Karp passed on his boxing skills, but today he saw a strange power in Lin Nan's eyes.

This is a force that young people aspire to upward.

He had a very simple, but ambitious dream.

He said that he didn't want to be bullied by anyone - this sentence sounded very childish, but Karp felt the perseverance and persistence in Lin Nan's heart.

He also wants to make the restaurant's sign famous all over the world!

Karp admires such a young man and is willing to wish him a hand, of course, this is an instinctive idea of Karp.

At the same time, he had other bad ideas.

As soon as Karp finished saying that he would start teaching Lin Nan boxing tomorrow, Lin Nan was still a little excited in his heart, this unexpected surprise came too suddenly.

"Tomorrow—of course! But Mr. Karp, can you stay here a little longer, so I can learn a little more!"

Lin Nan rubbed his palms and said with a smile.

"Then it depends on whether your hospitality is warm enough!" Karp laughed, stroked the white beard on his chin with his big hand, and said to Lin Nan with a deep inhalation in his eyes.

"Hospitality?" When Lin Nan heard this, he didn't really understand what Karp meant at first, but after seeing Karp's cunning face, he could understand what Karp was thinking in his stomach.

He rolled his eyes and said, "No problem, in the next month, I won't charge you any money for your meal, but there is only one meal per day, and you have to eat whatever the crew on our ship eats, right?"

Lin Nan thought about it and felt that there was nothing uneconomical, Karp taught himself boxing, and he took care of him three meals a day.

If he eats whatever we eat, it will definitely not cost much.

Besides, Jinping has to practice ramen and kneading techniques for a while, so the three meals for a while are inseparable from pasta, and it is estimated that it will not take half a month for Karp to vomit blood, even if it is a delicious thing, if you eat it for a long time, you will get tired of eating.

"What do you eat? I'll eat what I eat? Only one meal is limited?" Karp repeated what Lin Nan had just said, and thought to himself.

Lin Nan nodded: "That's right, what do we eat, you just have this, this should be no problem, right?"

Karp hesitated, then nodded heavily: "No problem, I'll eat whatever you eat." But boy, you have to think clearly, learning boxing is not as easy as you think! "

"Since you have said so, what am I afraid of? I Lin Nan don't like to eat anything, I like to endure hardship!" The corners of Lin Nan's mouth rose slightly, and a confident smile appeared on his face.

"That's what you say!"

Karp smiled sinisterly, he had already planned in his heart, and he knew how to deal with this kid.

It's not as easy as you think to learn boxing in the real sense!

"Well, I said it!" Lin Nan gritted his teeth and nodded firmly.

"Yes, boy, you have a lot of backbone, so see you tomorrow, and besides—you have to prepare a delicious meal in the morning!

Karp said, flexing his cloak of justice and striding away.

In Karp's mind, no matter what the restaurant does, it tastes like a must.

It doesn't matter what you eat, as long as you can make the tip of your tongue tremble for it.

"Old man Karp, walk slowly! Go out and turn right! Watch out for the stairs!"


Late at night, the coastal areas of the capital of seven waters are very quiet, and there is a hint of seafish in the air, which makes people have an endless aftertaste.

An open-capped bottle of '82 Lafite was placed on the bow of the boat, a candle sat behind the bottle, and in several other directions there were three wine glasses, filled with a clear red night.

The three of them sat on the bow of the boat, blowing a breeze that was cold and cold, but could bring pleasure to people's bodies.

"You said you were learning jiu-jitsu from Jinpei?"

As soon as Hawkeye Mihawk took a sip of Lafite, he was caught off guard by Lin Nan's words, and if he didn't hold back, he almost spit out the wine in his mouth.

"That's right, big brother Jinping, but he is a heroic person, if you say anything about it, teach me, he will teach me! I have never met such a cheerful person!"

Lin Nan smiled at Jinping beside him, picked up the wine glass, touched it with Jinping, and then drank on his back.

"Well, I have to say, you have a wide range of hobbies in martial arts. The corners of Hawkeye's mouth twitched, and he said weakly and stunned.

"That's nature. Lin Nan patted his chest and said with an oath.

Then his eyes fell on the red and clear wine night in the wine glass, and he saw that he was very fascinated: "By the way, Brother Jinping, I have made a plan for the next month, the old guy Karp is willing to teach me boxing, so that the boxing thing will be arranged every morning, and the matter of learning jiu-jitsu with you will be placed in the afternoon!"

Lin Nan said to himself-


Who knows, after hearing this, Jinping and Hawkeye Mihawk spit out the red wine in their mouths at the same time.

"What are you talking about?" asked Jinhei, surprised.

"Karp wants to teach you boxing? is that stinky old man who sat at the table with the red-haired in the restaurant today?" Hawkeye Mihawk wiped the red wine from the corner of his mouth with a hand towel and looked at Lin Nan in a daze.

"yes, that's him, isn't it?"

Lin Nan spread his hands and said very puzzled.

"It's-it's not impossible, it's just a little too surprising-" Hawkeye Mihawk's face sank, "Karp is a navy, he should also know that you are a sea thief with a bounty of 200 million, it's already weird that he didn't catch you, but I didn't expect that he would be willing to teach you boxing?

"It's not just ridiculous—it's hell around!" said Jinpei echoed.

"What nonsense are you talking about, I made an agreement with him, don't I often tell you that there is no free lunch in the world? Do you think he is willing to teach me boxing?" Lin Nan rolled his eyes and said.

"Of course not—but, I guess, that guy should be thinking about the food on our ship, right?" Listening to Lin Nan's words, Hawkeye Mihawk quickly understood what was going on.

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