I don't know if the mood affected the state, Han Zhe played a little abnormally in the game against the Raptors the next day, and only got 19+8 data after playing 37 minutes, which was the worst game Han Zhe played this season.

However, it was the Magic who narrowly won the game, with Walker scoring 23 points and Leonard putting in an impressive performance, scoring a game-high 29 points.

Han Zhe's matter is also reported here, everyone knows what's going on, as soon as the game is over, Walker came over and put his arm around his shoulders and said: "Still thinking about that? The reporters are all big idiots, don't care what they do, if you want me to say that you don't donate a penny in the future, how good it is to use this money to find some girls, singers and movie stars can sleep casually, and go as they say." "

Han Zhe slapped his paws away and said with disdain: "That's all you have, if I want to find a girl, I still need to spend money?"

This made Walker lose his temper, Han Zhe is now a big celebrity, regardless of his worth and fame, he is top-notch, the key is that he is still handsome, I don't know how many celebrities are willing to post it upside down, if he can have some scandals with Han Zhe, he can follow the fire.

Ibaka also came over to this and said, "Didn't Stewart take the initiative to stuff you with a strip last time, although that girl likes to, but she looks really good, and it's okay to play, but it's a pity that he has a bad eyesight and didn't look for me, hey!"

Han Zhe knew that what Ibaka said was naturally the twilight heroine.

"Come on, he's a lala, I'm not good at this. Han Zhe shook his head.

Walker immediately said: "People are both men and women, this kind of talent is exciting, if you don't like it, you can give it to the brothers, the number is more ~ less, hurry up and hand it over." "

"The number has long been thrown away, go back to your own house and play yourself. "

After Han Zhe finished speaking, he flashed, too lazy to talk to these two scumbags, these two guys are energetic when they talk about women, and they can talk to you all night.

After returning to the hotel, Han Zhe turned on the computer and looked at the domestic news and Weibo, and his teeth were a little angry, and he couldn't figure it out.

However, after browsing Weibo and major forums, Han Zhe's anger has disappeared a lot, keyboard warriors are everywhere, and if he is angry with them, he will not be alive for a long time.

And most of the majority of netizens are still sensible, and they are helping him complain, and only a few keyboard warriors who call themselves righteous people continue to spray people unrelentingly.

After a day of fermentation, the next day, the People's Daily actually published a commentator's article on the matter.

Han Zhe's car purchase incident has become a social topic, and everyone has different opinions on it, and it has even escalated into an online scolding war. "

"What this newspaper wants to say here is that a person who has good intentions and contributes to society should be praised, not blamed. "

According to statistics, the organization has raised a total of more than 50 million US dollars, and Han Zhe's personal donation alone has exceeded 30 million US dollars. "

"The fund has made charitable donations to many impoverished areas, and has built more than 40 hope primary schools, more than 10 orphanages and more than 20 nursing homes, as well as a number of animal shelters, libraries, etc., and has been continuously injecting funds, and countless people have been helped by the fund. "

As for the media, they should be more cautious in their words and deeds, shoulder their social responsibilities, and cannot make up sensationalism for the sake of eyeball effect, let alone engage in moral kidnapping. "

As soon as this article came out, it was immediately praised countless times, and some media who planned to continue to stir up the situation even closed en masse.

····· Ask for flowers0

The People's Daily can be regarded as a weather vane, and now if there is still media to continue to attack Han Zhe, it will be a crime against the wind.

Many people are not surprised by the direction of this matter, Han Zhe is a national treasure-level athlete and a popular candidate for the May Day Medal, as long as he does not make a mistake of principle, it is difficult for anyone to move him.

And this incident Han Zhe is not a mistake at all, it is the norm to live in a luxury house and drive a luxury car when you have money, you see which boss in China is diligent and thrifty, even if there is, it is mostly a show.

The pursuit of a comfortable life is the nature of human beings, and if there are conditions to live a poor life, it is called pretending to be forced.

Now that the tone has been set, the Internet has begun to make big moves, although there are still some people clamoring, but the ban and deletion of posts are not ambiguous at all, and this turmoil has gradually begun to subside.


Liu Yan called Han Zhe to inform him of the good news as soon as possible, although she had been posting in support of Han Zhe before, it was like a drop of waves in the sea, it had no effect.

Although Han Zhe knew that this kind of fishing boat would not have a substantial impact on him, he was still quite responsive.

Hearing this news, the mood is indeed much better, the key is that the above attitude makes him very satisfied, at least to prove that what he has done is positive above.

Han Zhe, who was in a better mood, was happy to mention a new car when he returned to Orlando, a high-end version of the Maybach 62s, which is a luxury car with the standard configuration of the rich, and Han Zhe spent almost 4 million US dollars.

After picking up the car, Han Zhe specially asked Paul to take him out for a long walk, and when he went back, he still stopped at the entrance of the community and said hello to the domestic reporter with a smile before leaving.

Some of the reporters present were crying and laughing, and some were constipated.

This is a completely childlike character, Han Zhe is like he wants to be stunned after winning a battle.

But Han Zhe really did what he said, he just clamored two days ago that he would continue to buy luxury cars, and he immediately cashed it out, and it was really expensive, you said that people are not angry!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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