sudden, the foreign media were asking what was going on, the reporters of the Celestial Empire were arguing, and many people were angrily asking reporters.

Of course, it will always be indispensable to add fuel to the fire, and this is big news, they stood with the reporter who asked the question, loudly condemning Han Zhe for his profligacy, being unkind to the rich, and starting to play big names.

It doesn't matter what they think in their hearts, it doesn't matter whether Han Zhe is wrong or not, what matters is how to write it to be newsworthy.

Now everyone is accustomed to writing how good Han Zhe is and how good the data is, if there is some negative news, it will explode!



The Celestial Empire has completely fried the pot.

Because the media was on the front page of Han Zhe everywhere, he didn't write much about yesterday's game, but focused on the post-match press conference.

The key media did not have a unified caliber this time, and even attacked each other.

Like what:

"Han Zhe spendthriftly bought luxury cars!"

Han Zhe played a big name and angrily scolded reporters. "

Han Zhe was questioned about doing fake charity, and he was annoyed and angry. "

"Is it wrong to do charity? Han Zhe was attacked and slandered. "

"Donating 210 million RMB in two years is still questioned, where is the conscience of some media?"

"Is it wrong to spend your own money? "

"When you scolded Han Zhe, think about what you did?"

Many netizens are confused, I don't know what the media is crazy about, Han Zhe is in trouble again?

Many newspapers are out of stock early in the morning, and when people read all the editions, they all have a preliminary understanding of what is going on.

Not only are there discussions on the streets and alleys, but the major forums on the Internet have exploded.

"Are these media sick, even if they make money, they can only live a poor life?"

"I don't think there's anything wrong with it, the money from buying luxury cars can help a lot of people with charity. "

"Hehe, Han Zhe donated 200 million, as far as I know, he has helped a lot of people, what about you, how much have you donated?"

"I only have a few thousand salaries a month, can I compare with him, if I have a few hundred million, I will definitely donate it all. "

"Thousands of dollars are reluctant to donate a little, how many hundred million are you still willing to do? "

Han Zhe actually said that he would continue to buy luxury cars or expensive ones, which was too arrogant. "

"I can't figure it out, where are other people who have money to buy their own cars to provoke you, you have to eat instant noodles with you to be a good person, right?"

"Support Han Zhe, there are too many people with pink eye now, and I can't see others well, so I asked how many people in the country donate more than Han Zhe's personal donations, which can also spray the real life situation. "


The incident intensified, and even many TV stations invited many experts to talk about this topic that day, which instantly became a hot topic in society. _

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