"That's right—in exchange, I won't charge him any money for him to come to our restaurant for dinner this month, so let's take it as tuition! "

"That guy - old treacherous and cunning!" Hawkeye Mihawk said again, slanderingly

Lin Nan picked up the wine glass again, his arm hanging in the air, and motioned for a toast.

Jinping and Hawkeye Mihawk watched as they raised their glasses, and the two of them raised their glasses one after another.

In the night, the three wine glasses collided together, and with a crisp 'ding' sound, the three of them drank the remaining red wine in the ginger cups together.

"I'm going to get stronger. "

Lin Nan drank a lot of Lafite, Junyi's face was slightly flushed, he looked up at the bright moonlight in the sky, and murmured softly.

"As you get stronger, others are getting stronger. Hawkeye Mihawk didn't show any mercy and struck a blow.

"What if I put in more effort than others?" Lin Nan retracted his gaze and turned to look at Hawkeye Mihawk seriously.

"That's a different story. Hawkeye Mihawk felt Lin Nan's sincere gaze, and his face was lost for a moment.

"My own fruit ability, Jinping's jiu-jitsu, Karp's boxing, if-if-" Lin Nan muttered, and when he said that at the same time, he couldn't help but look sideways at Hawkeye Mihawk who was nonchalant.

"What's wrong?"

After Hawkeye Mihawk felt Lin Nan's gaze, he felt uncomfortable, as if he had a feeling of being given to him by Lin Nan.

One second –

Two seconds –

Three seconds –

Half a minute passed, and Hawkeye Mihawk found that Lin Nan was still looking at him, and Hawkeye Mihawk was like thousands of ants climbing on his body, which was unbearable.

"Lin Nan, what are you going to do? Can you say anything directly? You make me very unhappy like this, you know?"

Hawkeye Mihawk finally couldn't stand it anymore and scolded Lin Nan.

"That's—Mr. Mihawk, there's one thing I'd like to discuss with you. Lin Nan rubbed his palms and said with a smile.

"Fart, let it go!" Hawkeye Mihawk scolded.

"Your swordsmanship—can you—" Lin Nan continued to rub his palms, however, before Lin Nan could finish his words, Hawkeye Mihawk seemed to have guessed what Lin Nan was going to say, he immediately glared at Hawkeye, and quickly interrupted Lin Nan's words, saying, "No! This is absolutely not good!"

"Full Banquet of Manchu and Han! One hundred and eight dishes—"

Lin Nan knew that Hawkeye Mihawk would decisively refuse, how could the world's number one swordsman easily teach his swordsmanship to others?

However, Lin Nan had already thought about it.

"Manchu and Han Banquet—"

Hawkeye Mihawk muttered these four words in his mouth-

When he was learning cooking from Lin Nan, Hawkeye Mihawk had already heard of this kind of vocabulary, and there were one hundred and eight dishes in the Manchu and Han banquets!

If you can learn these 100 dishes one day, then your cooking skills will reach a different level.

For the Manchu and Han seats, Hawkeye Mihawk is very concerned.

Hawk-eyed Mihawk also learned from Lin Nan's mouth that the Manchu and Han Dynasty banquets were what the court feasts during the Qing Dynasty - at that time, Lin Nan explained the court, and the explanation was the kingdom palace or something, probably with the same meaning, the Manchu and Han Dynasty banquets have the characteristics of the court, and the essence of the unique flavor of the place!

Highlight the special flavor of Manchu and Han cuisine!

Barbecue, hot pot, shabu-shabu! are almost indispensable dishes, and at the same time show the characteristics of Han cuisine!

Steaming, frying, frying, stir-frying——

There are a total of 108 kinds of dishes in the Manchu and Han Dynasty, 54 dishes in the south and 54 dishes in the north!

Eat it in three days!

Each dish is made of fine ingredients, and the delicacies of the mountains and seas are all-encompassing!

Although, when Lin Nan talked about this Manchu and Han banquet at that time, he talked about it for about half an hour, and he didn't know a lot of things he said, and he could only understand the general meaning, but it was precisely because Lin Nan said so much that Hawkeye was very curious about this Manchu and Han banquet, and many times, he wanted to beg Lin Nan to reveal a little bit of some of the dishes of the Manchu and Han banquet-

But he still can't put it down—

After all, he is a cold swordsman!

How can the world's No. 1 swordsman beg a restaurant owner?

No matter how much I like food, I don't have the face to beg others-

Now, this guy has started his own swordsmanship, and he also talked about the Manchu and Han Dynasty in a coercive and seductive manner-


It's so ruthless!

Hawkeye Mihawk was so angry that he looked directly at Lin Nan's very smiling face, stretched out a hand, and gave a big middle finger.

"Count you ruthless!"

Hawkeye Mihawk snapped the words out between his teeth.

"Brother, don't do this, I'm just humbly asking for your swordsmanship, and I don't mean anything else, why should you! But you can call me ruthless—have you already agreed?"

Lin Nan grinned, he smiled happily.

Hawkeye Mihawk turned his head away, no more talking.

However, Lin Nan saw what he meant from Hawkeye Mihawk's actions, in fact, he had already acquiesced, but his cold personality made him reluctant to say it in person.

Lin Nan smiled slightly, picked up Raffi himself for Hawkeye Mihawk, poured red wine, and at the same time gave Jinping ginseng, and said, "Come!

Late at night, after drinking, several people washed up and returned to their respective rooms.

As soon as Lin Nan stepped into his room with one foot, he heard the sound of his daughter's even breathing while sleeping, and a smile couldn't help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

Then, he also glanced at the old lady who was quietly sleeping peacefully with his daughter.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay, this crazy woman, I didn't find to harass myself tonight-"

Let's say, Lin Nan lay on the chuang, this day is too tired, from tomorrow, it should be more tired!

Jinpei's Jiu-Jitsu!Karp's Boxing!Hawkeye's Swordsmanship!

You have to learn it yourself—

Just when Lin Nan was tired from a day of work and had closed his eyes, he sensed that someone seemed to be approaching him, and then suddenly opened his eyes, and pinched a lotus root arm as soon as he stretched out his hand.

Someone snorted, "Y-you're hurting someone!"

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